Control project for the Lift-arm. Works with ROS Melodic

Dependencies:   mbed Servo ros_lib_melodic ULN2003_StepperDriver Async_4pin_Stepper

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jun 03 21:40:04 2021 +0000
Commit message:
Initial commit

Changed in this revision

lib/Async_4pin_Stepper.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lib/Servo.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
lib/ULN2003_StepperDriver.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
src/MotorControl.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
src/MotorControl.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
src/encoder.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
src/encoder.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
src/main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
src/motor.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
src/motor.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/Async_4pin_Stepper.lib	Thu Jun 03 21:40:04 2021 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/Servo.lib	Thu Jun 03 21:40:04 2021 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/ULN2003_StepperDriver.lib	Thu Jun 03 21:40:04 2021 +0000
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--- a/src/MotorControl.cpp	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
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-/* Karbot motor control class
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 27/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
- * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
- * 
- */
- #include "mbed.h"
- #include "motor.h"
- #include "MotorControl.h"
-double MotorControl::getError(void) {return (r_clicks - getClicks());}
-void MotorControl::algorithm(void) {
-//          pc.printf("speed adjusting\n");
-    sample_func();
-    double error = getError();               
-    output += Kp * (error + Ti*error - prev_error);             //computes current error from encoder sample and the resulting action
-    if(output > 1.0) {                                          //limit checks and error flag set
-        output = 1.0;
-        max_out = 1;                                            //this flag says not to increase speed more
-    }
-    else if(output < -1.0) {
-        output = -1.0;
-        max_out = 1;
-    }
-    else
-        max_out = 0;
-    mot->setOut(output);                                        //set new output
-//          pc.printf("output set to %2.2f\n", output);
-    prev_error = error;
-MotorControl::MotorControl(PinName a, PinName b, PinName i, int r, bool c, double p, motor* m, double ms, double kp, double ti, double ec)
-            : encoder(a, b, r, c, p, ec), mot(m), max_speed(ms), Kp(kp), Ti(ti) {
-    output = 0.1; dir = 1;                          //default to avoid bugs
-    max_out = 0;                                    //flag set
-    prev_error = 0;
-void MotorControl::setSpeed(double s) { //set speed in m/s. remember to consider the motor max speed
-    r_speed = s;
-    r_clicks = s / enc_const;
-//          pc.printf("r_clicks set to %2.2f\n", r_clicks);
-void MotorControl::drive(void) {
-    mot->setOut(output); //pc.printf("initial output set to %2.2f\n", output);
-    mot->drive(); //pc.printf("motor driving\n");
-    //pc.printf("setting sampler at period %2.2f\n", period);
-    sampler.attach(callback(this, &MotorControl::algorithm), period); //pc.printf("sampler set\n");
-void MotorControl::stop(void) {
-    mot->stop();
-    sampler.detach();
-    prev_error = 0;
-void MotorControl::driveManual(void) {
-    mot->setOut(output); //pc.printf("initial output set to %2.2f\n", output);
-    mot->drive(); //pc.printf("motor driving\n");
-void MotorControl::samplecall(void) {algorithm();}
-void MotorControl::setK(double k) {Kp = k;}
-void MotorControl::start(void) {} //this function is overridden to avoid bugs
-//      double MotorControl::getError(void) {return (speed - getSpeed());}
-double MotorControl::getOutput(void) {return output;}
-bool MotorControl::checkFlag(void) {return max_out;}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/MotorControl.h	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
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-/* Karbot motor control class
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 27/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
- * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
- * 
- */
- #include "mbed.h"
- #include "encoder.h"
- #include "motor.h"
-/* This class controls the speed of an individual motor, helping the system keep
- * symmetric with asymmetric components. It is based on the encoder class
- * and contains a pointer to a motor object. With two of these the motion
- * controller can drive the robot to the desired points.
- */
-class MotorControl : public encoder {
-    private:
-        motor*      mot;            // motor object
-        double      Kp,             // Proportional gain
-                    Ti,             // Integral gain time
-                    r_speed,        // Speed set point
-                    r_clicks,       // Same but in the "encoder language"
-                    max_speed,      // The max speed of the motor (not used)
-                    output,         // PWM output duty cycle
-                    prev_error;     // Previous error, used for intergral control
-        bool        dir,            // Drivign direction (not used)
-                    max_out;        // Flag triggered when output is saturated (not used)
-        double getError(void);      // Calculate current error
-        void algorithm(void);       // Control algorithm
-    public:
-        // Constructor takes encoder pins and constants, and a motor object and contorller gains
-        MotorControl(PinName a, PinName b, PinName i, int r, bool c, double p, motor* m, double ms, double kp, double ti, double ec);
-        void setSpeed(double s);    // Set the speed of the wheel
-        void drive(void);           // Drive at set speet
-        void stop(void);            // Stop motor
-        void driveManual(void);     // Drive at set speed in open loop
-        void samplecall(void);      // Sample encoder and update read speed value
-        void setK(double k);        // Set gain (used for Z-N tuning
-        void start(void);           // This function is overridden to avoid bugs
-        double getOutput(void);     // Returns current duty cycle
-        bool checkFlag(void);       // Check whether max out flag is set
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--- a/src/encoder.cpp	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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-#ifndef ENCODER_H
-#define ENCODER_H
-/* Karbot encoder class
- *
- * This class is based upon the QEI class by Aaron Berk and the encoder class
- * I wrote during ESP in 2nd year
- *
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 27/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
- * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
- * 
- */
-#include "encoder.h"
-    PinName chanA,
-    PinName chanB,
-    int CPR,
-    bool c,
-    double p,
-    double ec
-    ) : channelA_(chanA, PullUp),
-        channelB_(chanB, PullUp),
-        c_d(c),
-        period(p),
-        enc_const(ec) {
-    pulses_       = 0;
-    pulsesPerRev_ = CPR;
-    tot_clicks    = 0;
-    click_rate    = 0;
-    temp_tot      = 0;
-    //Workout what the current state is.
-    int channA =;
-    int channB =;
-    //2-bit state.
-    currState_ = (channA << 1) | (channB);
-    prevState_ = currState_;
-    //X4 encoding uses interrupts on channel A,
-    //and on channel B.
-    channelA_.rise(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-    channelA_.fall(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-    channelB_.rise(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-    channelB_.fall(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-void encoder::reset(void) {
-    pulses_      = 0;
-int encoder::getCurrentState(void) {
-    return currState_;
-int encoder::getPulses(void) {
-    return pulses_;
-// +-------------+
-// | X2 Encoding |
-// +-------------+
-// When observing states two patterns will appear:
-// Counter clockwise rotation:
-// 10 -> 01 -> 10 -> 01 -> ...
-// Clockwise rotation:
-// 11 -> 00 -> 11 -> 00 -> ...
-// We consider counter clockwise rotation to be "forward" and
-// counter clockwise to be "backward". Therefore pulse count will increase
-// during counter clockwise rotation and decrease during clockwise rotation.
-// +-------------+
-// | X4 Encoding |
-// +-------------+
-// There are four possible states for a quadrature encoder which correspond to
-// 2-bit gray code.
-// A state change is only valid if of only one bit has changed.
-// A state change is invalid if both bits have changed.
-// Clockwise Rotation ->
-//    00 01 11 10 00
-// <- Counter Clockwise Rotation
-// If we observe any valid state changes going from left to right, we have
-// moved one pulse clockwise [we will consider this "backward" or "negative"].
-// If we observe any valid state changes going from right to left we have
-// moved one pulse counter clockwise [we will consider this "forward" or
-// "positive"].
-// We might enter an invalid state for a number of reasons which are hard to
-// predict - if this is the case, it is generally safe to ignore it, update
-// the state and carry on, with the error correcting itself shortly after.
-void encoder::encode(void) {
-    int change = 0;
-    int chanA  =;
-    int chanB  =;
-    //2-bit state.
-    currState_ = (chanA << 1) | (chanB);
-        //Entered a new valid state.
-        if (((currState_ ^ prevState_) != INVALID) && (currState_ != prevState_)) {
-            //2 bit state. Right hand bit of prev XOR left hand bit of current
-            //gives 0 if clockwise rotation and 1 if counter clockwise rotation.
-            change = (prevState_ & PREV_MASK) ^ ((currState_ & CURR_MASK) >> 1);
-            if (change == 0) {
-                change = -1;
-            }
-            pulses_ -= change;
-        }
-    prevState_ = currState_;
-void encoder::sample_func(void) {
-    int clicks = getPulses();
-    click_rate = ((double)clicks / period);
-    reset();                                                    //reset clicks
-    tot_clicks += clicks;
-    temp_tot += clicks;
-double encoder::getClicks(void) {
-//            test_sample();
-    if(c_d)
-        return click_rate;
-    else
-        return -click_rate;
-double encoder::getSpeed(void) {
-    double s = click_rate * enc_const;                          //angular frequency = 2pi*CPS/CPR and v = omega*r
-    if(c_d)
-        return s;
-    else
-        return -s;
-double encoder::getDistance(void) {                                      //calculates total distance and returns it
-//            test_sample();
-    double d = ((double)click_store * enc_const);
-    if(c_d)
-        return d;
-    else
-        return -d;
-double encoder::tempDist(void) {                                     //calculates total distance and returns it
-//            test_sample();
-    double d = ((double)temp_tot * enc_const);
-    if(c_d)
-        return d;
-    else
-        return -d;
-void encoder::distRst(void) {
-    int temp;
-    if(c_d)
-        temp = tot_clicks;
-    else
-        temp = -tot_clicks;
-    if(temp > click_store)
-        click_store = temp;
-    tot_clicks = 0;
-void encoder::tempRst(void) {temp_tot = 0;}
-void encoder::start(void) {sampler.attach(callback(this, &encoder::sample_func), period);}
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--- a/src/encoder.h	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-/* Karbot encoder class
- *
- * This class is based upon the QEI class by Aaron Berk and the encoder class
- * I wrote during ESP in 2nd year
- *
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 27/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
- * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
- * 
- */
-#include "mbed.h"
-#define PREV_MASK 0x1 //Mask for the previous state in determining direction
-//of rotation.
-#define CURR_MASK 0x2 //Mask for the current state in determining direction
-//of rotation.
-#define INVALID   0x3 //XORing two states where both bits have changed.
-class encoder {
-    private:
-        int         tot_clicks, temp_tot;   // clicks since last distance reset
-        double      click_rate, click_store;// clickrate
-        bool        c_d;                    // left or right bool
-        /**
-         * Update the pulse count.
-         *
-         * Called on every rising/falling edge of channels A/B.
-         *
-         * Reads the state of the channels and determines whether a pulse forward
-         * or backward has occured, updating the count appropriately.
-         */
-        void encode(void);
-        InterruptIn channelA_;
-        InterruptIn channelB_;
-        int          pulsesPerRev_;
-        int          prevState_;
-        int          currState_;
-        volatile int pulses_;
-    protected:
-        Ticker      sampler;                // ticker object to sample speed
-        double      period, enc_const;      // sampling period and wheel constant
-        void sample_func(void);             // sample function
-        double getClicks(void);             // returns clickrate
-    public:
-        // Constructor takes 3 encoder input pins, CPR, left or right bool, sampling period, and a wheel-size constant
-        encoder(PinName chanA, PinName chanB, int CPR, bool c, double p, double ec);
-        double getSpeed(void);      // returns wheel speed
-        double getDistance(void);   // returns distance travelled
-        double tempDist(void);      // returns distance travelled
-        void distRst(void);         // resets distance
-        void tempRst(void);         // resets distance
-        void start(void);           // starts recording distance
-        void reset(void);           // resets counting
-        /**
-         * Read the state of the encoder.
-         *
-         * @return The current state of the encoder as a 2-bit number, where:
-         *         bit 1 = The reading from channel B
-         *         bit 2 = The reading from channel A
-         */
-        int getCurrentState(void);
-        /**
-         * Read the number of pulses recorded by the encoder.
-         *
-         * @return Number of pulses which have occured.
-         */
-        int getPulses(void);
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--- a/src/main.cpp	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
+++ b/src/main.cpp	Thu Jun 03 21:40:04 2021 +0000
@@ -1,119 +1,157 @@
-/* Karbot motor controller
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 26/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
+ * Created by Simon Krogedal
+ * 11/05/2021
+ * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
+ * On launch, run stepper backwards until the contact switch triggered. Set this as joint position
+ * Subscribe to joint topics
+ * Set joint angles when a message is recieved
+ * Publish joint angles
+ * Publish FSR reading
+ * 
+ * This version was ported to mbed from the orignal Arduino version
 #include "mbed.h"
+// Include Ros libs as needed
 #include <ros.h>
-#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
-#include <sensor_msgs/BatteryState.h>
 #include <sensor_msgs/JointState.h>
+#include <std_msgs/Float32.h>
-#include "motor.h"
-#include "encoder.h"
-#include "MotorControl.h"
+// Lib for hardware interface
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "Async_4pin_Stepper.h"
-#define     L_MOTOR_PIN     PC_6
-#define     R_MOTOR_PIN     PB_14
-#define     L_MOTOR_DIR     PC_15
-#define     R_MOTOR_DIR     PC_14
-#define     L_ENC_PIN_A     PA_14
-#define     L_ENC_PIN_B     PB_15
-#define     R_ENC_PIN_A     PA_13
-#define     R_ENC_PIN_B     PB_1
-#define     BAT_A_PIN       PA_0
-#define     BAT_B_PIN       PA_1
+// Pin definitions for NUCLEO-F401RE
+#define stepperPin1   D3     // IN1 for ULN2003 driver
+#define stepperPin2   D4     // IN2 for ULN2003 driver
+#define stepperPin3   D5     // IN3 for ULN2003 driver
+#define stepperPin4   D6     // IN4 for ULN2003 driver
-#error "Check target against pin definitions"
+#define servo1Pin     D1     // Control pin for Servo 1 on main arm
+#define servo2Pin     D2     // Control pin for Servo 2 on crank arm
-#define     MOTOR_FREQ      25000.0         // 25 kHz, freq of motor PWM
-#define     MOTOR_TS        0.05            // Sample time, ie the time between every PID calculation
-#define     MOTOR_KP        0.00002         // Loop motor gain
-#define     MOTOR_TI        200             // Integral motor gain
-#define     BAT_A_TRIM      1               // Trimming value reporesenting the gain of the voltage monitor
-#define     BAT_B_TRIM      1               // Unit is V
+#define SWITCH_PIN    D8     // Input pin for digital switch
+#define fsrPin        A0     // Input pin for force sensor
-#define     WHEEL_RAD       0.1025          // Radius in meters
-#define     WHEEL_BASE      0.400           // Distance between driving wheels in m, affects angular velocity
-#define     PI              3.1415          // Mathematical constant
-#define     ENCODER_PERIOD  0.05            // Encoder sampling period in seconds (currently 1/20 sec)
-#define     ENCODER_CPR     980             // Counts per revolution
-#define     L_MAX_SPEED     1.5
-#define     R_MAX_SPEED     1.5
+// Define the AccelStepper interface type; 4 wire motor in half step mode
+#define MotorInterfaceType 8
+// Define steps per rev for stepper
+#define SPR 4075.7728
+// Pinion circumference at pitch combined with the above value gives step/m, a useful constant
+#define SPM 128205
+#define SPMM 128.205
+// Degrees per radian, general matemathical constant
+#define DPR 57.3
+// FSR scale value, in N
+#define FSR_SCALE 1
+// Stepper speed, steps/s
+#define STEP_V 833 // (max for 28BYJ-48)
-#define     DEMO            0
-/* Functionality Summary
-// Create node handle
+// Declare node handle
 ros::NodeHandle nh;
-// Motor and control objects must be global since they are required in the callback function
-motor           leftMot     (L_MOTOR_PIN, L_MOTOR_DIR, 1/MOTOR_FREQ);
-motor           rightMot    (R_MOTOR_PIN, R_MOTOR_DIR, 1/MOTOR_FREQ);
+// Declare hardware objects
+Servo   servo1(servo1Pin),
+        servo2(servo2Pin);
+// Initialise stepper with pin sequence IN1-IN3-IN2-IN4
+Async_4pin_Stepper stepper(stepperPin1, stepperPin3, stepperPin2, stepperPin4, SPM);
-MotorControl    leftCtrl    (L_ENC_PIN_A, L_ENC_PIN_B, NC, ENCODER_CPR, 1, MOTOR_TS, &leftMot, L_MAX_SPEED, MOTOR_KP, MOTOR_TI, ((WHEEL_RAD * 2.0 * PI) / ((double)(4 * ENCODER_CPR))));
-MotorControl    rightCtrl   (R_ENC_PIN_A, R_ENC_PIN_B, NC, ENCODER_CPR, 0, MOTOR_TS, &rightMot, R_MAX_SPEED, MOTOR_KP, MOTOR_TI, ((WHEEL_RAD * 2.0 * PI) / ((double)(4 * ENCODER_CPR))));
+// Declare digital input for stepper limit switch
+DigitalIn switchPin(SWITCH_PIN);
-// Callback function for a twist message given by the motion controller
-void messageCb(const geometry_msgs::Twist& msg);
+// Declare publisher and message
+std_msgs::Float32 fsr_val;
+ros::Publisher fsrPublisher("FSR_value", &fsr_val);
+// Joint related constants
+//int offset[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+//int restPos[3] = {0, 0, 0};
-// Subsribe to cmd_vel
-ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> sub("cmd_vel", &messageCb);
+// Like the map function but takes floats as inputs and spits out ints
+int floatmap(float x, float in_min, float in_max, long out_min, long out_max) {
+  float temp = (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
+  return temp;
-// Messages used for publishing battery voltage and wheel speeds
-sensor_msgs::BatteryState batA_msg;
-sensor_msgs::BatteryState batB_msg;
-sensor_msgs::JointState wheels_msg;
-// Publishers
-ros::Publisher batA_pub("battery_pack_A", &batA_msg);
-ros::Publisher batB_pub("battery_pack_B", &batB_msg);
-ros::Publisher wheels_pub("wheel_speeds", &wheels_msg);
+// Function that can be called to calibrate prismatic joint by running it 
+// until the switch is activated. Must be run on launch
+void calibrateStepper() {
+  nh.loginfo("Running stepper to limit");
+  // Set target way way back and just overshoot
+  stepper.setTarget(-40000);
+  stepper.goToTarget();
+  // Check switch until triggered
+  while(!switchPin) {
+    wait_ms(10);
+  }
+  stepper.stop();
+  // Set current position as origin
+  stepper.setZeroPos();
+  nh.loginfo("Stepper at 0-pos");
+// Subscriber callback function for message
+void subscriberCallback(const sensor_msgs::JointState& msg) {
+  nh.loginfo("Callback triggered");
+  // Transfrom message for local hardware
+//  int s1pos = msg.position[0] * DPR - offset[0];
+//  int s2pos = msg.position[1] * DPR - offset[1];
+//  int steps = (msg.position[2] - offset[2]) * SPM;
+  // Kinematic angles
+//  int s1pos = map(msg.position[0], 3.14, 5.85, 36, 145);
+//  int s2pos = map(msg.position[1], 2.93, 5.85, 153, 24);
+//  int steps = (msg.position[2] - 30) * SPMM;
+  // URDF angles - URDF file doesn't use DH, so has a different transform and thus angle limits
+  int s1pos = floatmap(msg.position[0], -1.92, 1.13, 36, 145);
+  int s2pos = floatmap(msg.position[1], -0.44, 2.53, 153, 24);
+  int steps = -(msg.position[2] + 100) * SPMM;
+  // Write angles to acutators
+  /*
+  Serial.print("Recieved angles :");
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+    Serial.print(msg.position[i]);
+    Serial.print(" ");
+  }
+  Serial.print("\nMoving to angles: ");
+  Serial.print(s1pos); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(s2pos); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(steps);
+  */
+  servo1.position(s1pos);
+  servo2.position(s2pos);
+  stepper.setTarget(steps);
+  stepper.goToTarget();
+  nh.loginfo("Joints written");
+// Subscribe to topic /phys_joint_states, which is fed by a script that takes the desired non-parallel joint states
+ros::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::JointState> jointControlSubscriber("phys_joint_states", &subscriberCallback);
 int main() {
-    // Initialisation
-    nh.initNode();
-    nh.subscribe(sub);
-    // Set up joint state message
-    // = ["Left wheel","Right wheel"];
-[0] = "Left wheel";
-[1] = "Right wheel";
-    // Set up battery messages
-    batA_msg.power_supply_technology    =   2;
-    batA_msg.location                   =   "Slot A";
-    batA_msg.design_capacity            =   5.2;
-    batB_msg.power_supply_technology    =   2;
-    batB_msg.location                   =   "Slot B";
-    batB_msg.design_capacity            =   5.2;
-    // Analogue reading pins for battery voltage
-    AnalogIn    batA    (BAT_A_PIN);
-    AnalogIn    batB    (BAT_B_PIN);
-    // Built-in lED used as a connection indicator
+  // Setup stepper
+  stepper.setSpeed(833);
+    // Analogue input for FSR value reading
+    AnalogIn FSR(fsrPin);
+  // Center servos on rest positions
+  int centerPos[2] = {42, 142};
+  //Serial.print("\nInitialising servos to "); Serial.print(centerPos[0]); Serial.print(" and "); Serial.println(centerPos[1]);
+  servo1.position(centerPos[0]);
+  servo2.position(centerPos[1]);
+  // Set the connection to rosserial
+  nh.initNode();
+  // Built-in lED used as a connection indicator
     DigitalOut myled(LED1);
     myled = 0;
@@ -125,81 +163,27 @@
     myled = 1;
-    // Just drive at various speeds if the demo flag is set
-    if(DEMO) {
-        nh.loginfo("Running demo script");
-        leftCtrl.setSpeed(0.5);
-        leftCtrl.driveManual();
+  nh.loginfo("mbed node connected");
+  nh.subscribe(jointControlSubscriber);
+  nh.loginfo("Arduino node subscribed");
+  nh.advertise(fsrPublisher);
+  // Find stepper position
+  calibrateStepper();
+  // Main loop
+  while(true) {
+        // Read FSR pin and publish value
+        fsrPublisher.publish(&fsr_val);
+        nh.spinOnce();
-        while (true) {
-            leftCtrl.setSpeed(0.5);
-            //ThisThread::sleep_for(3s);
-            leftCtrl.setSpeed(1.2);
-            //ThisThread::sleep_for(3s);
+        // Enter a tight for loop for ~1 second
+        for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
+            wait_ms(1);
-    // Otherwise initiate main loop
-    else {
-        nh.loginfo("Setup complete");
-        while(true) {
-            // Set built-in LED on if connected to ROS, otherwise off
-            if(nh.connected())
-                myled = 1;
-            else 
-                myled = 0;
-            // Measure battery voltages
-            batA_msg.voltage = batA * BAT_A_TRIM;
-            batB_msg.voltage = batB * BAT_B_TRIM;
-            // Record wheel speeds
-            //wheels_msg.velocity = [leftCtrl.getSpeed(), rightCtrl.getSpeed()];
-            wheels_msg.velocity[0] = leftCtrl.getSpeed();
-            wheels_msg.velocity[1] = rightCtrl.getSpeed();
-            // Publish results
-            batA_pub.publish(&batA_msg);
-            batB_pub.publish(&batB_msg);
-            wheels_pub.publish(&wheels_msg);
-            nh.spinOnce();
-            // Enter a tight for loop for ~1 second
-            for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
-                wait_ms(1);
-                nh.spinOnce();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void messageCb(const geometry_msgs::Twist& msg) {
-    nh.logdebug("Twist callback triggered");
-    /* Calculate v_left and v_right from the v and omega.
-     * v comes as linear.x in the twist message, wile omeage is angular.z.
-     * v is the average of the wheel speeds, while omega is the difference
-     * divided by the wheelbase distance.
-     */
-    /*
-    if (msg.angular.z == 0 && msg.linear.x == 0) {
-        leftCtrl.stop();
-        rightCtrl.stop();
-    }
-    else {
-        */
-        double v_l = msg.linear.x - WHEEL_BASE * 0.5 * msg.angular.z;
-        double v_r = msg.linear.x + WHEEL_BASE * 0.5 * msg.angular.z;
-        leftCtrl.setSpeed(v_l);
-        rightCtrl.setSpeed(v_r);
-    //}
--- a/src/motor.cpp	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* Karbot motor class
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 27/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
- * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
- * 
- */
- #include "mbed.h"
- #include "motor.h"
-motor::motor(PinName pwm_pin, PinName dir_pin, double period) : output(pwm_pin), dir(dir_pin), T(period) {
-    output.period(T);                   //this period is not going to change during the run
-    dir = 1;                            //forward is active high
-    dutCyc = 0.1;                       //just need a default value to avoid bugs
-    stop();                             //starts off
-void motor::drive(void) {
-    driving = 1;
-    output.write(dutCyc);
-void motor::stop(void) {
-    driving = 0;
-    output.write(0.0);                              //just constant low
-void motor::setOut(double dc) {                            //set duty cycle as a number between -1 and 1, where 1 is full force forward, -1 is backwards and 0 is still
-    if(dc < 0.0) {
-        dir = 0;
-        if(dc < -1.0)
-            dutCyc = 1.0;
-        else
-            dutCyc = -dc;
-    }
-    else {
-        dir = 1;
-        if(dc > 1.0)
-            dutCyc = 1.0;
-        else
-            dutCyc = dc;
-    }
-    if(driving)
-        output.write(dutCyc);
-double motor::getPeriod(void) {return T;}
-double motor::getDuty(void) {return dutCyc;}
--- a/src/motor.h	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* Karbot motor class
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 27/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
- * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
- * 
- */
- #include "mbed.h"
- class motor {
-    private:
-        PwmOut          output;     // PWM output pin
-        DigitalOut      dir;        // direction pin
-        double          T, dutCyc;  // Period and duty cycle variables
-        bool            driving;    // flag on wheter the motor is driving or not
-    public:
-        // constructor takes 2 pins and the period
-        motor(PinName pwm_pin, PinName dir_pin, double period);
-        void drive(void);           // drives at set direction and duty cycle
-        void stop(void);            // stops
-        void setOut(double dc);     // set the output, number between -1 and 1
-        double getPeriod(void);     // returns period
-        double getDuty(void);       // returns dutycycle
- #endif
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