Control project for the Lift-arm. Works with ROS Melodic

Dependencies:   mbed Servo ros_lib_melodic ULN2003_StepperDriver Async_4pin_Stepper

--- a/src/encoder.cpp	Mon May 31 16:47:02 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ENCODER_H
-#define ENCODER_H
-/* Karbot encoder class
- *
- * This class is based upon the QEI class by Aaron Berk and the encoder class
- * I wrote during ESP in 2nd year
- *
- * Written by Simon Krogedal
- * 27/05/21
- * Team 9 4th Year project
- * 
- * for NUCLEO-F401RE
- * 
- */
-#include "encoder.h"
-    PinName chanA,
-    PinName chanB,
-    int CPR,
-    bool c,
-    double p,
-    double ec
-    ) : channelA_(chanA, PullUp),
-        channelB_(chanB, PullUp),
-        c_d(c),
-        period(p),
-        enc_const(ec) {
-    pulses_       = 0;
-    pulsesPerRev_ = CPR;
-    tot_clicks    = 0;
-    click_rate    = 0;
-    temp_tot      = 0;
-    //Workout what the current state is.
-    int channA =;
-    int channB =;
-    //2-bit state.
-    currState_ = (channA << 1) | (channB);
-    prevState_ = currState_;
-    //X4 encoding uses interrupts on channel A,
-    //and on channel B.
-    channelA_.rise(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-    channelA_.fall(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-    channelB_.rise(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-    channelB_.fall(callback(this, &encoder::encode));
-void encoder::reset(void) {
-    pulses_      = 0;
-int encoder::getCurrentState(void) {
-    return currState_;
-int encoder::getPulses(void) {
-    return pulses_;
-// +-------------+
-// | X2 Encoding |
-// +-------------+
-// When observing states two patterns will appear:
-// Counter clockwise rotation:
-// 10 -> 01 -> 10 -> 01 -> ...
-// Clockwise rotation:
-// 11 -> 00 -> 11 -> 00 -> ...
-// We consider counter clockwise rotation to be "forward" and
-// counter clockwise to be "backward". Therefore pulse count will increase
-// during counter clockwise rotation and decrease during clockwise rotation.
-// +-------------+
-// | X4 Encoding |
-// +-------------+
-// There are four possible states for a quadrature encoder which correspond to
-// 2-bit gray code.
-// A state change is only valid if of only one bit has changed.
-// A state change is invalid if both bits have changed.
-// Clockwise Rotation ->
-//    00 01 11 10 00
-// <- Counter Clockwise Rotation
-// If we observe any valid state changes going from left to right, we have
-// moved one pulse clockwise [we will consider this "backward" or "negative"].
-// If we observe any valid state changes going from right to left we have
-// moved one pulse counter clockwise [we will consider this "forward" or
-// "positive"].
-// We might enter an invalid state for a number of reasons which are hard to
-// predict - if this is the case, it is generally safe to ignore it, update
-// the state and carry on, with the error correcting itself shortly after.
-void encoder::encode(void) {
-    int change = 0;
-    int chanA  =;
-    int chanB  =;
-    //2-bit state.
-    currState_ = (chanA << 1) | (chanB);
-        //Entered a new valid state.
-        if (((currState_ ^ prevState_) != INVALID) && (currState_ != prevState_)) {
-            //2 bit state. Right hand bit of prev XOR left hand bit of current
-            //gives 0 if clockwise rotation and 1 if counter clockwise rotation.
-            change = (prevState_ & PREV_MASK) ^ ((currState_ & CURR_MASK) >> 1);
-            if (change == 0) {
-                change = -1;
-            }
-            pulses_ -= change;
-        }
-    prevState_ = currState_;
-void encoder::sample_func(void) {
-    int clicks = getPulses();
-    click_rate = ((double)clicks / period);
-    reset();                                                    //reset clicks
-    tot_clicks += clicks;
-    temp_tot += clicks;
-double encoder::getClicks(void) {
-//            test_sample();
-    if(c_d)
-        return click_rate;
-    else
-        return -click_rate;
-double encoder::getSpeed(void) {
-    double s = click_rate * enc_const;                          //angular frequency = 2pi*CPS/CPR and v = omega*r
-    if(c_d)
-        return s;
-    else
-        return -s;
-double encoder::getDistance(void) {                                      //calculates total distance and returns it
-//            test_sample();
-    double d = ((double)click_store * enc_const);
-    if(c_d)
-        return d;
-    else
-        return -d;
-double encoder::tempDist(void) {                                     //calculates total distance and returns it
-//            test_sample();
-    double d = ((double)temp_tot * enc_const);
-    if(c_d)
-        return d;
-    else
-        return -d;
-void encoder::distRst(void) {
-    int temp;
-    if(c_d)
-        temp = tot_clicks;
-    else
-        temp = -tot_clicks;
-    if(temp > click_store)
-        click_store = temp;
-    tot_clicks = 0;
-void encoder::tempRst(void) {temp_tot = 0;}
-void encoder::start(void) {sampler.attach(callback(this, &encoder::sample_func), period);}
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