Driver for CC3000 Wi-Fi module

Dependencies:   NVIC_set_all_priorities

Dependents:   CC3000_Simple_Socket Wi-Go_IOT_Demo


The current code has been reworked to a full object oriented application and contains an mbed socket compatible API.

CC3000 Wi-Fi module library


This is the low level driver for TI's SimpleLink CC3000 device.
Port from Avnet's Wi-Go KEIL code (based on TI's CC3000 code).
Special thanks to Jim Carver from Avnet for providing the Wi-Go board and for his assistance.

Differences with TI's original code

The code functionality stays exactly the same.
In order to make it easier to use the code, following changes were made :

  • Addition of a tool to shift all IRQ priorities to a lower level since it is very important to keep the SPI handler at the highest system priority, the WLAN interrupt the second highest and all other system interrupts at a lower priority, so their handlers can be preempted by the CC3000 interrupts.
  • Addition of low level I/O controls and conditional compiler controls in cc3000_common.h.
  • CC3000 initialisation, pin declarations, SPI and WLAN irq priorities are set in Init_HostDriver , we need to call this function at the start of the main function.
  • The SPI and HCI code are joined into one file.
  • The include list has been rearranged - Only #include "wlan.h" is needed in the user API.
  • Part of the CC3000's user eeprom memory is used to store additional info (52 bytes in NVMEM_USER_FILE_1):
# bytesDescriptionInfo
1First time config parameterUseful when connecting
2Firmware updater versionused with the Firmware update tool
2Service Pack versionused with the Firmware update tool
3Driver Versionused with the Firmware update tool
3Firmware Versionused with the Firmware update tool
1CIK validation (Client Interface Key)
40CIK data (Client Interface Key)used with the exosite

Using the Library

A user API is needed to access the CC3000 functions.

Using the library with other processors

cc3000_common.cpp loads the irq tool for all targets:
All current mbed targets are supported by this library.

#include "NVIC_set_all_priorities.h"

All low level settings that need to change are available in cc3000_common.h

// Compiler control
#define CC3000_UNENCRYPTED_SMART_CONFIG   // No encryption
//#define CC3000_TINY_DRIVER                // Driver for small memory model CPUs

//Interrupt controls
#define NVIC_ALL_IRQ        NVIC_set_all_irq_priorities(3);         // Set ALL interrupt priorities to level 3
#define NVIC_SPI_IRQ        NVIC_SetPriority(SPI0_IRQn, 0x0);       // Wi-Fi SPI interrupt must be higher priority than SysTick
#define NVIC_PORT_IRQ       NVIC_SetPriority(PORTA_IRQn, 0x1);
#define NVIC_SYSTICK_IRQ    NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0x2);    // SysTick set to lower priority than Wi-Fi SPI bus interrupt
//#define NVIC_ADC_IRQ        NVIC_SetPriority(ADC0_IRQn, 0x3);       // ADC is the lowest of all

// Wlan controls
#define WLAN_ISF_PCR        PORTA->PCR[16]
#define WLAN_ISF_MASK       (1<<16)

#define WLAN_ASSERT_CS      wlan_cs = 0;   //CS : active low
#define WLAN_DEASSERT_CS    wlan_cs = 1;

#define WLAN_ASSERT_EN      wlan_en = 1;   //EN : active high
#define WLAN_DEASSERT_EN    wlan_en = 0;

#define WLAN_READ_IRQ       wlan_int

#define WLAN_ENABLE_IRQ     wlan_int.fall(&WLAN_IRQHandler);
#define WLAN_DISABLE_IRQ    wlan_int.fall(NULL);

#define WLAN_IRQ_PIN_CREATE         InterruptIn wlan_int (PTA16);
#define WLAN_EN_PIN_CREATE          DigitalOut  wlan_en  (PTA13);
#define WLAN_CS_PIN_CREATE          DigitalOut  wlan_cs  (PTD0);
#define WLAN_SPI_PORT_CREATE        SPI wlan(PTD2, PTD3, PTC5); // mosi, miso, sclk

#define WLAN_SPI_PORT_INIT          wlan.format(8,1);
#define WLAN_SPI_SET_FREQ           wlan.frequency(12000000);
#define WLAN_SPI_SET_IRQ_HANDLER    wlan_int.fall(&WLAN_IRQHandler);

#define WLAN_SPI_WRITE              wlan.write(*data++);
#define WLAN_SPI_READ               wlan.write(0x03);          // !! DO NOT MODIFY the 0x03 parameter (CC3000 will not respond).

API documentation

Due to a little problem with the links on the mbed site, the API documentation is not directly accessible (will be solved in a next release).
Currently, it is only accessible by adding modules.html to the API doc link:

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/socket.cpp	Fri Jun 28 17:48:37 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+*  socket.c  - CC3000 Host Driver Implementation.
+*  Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated -
+*  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+*  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+*  are met:
+*    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+*    documentation and/or other materials provided with the   
+*    distribution.
+*    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
+*    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+*    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+//! \addtogroup socket_api
+//! @{
+/*#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>*/
+#include "socket.h"
+#include "hci.h"
+#include "evnt_handler.h"
+#include "netapp.h"
+//Enable this flag if and only if you must comply with BSD socket 
+//close() function
+   #define close(sd) closesocket(sd)
+//Enable this flag if and only if you must comply with BSD socket read() and 
+//write() functions
+              #define read(sd, buf, len, flags) recv(sd, buf, len, flags)
+              #define write(sd, buf, len, flags) send(sd, buf, len, flags)
+#define SOCKET_OPEN_PARAMS_LEN                 (12)
+#define SOCKET_CLOSE_PARAMS_LEN                (4)
+#define SOCKET_ACCEPT_PARAMS_LEN               (4)
+#define SOCKET_BIND_PARAMS_LEN                 (20)
+#define SOCKET_LISTEN_PARAMS_LEN               (8)
+#define SOCKET_CONNECT_PARAMS_LEN              (20)
+#define SOCKET_SELECT_PARAMS_LEN               (44)
+#define SOCKET_SET_SOCK_OPT_PARAMS_LEN         (20)
+#define SOCKET_GET_SOCK_OPT_PARAMS_LEN         (12)
+#define SOCKET_RECV_FROM_PARAMS_LEN            (12)
+#define SOCKET_SENDTO_PARAMS_LEN               (24)
+#define NULL 0
+// The legnth of arguments for the SEND command: sd + buff_offset + len + flags, 
+// while size of each parameter is 32 bit - so the total length is 16 bytes;
+#define HCI_CMND_SEND_ARG_LENGTH    (16)
+//! HostFlowControlConsumeBuff
+//!  @param  sd  socket descriptor
+//!  @return 0 in case there are buffers available, 
+//!          -1 in case of bad socket
+//!          -2 if there are no free buffers present (only when 
+//!          SEND_NON_BLOCKING is enabled)
+//!  @brief  if SEND_NON_BLOCKING not define - block until have free buffer 
+//!          becomes available, else return immediately  with correct status 
+//!          regarding the buffers available.
+int HostFlowControlConsumeBuff(int sd)
+    /* wait in busy loop */
+    do
+    {
+        // In case last transmission failed then we will return the last failure 
+        // reason here.
+        // Note that the buffer will not be allocated in this case
+        if (tSLInformation.slTransmitDataError != 0)
+        {
+            errno = tSLInformation.slTransmitDataError;
+            tSLInformation.slTransmitDataError = 0;
+            return errno;
+        }
+        if(SOCKET_STATUS_ACTIVE != get_socket_active_status(sd))
+            return -1;
+    } while(0 == tSLInformation.usNumberOfFreeBuffers);
+    tSLInformation.usNumberOfFreeBuffers--;
+    return 0;
+    // In case last transmission failed then we will return the last failure 
+    // reason here.
+    // Note that the buffer will not be allocated in this case
+    if (tSLInformation.slTransmitDataError != 0)
+    {
+        errno = tSLInformation.slTransmitDataError;
+        tSLInformation.slTransmitDataError = 0;
+        return errno;
+    }
+    if(SOCKET_STATUS_ACTIVE != get_socket_active_status(sd))
+        return -1;
+    //If there are no available buffers, return -2. It is recommended to use  
+    // select or receive to see if there is any buffer occupied with received data
+    // If so, call receive() to release the buffer.
+    if(0 == tSLInformation.usNumberOfFreeBuffers)
+    {
+        return -2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        tSLInformation.usNumberOfFreeBuffers--;
+        return 0;
+    }
+//! socket
+//!  @param  domain    selects the protocol family which will be used for 
+//!                    communication. On this version only AF_INET is supported
+//!  @param  type      specifies the communication semantics. On this version 
+//!                    only SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW are supported
+//!  @param  protocol  specifies a particular protocol to be used with the 
+//!                    socket IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_RAW are 
+//!                    supported.
+//!  @return  On success, socket handle that is used for consequent socket 
+//!           operations. On error, -1 is returned.
+//!  @brief  create an endpoint for communication
+//!          The socket function creates a socket that is bound to a specific 
+//!          transport service provider. This function is called by the 
+//!          application layer to obtain a socket handle.
+int socket(long domain, long type, long protocol)
+    long ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    ret = EFAIL;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in HCI packet structure
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, domain);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, type);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, protocol);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_SOCKET, ptr, SOCKET_OPEN_PARAMS_LEN);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_SOCKET, &ret);
+    // Process the event 
+    errno = ret;
+    set_socket_active_status(ret, SOCKET_STATUS_ACTIVE);
+    return(ret);
+//! closesocket
+//!  @param  sd    socket handle.
+//!  @return  On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned.
+//!  @brief  The socket function closes a created socket.
+long closesocket(long sd)
+    long ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    ret = EFAIL;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in HCI packet structure
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_CLOSE_SOCKET, &ret);
+    errno = ret;
+    // since 'close' call may result in either OK (and then it closed) or error 
+    // mark this socket as invalid 
+    set_socket_active_status(sd, SOCKET_STATUS_INACTIVE);
+    return(ret);
+//! accept
+//!  @param[in]   sd      socket descriptor (handle)              
+//!  @param[out]  addr    the argument addr is a pointer to a sockaddr structure
+//!                       This structure is filled in with the address of the  
+//!                       peer socket, as known to the communications layer.        
+//!                       determined. The exact format of the address returned             
+//!                       addr is by the socket's address sockaddr. 
+//!                       On this version only AF_INET is supported.
+//!                       This argument returns in network order.
+//!  @param[out] addrlen  the addrlen argument is a value-result argument: 
+//!                       it should initially contain the size of the structure
+//!                       pointed to by addr.
+//!  @return  For socket in blocking mode:
+//!                      On success, socket handle. on failure negative
+//!                  For socket in non-blocking mode:
+//!                     - On connection establishment, socket handle
+//!                     - On connection pending, SOC_IN_PROGRESS (-2)
+//!                   - On failure, SOC_ERROR    (-1)
+//!  @brief  accept a connection on a socket:
+//!          This function is used with connection-based socket types 
+//!          (SOCK_STREAM). It extracts the first connection request on the 
+//!          queue of pending connections, creates a new connected socket, and
+//!          returns a new file descriptor referring to that socket.
+//!          The newly created socket is not in the listening state. 
+//!          The original socket sd is unaffected by this call. 
+//!          The argument sd is a socket that has been created with socket(),
+//!          bound to a local address with bind(), and is  listening for 
+//!          connections after a listen(). The argument addr is a pointer 
+//!          to a sockaddr structure. This structure is filled in with the 
+//!          address of the peer socket, as known to the communications layer.
+//!          The exact format of the address returned addr is determined by the 
+//!          socket's address family. The addrlen argument is a value-result
+//!          argument: it should initially contain the size of the structure
+//!          pointed to by addr, on return it will contain the actual 
+//!          length (in bytes) of the address returned.
+//! @sa     socket ; bind ; listen
+long accept(long sd, sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
+    long ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    tBsdReturnParams tAcceptReturnArguments;
+    ret = EFAIL;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_ACCEPT, ptr, SOCKET_ACCEPT_PARAMS_LEN);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_ACCEPT, &tAcceptReturnArguments);
+    // need specify return parameters!!!
+    memcpy(addr, &tAcceptReturnArguments.tSocketAddress, ASIC_ADDR_LEN);
+    *addrlen = ASIC_ADDR_LEN;
+    errno = tAcceptReturnArguments.iStatus; 
+    ret = errno;
+    // if succeeded, iStatus = new socket descriptor. otherwise - error number 
+    if(M_IS_VALID_SD(ret))
+    {
+        set_socket_active_status(ret, SOCKET_STATUS_ACTIVE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        set_socket_active_status(sd, SOCKET_STATUS_INACTIVE);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+//! bind
+//!  @param[in]   sd      socket descriptor (handle)              
+//!  @param[out]  addr    specifies the destination address. On this version 
+//!                       only AF_INET is supported.
+//!  @param[out] addrlen  contains the size of the structure pointed to by addr.
+//!  @return      On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned.
+//!  @brief  assign a name to a socket
+//!          This function gives the socket the local address addr.
+//!          addr is addrlen bytes long. Traditionally, this is called when a 
+//!          socket is created with socket, it exists in a name space (address 
+//!          family) but has no name assigned.
+//!          It is necessary to assign a local address before a SOCK_STREAM
+//!          socket may receive connections.
+//! @sa     socket ; accept ; listen
+long bind(long sd, const sockaddr *addr, long addrlen)
+    long ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    ret = EFAIL;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    addrlen = ASIC_ADDR_LEN;
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 0x00000008);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, addrlen);
+    ARRAY_TO_STREAM(args, ((unsigned char *)addr), addrlen);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_BIND, ptr, SOCKET_BIND_PARAMS_LEN);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_BIND, &ret);
+    errno = ret;
+    return(ret);
+//! listen
+//!  @param[in]   sd      socket descriptor (handle)              
+//!  @param[in]  backlog  specifies the listen queue depth. On this version
+//!                       backlog is not supported.
+//!  @return      On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned.
+//!  @brief  listen for connections on a socket
+//!          The willingness to accept incoming connections and a queue
+//!          limit for incoming connections are specified with listen(),
+//!          and then the connections are accepted with accept.
+//!          The listen() call applies only to sockets of type SOCK_STREAM
+//!          The backlog parameter defines the maximum length the queue of
+//!          pending connections may grow to. 
+//! @sa     socket ; accept ; bind
+//! @note   On this version, backlog is not supported
+long listen(long sd, long backlog)
+    long ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    ret = EFAIL;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, backlog);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_LISTEN, ptr, SOCKET_LISTEN_PARAMS_LEN);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_LISTEN, &ret);
+    errno = ret;
+    return(ret);
+//! gethostbyname
+//!  @param[in]   hostname     host name              
+//!  @param[in]   usNameLen    name length 
+//!  @param[out]  out_ip_addr  This parameter is filled in with host IP address. 
+//!                            In case that host name is not resolved, 
+//!                            out_ip_addr is zero.                  
+//!  @return      On success, positive is returned. On error, negative is returned
+//!  @brief  Get host IP by name. Obtain the IP Address of machine on network, 
+//!          by its name.
+//!  @note  On this version, only blocking mode is supported. Also note that
+//!             the function requires DNS server to be configured prior to its usage.
+#ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
+int gethostbyname(char * hostname, unsigned short usNameLen, unsigned long* out_ip_addr)
+    tBsdGethostbynameParams ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    errno = EFAIL;
+    if (usNameLen > HOSTNAME_MAX_LENGTH)
+    {
+        return errno;
+    }
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    // Fill in HCI packet structure
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 8);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, usNameLen);
+    ARRAY_TO_STREAM(args, hostname, usNameLen);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_GETHOSTNAME, ptr, SOCKET_GET_HOST_BY_NAME_PARAMS_LEN + usNameLen - 1);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_EVNT_BSD_GETHOSTBYNAME, &ret);
+    errno = ret.retVal;
+    (*((long*)out_ip_addr)) = ret.outputAddress;
+    return (errno);
+//! connect
+//!  @param[in]   sd       socket descriptor (handle)         
+//!  @param[in]   addr     specifies the destination addr. On this version
+//!                        only AF_INET is supported.
+//!  @param[out]  addrlen  contains the size of the structure pointed to by addr    
+//!  @return      On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+//!  @brief  initiate a connection on a socket 
+//!          Function connects the socket referred to by the socket descriptor 
+//!          sd, to the address specified by addr. The addrlen argument 
+//!          specifies the size of addr. The format of the address in addr is 
+//!          determined by the address space of the socket. If it is of type 
+//!          SOCK_DGRAM, this call specifies the peer with which the socket is 
+//!          to be associated; this address is that to which datagrams are to be
+//!          sent, and the only address from which datagrams are to be received.  
+//!          If the socket is of type SOCK_STREAM, this call attempts to make a 
+//!          connection to another socket. The other socket is specified  by 
+//!          address, which is an address in the communications space of the
+//!          socket. Note that the function implements only blocking behavior 
+//!          thus the caller will be waiting either for the connection 
+//!          establishment or for the connection establishment failure.
+//!  @sa socket
+long connect(long sd, const sockaddr *addr, long addrlen)
+    long int ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    ret = EFAIL;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    addrlen = 8;
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 0x00000008);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, addrlen);
+    ARRAY_TO_STREAM(args, ((unsigned char *)addr), addrlen);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_CONNECT, ptr, SOCKET_CONNECT_PARAMS_LEN);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_CONNECT, &ret);
+    errno = ret;
+    return((long)ret);
+//! select
+//!  @param[in]   nfds       the highest-numbered file descriptor in any of the
+//!                           three sets, plus 1.     
+//!  @param[out]   writesds   socket descriptors list for write monitoring
+//!  @param[out]   readsds    socket descriptors list for read monitoring  
+//!  @param[out]   exceptsds  socket descriptors list for exception monitoring
+//!  @param[in]   timeout     is an upper bound on the amount of time elapsed
+//!                           before select() returns. Null means infinity 
+//!                           timeout. The minimum timeout is 5 milliseconds,
+//!                          less than 5 milliseconds will be set
+//!                           automatically to 5 milliseconds.
+//!  @return      On success, select() returns the number of file descriptors
+//!             contained in the three returned descriptor sets (that is, the
+//!             total number of bits that are set in readfds, writefds,
+//!             exceptfds) which may be zero if the timeout expires before
+//!             anything interesting  happens.
+//!             On error, -1 is returned.
+//!                   *readsds - return the sockets on which Read request will
+//!                              return without delay with valid data.
+//!                   *writesds - return the sockets on which Write request 
+//!                                 will return without delay.
+//!                   *exceptsds - return the sockets which closed recently.
+//!  @brief  Monitor socket activity  
+//!          Select allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors,
+//!          waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become 
+//!         "ready" for some class of I/O operation 
+//!  @Note   If the timeout value set to less than 5ms it will automatically set
+//!          to 5ms to prevent overload of the system
+//!  @sa socket
+int select(long nfds, fd_set *readsds, fd_set *writesds, fd_set *exceptsds, struct timeval *timeout)
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    tBsdSelectRecvParams tParams;
+    unsigned long is_blocking;
+    if( timeout == NULL)
+    {
+        is_blocking = 1; /* blocking , infinity timeout */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        is_blocking = 0; /* no blocking, timeout */
+    }
+    // Fill in HCI packet structure
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, nfds);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 0x00000014);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 0x00000014);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 0x00000014);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 0x00000014);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, is_blocking);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, ((readsds) ? *(unsigned long*)readsds : 0));
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, ((writesds) ? *(unsigned long*)writesds : 0));
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, ((exceptsds) ? *(unsigned long*)exceptsds : 0));
+    if (timeout)
+    {
+        if ( 0 == timeout->tv_sec && timeout->tv_usec < SELECT_TIMEOUT_MIN_MICRO_SECONDS)
+        {
+            timeout->tv_usec = SELECT_TIMEOUT_MIN_MICRO_SECONDS;
+        }
+        args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, timeout->tv_sec);
+        args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, timeout->tv_usec);
+    }
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_BSD_SELECT, ptr, SOCKET_SELECT_PARAMS_LEN);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_EVNT_SELECT, &tParams);
+    // Update actually read FD
+    if (tParams.iStatus >= 0)
+    {
+        if (readsds)
+        {
+            memcpy(readsds, &tParams.uiRdfd, sizeof(tParams.uiRdfd));
+        }
+        if (writesds)
+        {
+            memcpy(writesds, &tParams.uiWrfd, sizeof(tParams.uiWrfd)); 
+        }
+        if (exceptsds)
+        {
+            memcpy(exceptsds, &tParams.uiExfd, sizeof(tParams.uiExfd)); 
+        }
+        return(tParams.iStatus);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        errno = tParams.iStatus;
+        return(-1);
+    }
+//! setsockopt
+//!  @param[in]   sd          socket handle
+//!  @param[in]   level       defines the protocol level for this option
+//!  @param[in]   optname     defines the option name to Interrogate
+//!  @param[in]   optval      specifies a value for the option
+//!  @param[in]   optlen      specifies the length of the option value
+//!  @return      On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+//!  @brief  set socket options
+//!          This function manipulate the options associated with a socket.
+//!          Options may exist at multiple protocol levels; they are always
+//!          present at the uppermost socket level.
+//!          When manipulating socket options the level at which the option 
+//!          resides and the name of the option must be specified.  
+//!          To manipulate options at the socket level, level is specified as 
+//!          SOL_SOCKET. To manipulate options at any other level the protocol 
+//!          number of the appropriate protocol controlling the option is 
+//!          supplied. For example, to indicate that an option is to be 
+//!          interpreted by the TCP protocol, level should be set to the 
+//!          protocol number of TCP; 
+//!          The parameters optval and optlen are used to access optval - 
+//!          use for setsockopt(). For getsockopt() they identify a buffer
+//!          in which the value for the requested option(s) are to 
+//!          be returned. For getsockopt(), optlen is a value-result 
+//!          parameter, initially containing the size of the buffer 
+//!          pointed to by option_value, and modified on return to 
+//!          indicate the actual size of the value returned. If no option 
+//!          value is to be supplied or returned, option_value may be NULL.
+//!  @Note   On this version the following two socket options are enabled:
+//!                 The only protocol level supported in this version
+//!          is SOL_SOCKET (level).
+//!               1. SOCKOPT_RECV_TIMEOUT (optname)
+//!                  SOCKOPT_RECV_TIMEOUT configures recv and recvfrom timeout 
+//!           in milliseconds.
+//!                In that case optval should be pointer to unsigned long.
+//!               2. SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK (optname). sets the socket non-blocking mode on 
+//!           or off.
+//!                In that case optval should be SOCK_ON or SOCK_OFF (optval).
+//!  @sa getsockopt
+#ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
+int setsockopt(long sd, long level, long optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen)
+    int ret;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, level);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, optname);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, 0x00000008);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, optlen);
+    ARRAY_TO_STREAM(args, ((unsigned char *)optval), optlen);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_SETSOCKOPT, ptr, SOCKET_SET_SOCK_OPT_PARAMS_LEN  + optlen);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_SETSOCKOPT, &ret);
+    if (ret >= 0)
+    {
+        return (0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        errno = ret;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+//! getsockopt
+//!  @param[in]   sd          socket handle
+//!  @param[in]   level       defines the protocol level for this option
+//!  @param[in]   optname     defines the option name to Interrogate
+//!  @param[out]   optval      specifies a value for the option
+//!  @param[out]   optlen      specifies the length of the option value
+//!  @return      On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+//!  @brief  set socket options
+//!          This function manipulate the options associated with a socket.
+//!          Options may exist at multiple protocol levels; they are always
+//!          present at the uppermost socket level.
+//!          When manipulating socket options the level at which the option 
+//!          resides and the name of the option must be specified.  
+//!          To manipulate options at the socket level, level is specified as 
+//!          SOL_SOCKET. To manipulate options at any other level the protocol 
+//!          number of the appropriate protocol controlling the option is 
+//!          supplied. For example, to indicate that an option is to be 
+//!          interpreted by the TCP protocol, level should be set to the 
+//!          protocol number of TCP; 
+//!          The parameters optval and optlen are used to access optval - 
+//!          use for setsockopt(). For getsockopt() they identify a buffer
+//!          in which the value for the requested option(s) are to 
+//!          be returned. For getsockopt(), optlen is a value-result 
+//!          parameter, initially containing the size of the buffer 
+//!          pointed to by option_value, and modified on return to 
+//!          indicate the actual size of the value returned. If no option 
+//!          value is to be supplied or returned, option_value may be NULL.
+//!  @Note   On this version the following two socket options are enabled:
+//!                 The only protocol level supported in this version
+//!          is SOL_SOCKET (level).
+//!               1. SOCKOPT_RECV_TIMEOUT (optname)
+//!                  SOCKOPT_RECV_TIMEOUT configures recv and recvfrom timeout 
+//!           in milliseconds.
+//!                In that case optval should be pointer to unsigned long.
+//!               2. SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK (optname). sets the socket non-blocking mode on 
+//!           or off.
+//!                In that case optval should be SOCK_ON or SOCK_OFF (optval).
+//!  @sa setsockopt
+getsockopt (long sd, long level, long optname, void *optval, socklen_t *optlen)
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    tBsdGetSockOptReturnParams  tRetParams;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, level);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, optname);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_CMND_GETSOCKOPT, &tRetParams);
+    if (((signed char)tRetParams.iStatus) >= 0)
+    {
+        *optlen = 4;
+        memcpy(optval, tRetParams.ucOptValue, 4);
+        return (0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        errno = tRetParams.iStatus;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+//!  simple_link_recv
+//!  @param sd       socket handle
+//!  @param buf      read buffer
+//!  @param len      buffer length
+//!  @param flags    indicates blocking or non-blocking operation
+//!  @param from     pointer to an address structure indicating source address
+//!  @param fromlen  source address structure size
+//!  @return         Return the number of bytes received, or -1 if an error
+//!                  occurred
+//!  @brief          Read data from socket
+//!                  Return the length of the message on successful completion.
+//!                  If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer,
+//!                  excess bytes may be discarded depending on the type of
+//!                  socket the message is received from
+int simple_link_recv(long sd, void *buf, long len, long flags, sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen, long opcode)
+    unsigned char *ptr, *args;
+    tBsdReadReturnParams tSocketReadEvent;
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_CMD);
+    // Fill in HCI packet structure
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, len);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, flags);
+    // Generate the read command, and wait for the 
+    hci_command_send(opcode,  ptr, SOCKET_RECV_FROM_PARAMS_LEN);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(opcode, &tSocketReadEvent);
+    // In case the number of bytes is more then zero - read data
+    if (tSocketReadEvent.iNumberOfBytes > 0)
+    {
+        // Wait for the data in a synchronous way. Here we assume that the bug is 
+        // big enough to store also parameters of receive from too....
+        SimpleLinkWaitData((unsigned char *)buf, (unsigned char *)from, (unsigned char *)fromlen);
+    }
+    errno = tSocketReadEvent.iNumberOfBytes;
+    return(tSocketReadEvent.iNumberOfBytes);
+//!  recv
+//!  @param[in]  sd     socket handle
+//!  @param[out] buf    Points to the buffer where the message should be stored
+//!  @param[in]  len    Specifies the length in bytes of the buffer pointed to 
+//!                     by the buffer argument.
+//!  @param[in] flags   Specifies the type of message reception. 
+//!                     On this version, this parameter is not supported.
+//!  @return         Return the number of bytes received, or -1 if an error
+//!                  occurred
+//!  @brief          function receives a message from a connection-mode socket
+//!  @sa recvfrom
+//!  @Note On this version, only blocking mode is supported.
+int recv(long sd, void *buf, long len, long flags)
+    return(simple_link_recv(sd, buf, len, flags, NULL, NULL, HCI_CMND_RECV));
+//!  recvfrom
+//!  @param[in]  sd     socket handle
+//!  @param[out] buf    Points to the buffer where the message should be stored
+//!  @param[in]  len    Specifies the length in bytes of the buffer pointed to 
+//!                     by the buffer argument.
+//!  @param[in] flags   Specifies the type of message reception. 
+//!                     On this version, this parameter is not supported.
+//!  @param[in] from   pointer to an address structure indicating the source
+//!                    address: sockaddr. On this version only AF_INET is
+//!                    supported.
+//!  @param[in] fromlen   source address tructure size
+//!  @return         Return the number of bytes received, or -1 if an error
+//!                  occurred
+//!  @brief         read data from socket
+//!                 function receives a message from a connection-mode or
+//!                 connectionless-mode socket. Note that raw sockets are not
+//!                 supported.
+//!  @sa recv
+//!  @Note On this version, only blocking mode is supported.
+int recvfrom(long sd, void *buf, long len, long flags, sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen)
+    return(simple_link_recv(sd, buf, len, flags, from, fromlen, HCI_CMND_RECVFROM));
+//!  simple_link_send
+//!  @param sd       socket handle
+//!  @param buf      write buffer
+//!  @param len      buffer length
+//!  @param flags    On this version, this parameter is not supported
+//!  @param to       pointer to an address structure indicating destination
+//!                  address
+//!  @param tolen    destination address structure size
+//!  @return         Return the number of bytes transmitted, or -1 if an error
+//!                  occurred, or -2 in case there are no free buffers available
+//!                 (only when SEND_NON_BLOCKING is enabled)
+//!  @brief          This function is used to transmit a message to another
+//!                  socket
+int simple_link_send(long sd, const void *buf, long len, long flags, const sockaddr *to, long tolen, long opcode)
+    unsigned char uArgSize = 0x00,  addrlen = 0x00;
+    unsigned char *ptr, *pDataPtr = NULL, *args;
+    unsigned long addr_offset = 0x00;
+    int res;
+    // Check the bsd_arguments
+    if (0 != (res = HostFlowControlConsumeBuff(sd)))
+    {
+        return res;
+    }
+    //Update the number of sent packets
+    tSLInformation.NumberOfSentPackets++;
+    // Allocate a buffer and construct a packet and send it over spi
+    ptr = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    args = (ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_DATA);
+    // Update the offset of data and parameters according to the command
+    switch(opcode)
+    { 
+    case HCI_CMND_SENDTO:
+        {
+            addr_offset = len + sizeof(len) + sizeof(len);
+            addrlen = 8;
+            uArgSize = SOCKET_SENDTO_PARAMS_LEN;
+            break;
+        }
+    case HCI_CMND_SEND:
+        {
+            tolen = 0;
+            to = NULL;
+            uArgSize = HCI_CMND_SEND_ARG_LENGTH;
+            pDataPtr = ptr + HEADERS_SIZE_DATA + HCI_CMND_SEND_ARG_LENGTH;
+            break;
+        }
+    default:
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    // Fill in temporary command buffer
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, sd);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, uArgSize - sizeof(sd));
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, len);
+    args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, flags);
+    if (opcode == HCI_CMND_SENDTO)
+    {
+        args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, addr_offset);
+        args = UINT32_TO_STREAM(args, addrlen);
+    }
+    // Copy the data received from user into the TX Buffer
+    ARRAY_TO_STREAM(pDataPtr, ((unsigned char *)buf), len);
+    // In case we are using SendTo, copy the to parameters
+    if (opcode == HCI_CMND_SENDTO)
+    {    
+        ARRAY_TO_STREAM(pDataPtr, ((unsigned char *)to), tolen);
+    }
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_data_send(opcode, ptr, uArgSize, len,(unsigned char*)to, tolen);
+    return    (len);
+//!  send
+//!  @param sd       socket handle
+//!  @param buf      Points to a buffer containing the message to be sent
+//!  @param len      message size in bytes
+//!  @param flags    On this version, this parameter is not supported
+//!  @return         Return the number of bytes transmitted, or -1 if an
+//!                  error occurred
+//!  @brief          Write data to TCP socket
+//!                  This function is used to transmit a message to another 
+//!                  socket.
+//!  @Note           On this version, only blocking mode is supported.
+//!  @sa             sendto
+int send(long sd, const void *buf, long len, long flags)
+    return(simple_link_send(sd, buf, len, flags, NULL, 0, HCI_CMND_SEND));
+//!  sendto
+//!  @param sd       socket handle
+//!  @param buf      Points to a buffer containing the message to be sent
+//!  @param len      message size in bytes
+//!  @param flags    On this version, this parameter is not supported
+//!  @param to       pointer to an address structure indicating the destination
+//!                  address: sockaddr. On this version only AF_INET is
+//!                  supported.
+//!  @param tolen    destination address structure size
+//!  @return         Return the number of bytes transmitted, or -1 if an
+//!                  error occurred
+//!  @brief          Write data to TCP socket
+//!                  This function is used to transmit a message to another 
+//!                  socket.
+//!  @Note           On this version, only blocking mode is supported.
+//!  @sa             send
+int sendto(long sd, const void *buf, long len, long flags, const sockaddr *to, socklen_t tolen)
+    return(simple_link_send(sd, buf, len, flags, to, tolen, HCI_CMND_SENDTO));
+//!  mdnsAdvertiser
+//!  @param[in] mdnsEnabled         flag to enable/disable the mDNS feature
+//!  @param[in] deviceServiceName   Service name as part of the published
+//!                                 canonical domain name
+//!  @param[in] deviceServiceNameLength   Length of the service name
+//!  @return   On success, zero is returned, return SOC_ERROR if socket was not 
+//!            opened successfully, or if an error occurred.
+//!  @brief    Set CC3000 in mDNS advertiser mode in order to advertise itself.
+int mdnsAdvertiser(unsigned short mdnsEnabled, char * deviceServiceName, unsigned short deviceServiceNameLength)
+    int ret;
+     unsigned char *pTxBuffer, *pArgs;
+    if (deviceServiceNameLength > MDNS_DEVICE_SERVICE_MAX_LENGTH)
+    {
+        return EFAIL;
+    }
+    pTxBuffer = tSLInformation.pucTxCommandBuffer;
+    // Fill in HCI packet structure
+    pArgs = UINT32_TO_STREAM(pArgs, mdnsEnabled);
+    pArgs = UINT32_TO_STREAM(pArgs, 8);
+    pArgs = UINT32_TO_STREAM(pArgs, deviceServiceNameLength);
+    ARRAY_TO_STREAM(pArgs, deviceServiceName, deviceServiceNameLength);
+    // Initiate a HCI command
+    hci_command_send(HCI_CMND_MDNS_ADVERTISE, pTxBuffer, SOCKET_MDNS_ADVERTISE_PARAMS_LEN + deviceServiceNameLength);
+    // Since we are in blocking state - wait for event complete
+    SimpleLinkWaitEvent(HCI_EVNT_MDNS_ADVERTISE, &ret);
+    return ret;