A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor

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Title Class Reference

Title Class Reference

Title Class. More...

#include <Title.h>

Public Member Functions

 Title ()
int get_seed ()
 to get the seed for rand()
void main (N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad, float &global_contrast)
 This function runs the whole Title screen, it contains the title loop and calls for the rest of the methods.

Detailed Description

Title Class.

Steven Mahasin Handles all Title Screen Interractions
May 2019

Definition at line 12 of file Title.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Title (  )


Definition at line 3 of file Title.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int get_seed (  )

to get the seed for rand()


Definition at line 10 of file Title.cpp.

void main ( N5110 lcd,
Gamepad gamepad,
float &  global_contrast 

This function runs the whole Title screen, it contains the title loop and calls for the rest of the methods.

lcdthe screen the Title screen is being displayed on
gamepadthe input the Title screen processes
global_contrastthe variable that is varied by the Title screen to chance screen contrast

Definition at line 15 of file Title.cpp.