A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor

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00001 #include "Title.h"
00003 Title::Title()
00004 {
00005     _title_count = 0;
00006     _cursor_timer = 20;
00007     _title_option = 0;
00008 }
00010 int Title::get_seed()
00011 {
00012     return _title_count;
00013 }
00015 void Title::main(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad, float &global_contrast)
00016 {
00017     Player player(5, 36);
00018     while(1){  // Title Screen Loop
00019         _title_option = 0;
00020         while(!gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)){ 
00021             lcd.clear();
00022             draw_title_screen(lcd);
00023             lcd.refresh();
00024             title_options_joystick(gamepad);
00025             _title_count++;
00026             wait_ms(1000/40); // 1s/framerate
00027         }
00028         while(gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)){}
00030         if(_title_option == 0) { break;  // Start game, exit title loop
00031         } else if (_title_option == 1) { title_option_option(lcd, gamepad, player, global_contrast);
00032         } else if (_title_option == 2) { title_option_credit(lcd, gamepad);
00033         } else if (_title_option == 3) { title_option_tutorial(lcd, gamepad);
00034         }
00035     }
00036     player.~Player();
00037 }
00039 void Title::draw_title_screen(N5110 &lcd)
00040 {
00041     lcd.drawSprite(11, 4, 15, 44, (char *)title_name_0);
00042     lcd.drawSpriteTransparent(19, 14, 17, 53, (char *)title_name_1);
00043     lcd.drawCircle(79, 7, 10, FILL_BLACK);
00044     lcd.drawCircle(81, 5, 8, FILL_WHITE);
00045     lcd.drawSprite(56, 6, 11, 5, (char *)star_sprite[abs(((_title_count/20) % 7) - 3)]);
00046     lcd.drawSprite(12, 34, 8, 8, (char *)button_A_sprite);
00047     lcd.drawSprite(22, 37, 3, 2, (char *)arrow_left_sprite);
00048     lcd.drawSprite(59, 37, 3, 2, (char *)arrow_right_sprite);
00049     lcd.drawSprite(69, 31, 12, 6, (char *)sprite_player[(_title_count/40) % 4][(_title_count/10) % 4]);
00050     lcd.drawSprite(26, 35, 9, 32, (char *)title_options_sprite[_title_option]);
00051 }
00053 void Title::title_options_joystick(Gamepad &gamepad)
00054 {
00055     if ((gamepad.get_direction() == 3) && (_cursor_timer > 20)) {    // Detect Joystick going right
00056         _cursor_timer = 0;
00057         if (_title_option >= 3) {
00058             _title_option = 0;
00059         } else {
00060             _title_option++;
00061         }
00062     } else if ((gamepad.get_direction() == 7) && (_cursor_timer > 20)) { // Detect Joystick going left
00063         _cursor_timer = 0;
00064         if (_title_option <= 0) {
00065             _title_option = 3;
00066         } else {
00067             _title_option--;
00068         }
00069     }
00070     _cursor_timer++;
00071 }
00073 void Title::title_option_option(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad, Player &player, float &global_contrast)
00074 {
00075     while(!gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {
00076         global_contrast = gamepad.read_pot();
00077         lcd.setContrast(global_contrast);
00078         lcd.clear();
00079         lcd.printString("Set contrast", 0, 0);
00080         lcd.printString("using the", 0, 1);
00081         lcd.printString("potentiometer", 0, 2);
00082         player.draw(lcd);
00083         player.draw_bullets(lcd, player.get_pos_y() + 2);
00084         lcd.refresh();
00085         player.move(1, 0, (char *)level_map[0][0], (bool *)sprite_transparent_player);  // Adding animation of walking
00086         player.undo_move_x(true);   // Keeping the player in place
00087         player.buttons(false, true, false, false);  // Instructing player to shoot right
00088         player.delete_out_of_bounds_bullets((char *)level_map[0][0], (bool *)sprite_transparent_player);  // Move the bullets and delete those out of the screen
00089         wait_ms(1000/40);
00090     }
00091     wait(0.05);
00092     while(gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {}
00093 }
00095 void Title::title_option_credit(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad)
00096 {
00097     lcd.clear();
00098     lcd.printString("Made by:", 0, 0);
00099     lcd.printString("Steven Mahasin", 0, 1);
00100     lcd.printString("201192939", 0, 2);
00101     lcd.refresh();
00102     wait(0.05);
00103     while(!gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {
00104     }
00105     wait(0.05);
00106     while(gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {
00107     }
00108 }
00110 void Title::title_option_tutorial(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad)
00111 {
00112     print_tutorial_page_0(lcd);                         // print page 0 and wait for button toggle
00113     wait(0.05);
00114     while(!gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {}
00115     wait(0.05);
00116     while(gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {}
00117     print_tutorial_page_1(lcd);                         // print page 1 and wait for button toggle
00118     wait(0.05);
00119     while(!gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {}
00120     wait(0.05);
00121     while(gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {}
00122     print_tutorial_page_2(lcd);                         // print page 2 and wait for button toggle
00123     wait(0.05);
00124     while(!gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {}
00125     wait(0.05);
00126     while(gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {}
00127 }
00129 void Title::print_tutorial_page_0(N5110 &lcd)
00130 {
00131     lcd.clear();
00132     lcd.printString("Use the joypad", 0, 0);
00133     lcd.printString("to move the", 0, 1);
00134     lcd.printString("player", 0, 2);
00135     lcd.printString("Use buttons", 0, 3);
00136     lcd.printString("ABXY to shoot", 0, 4);
00137     lcd.printString("directionally", 0, 5);
00138     lcd.refresh();
00139 }
00141 void Title::print_tutorial_page_1(N5110 &lcd)
00142 {
00143     lcd.clear();
00144     lcd.printString("Hold L to", 0, 0);
00145     lcd.printString("show player", 0, 1);
00146     lcd.printString("health", 0, 2);
00147     lcd.printString("Hold R to", 0, 3);
00148     lcd.printString("view explored", 0, 4);
00149     lcd.printString("minimap", 0, 5);
00150     lcd.refresh();
00151 }
00153 void Title::print_tutorial_page_2(N5110 &lcd)
00154 {
00155     lcd.clear();
00156     lcd.printString("Press Start", 0, 0);
00157     lcd.printString("to pause", 0, 1);
00158     lcd.printString("the game", 0, 2);
00159     lcd.refresh();
00160 }