A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor

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00001 #ifndef TITLE_H
00002 #define TITLE_H
00004 #include "Player.h"
00005 #include "N5110.h"
00006 #include "Gamepad.h"
00007 /**Title Class
00008 @author Steven Mahasin
00009 @brief Handles all Title Screen Interractions
00010 @date May 2019
00011 */
00012 class Title
00013 {
00014 private:
00015     // Member Variables
00016     /**
00017     *   @brief a counter that increments per loop, used to detect delays
00018     */
00019     int _title_count;
00020     /**
00021     *   @brief a delay period for the joystick to update another right or left input
00022     */
00023     int _cursor_timer;
00024     /**
00025     *   @brief an integer that stores which option the cursor is on
00026     *   @note 0 = Start, 1 = Options, 2 = Credits, 3 = Tutorial
00027     */
00028     int _title_option;
00030     // Methods
00031     /**
00032     *   @brief This function is used to draw the title screen along with the animations
00033     *   @param lcd @details the screen the title screen is drawn on
00034     */
00035     void draw_title_screen(N5110 &lcd);
00036     /**
00037     *   @brief This function is used to read the gamepad buttons and joystick, interracting with the member variable _title_option 
00038     *   @param gamepad @details the gamepad the input is being read from
00039     */
00040     void title_options_joystick(Gamepad &gamepad);
00042     /**
00043     *   @brief This function is called when the user chooses the title option "Option"
00044     *   @param lcd @details the screen the Options screen is drawn on
00045     *   @param gamepad @details the gamepad used to read the potentiometer
00046     *   @param player @details the player that is being used as a demo for the options screen
00047     *   @param global_contrast @details the global contrast that is being varried to be set for the whole game
00048     */
00049     void title_option_option(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad, Player &player, float &global_contrast);
00050     /**
00051     *   @brief This function is called when the user chooses the title option "Credit"
00052     *   @param lcd @details the screen the credits is being displayed on
00053     *   @param gamepad @details the gamepad is used to read when the user decides to exit the credit page (button A)
00054     */
00055     void title_option_credit(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad);
00056     /**
00057     *   @brief This function is called when the user chooses the title option "Tutorial"
00058     *   @param lcd @details the screen tutotrial is being displayed on
00059     *   @param gamepad @details the gamepad is used to read when the user decides to go to the next tutorial page (button A)
00060     */
00061     void title_option_tutorial(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad);
00063     /**
00064     *   @brief This function is displays tutorial page 0
00065     *   @param lcd @details the screen the credits is being displayed on
00066     */
00067     void print_tutorial_page_0(N5110 &lcd);
00068     /**
00069     *   @brief This function is displays tutorial page 1
00070     *   @param lcd @details the screen the credits is being displayed on
00071     */
00072     void print_tutorial_page_1(N5110 &lcd);
00073     /**
00074     *   @brief This function is displays tutorial page 2
00075     *   @param lcd @details the screen the credits is being displayed on
00076     */
00077     void print_tutorial_page_2(N5110 &lcd);
00079 public:
00080     /** Constructor */
00081     Title();
00083     // Accessor
00084     /** @brief to get the seed for rand()
00085     * @returns _title_count
00086     */
00087     int get_seed();
00089     // Functions
00090     /** @brief This function runs the whole Title screen, it contains the title loop and calls for the rest of the methods
00091     *   @param lcd @details the screen the Title screen is being displayed on
00092     *   @param gamepad @details the input the Title screen processes
00093     *   @param global_contrast @details the variable that is varied by the Title screen to chance screen contrast
00094     */
00095     void main(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad, float &global_contrast);
00096 };
00098 #endif