A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor

Thu May 09 14:56:46 2019 +0000
Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 1 #ifndef ROOMENGINE_H
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 2 #define ROOMENGINE_H
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 3 #include "N5110.h"
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 4 #include "Gamepad.h"
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 5
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 6 #include "Player.h"
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 7 #include "Health.h"
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 8 #include "Room.h"
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 9
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 10 #include "sprites.h"
el17sm 46:f09711580d4a 11 #define MAX_ROOMS_MAP_X 11
el17sm 46:f09711580d4a 12 #define MAX_ROOMS_MAP_Y 11
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 13
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 14 /**RoomEngine Class
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 15 @author Steven Mahasin
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 16 @brief Handles all Inter-Class Interactions in the room
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 17 @date May 2019
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 18 */
el17sm 27:a1b41626f57c 19 class RoomEngine
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 20 {
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 21 public:
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 22 /** Constructor
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 23 * @param global_contrast @details the contrast that the game runs on, set by title screen
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 24 */
el17sm 41:0697508a28ba 25 RoomEngine(float global_contrast);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 26 /** Destructor */
el17sm 27:a1b41626f57c 27 ~RoomEngine();
el17sm 32:fe6359ef9916 28
el17sm 32:fe6359ef9916 29 // Functions
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 30 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 31 * @brief loads the current player and room into the engine
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 32 * @param current_player @details the player we control
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 33 * @param current_room @details the room the player is currently in
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 34 */
el17sm 31:ab24d028ddfd 35 void load(Player *current_player, Room *current_room);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 36 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 37 * @brief plays an entrance_scene of the player into the room
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 38 * @param lcd @details the screen that is being drawn on
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 39 * @param gamepad @details the gamepad whose controls are being read
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 40 */
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 41 void entrance_scene(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 42 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 43 * @brief increments the room coordinate based on which side the player exits the screen from
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 44 */
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 45 void update_current_room();
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 46
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 47 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 48 * @brief returns 0-4 based on the player's position in the screen
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 49 * @return which side of the screen the player is currently at (4 = inside)
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 50 */
el17sm 50:2c5cb92a5361 51 int check_player_room_position();
el17sm 50:2c5cb92a5361 52
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 53 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 54 * @brief reads the input from the gamepad and converts it into member variables
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 55 * @param gamepad @details the gamepad whose controls are being read
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 56 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 57 void read_input(Gamepad &gamepad);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 58 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 59 * @brief updates the interaction between entities in room (enemies hp, damage, etc)
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 60 * @param number_of_enemies_killed @details for the final score, gets incremented everytime an enemy is killed
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 61 */
el17sm 47:6e31b195ce3c 62 void update(int &number_of_enemies_killed);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 63 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 64 * @brief to draw all the map, entities, doorway onto the screen
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 65 * @param lcd @details the screen that the roomengine draws on
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 66 */
el17sm 27:a1b41626f57c 67 void render(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad);
el17sm 32:fe6359ef9916 68
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 69 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 70 * @brief Plays an exit scene of the player leaving the room
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 71 * @param lcd @details the screen that the exit scene is drawn on
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 72 * @param gamepad @details the gamepad whose controls are being read
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 73 */
el17sm 50:2c5cb92a5361 74 void exit_scene(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad);
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 75
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 76 // Accessor
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 77 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 78 * @brief reads the member variable _room_x
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 79 * @return the current room's x-coordinate
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 80 */
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 81 int get_room_x();
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 82 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 83 * @brief reads the member variable _room_y
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 84 * @return the current room's y-coordinate
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 85 */
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 86 int get_room_y();
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 87
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 88 private:
el17sm 57:1c12361b6e3d 89 // Member variables
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 90 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 91 * @brief A boolean to indicate if button L is pressed
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 92 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 93 bool _L;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 94 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 95 * @brief A boolean to indicate if button R is pressed
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 96 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 97 bool _R;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 98 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 99 * @brief A boolean to indicate if button A is pressed
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 100 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 101 bool _A;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 102 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 103 * @brief A boolean to indicate if button B is pressed
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 104 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 105 bool _B;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 106 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 107 * @brief A boolean to indicate if button X is pressed
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 108 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 109 bool _X;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 110 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 111 * @brief A boolean to indicate if button Y is pressed
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 112 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 113 bool _Y;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 114 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 115 * @brief A vector2D that stores the x and y of the mapped_coordinates of the joystick
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 116 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 117 Vector2D mapped_coord;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 118 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 119 * @brief The x-coordinate value for the current room's position
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 120 */
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 121 int _room_x;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 122 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 123 * @brief The y-coordinate value for the current room's position
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 124 */
el17sm 29:6b8411bb040a 125 int _room_y;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 126 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 127 * @brief The value of set contrast from title screen, which dictates the contrast of lcd
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 128 */
el17sm 30:ec915d24d3e9 129 float _global_contrast;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 130 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 131 * @brief A pointer to a Room, used to access the current room class and it's functions
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 132 */
el17sm 27:a1b41626f57c 133 Room *room;
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 134 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 135 * @brief A pointer to a Player, used to access the current player class and it's functions
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 136 */
el17sm 27:a1b41626f57c 137 Player *player;
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 138
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 139 // Mutator
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 140 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 141 * @brief mutates all the user input manually
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 142 * @param L @details value to be written onto _L
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 143 * @param R @details value to be written onto _R
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 144 * @param A @details value to be written onto _A
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 145 * @param B @details value to be written onto _B
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 146 * @param X @details value to be written onto _X
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 147 * @param Y @details value to be written onto _Y
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 148 * @param mapped_x @details value to be written onto _mapped_coord.x
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 149 * @param mapped_y @details value to be written onto _mapped_coord.y
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 150 */
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 151 void set_input(bool L, bool R, bool A, bool B, bool X, bool Y, float mapped_x, float mapped_y);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 152 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 153 * @brief mutates _mapped_coord manually
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 154 * @param mapped_x @details value to be written onto _mapped_coord.x
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 155 * @param mapped_y @details value to be written onto _mapped_coord.y
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 156 */
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 157 void set_mapped_coord(float x, float y);
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 158
el17sm 49:3f83ed62d123 159 // Methods
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 160 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 161 * @brief checks if the two entities a and b collide
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 162 * @param a @details entity a to be checked if colliding with entity b
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 163 * @param b @details entity b to be checked if colliding with entity a
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 164 * @return true if the two entities collide
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 165 */
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 166 bool entity_collision(Entity &a, Entity &b);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 167 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 168 * @brief checks if the entity a collides with any entities in the entity array "array[]" if entity a moves in the x direction
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 169 * @param a @details entity a to be checked if colliding with any entity in the array[]
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 170 * @param array[] @details an array of entities to be check if colliding with a
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 171 * @param no_of_enemies @details constant length of enemies in the array[]
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 172 * @param current_entity @details the index of the enemy to be ignored if entity a is within array[]
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 173 * @param valid_enemies[] @details the array that defines which entities in array[] exists
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 174 * @return -1 or 1 if the entity a collides with any entities in the entity array "array[]" when entity a moves in the x direction depending if a's x pos is bigger than the colliding entity's x pos or not
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 175 */
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 176 float entity_move_check_x(Entity *a, Entity *array[], int no_of_enemies, int current_entity, bool valid_enemies[]);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 177 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 178 * @brief checks if the entity a collides with any entities in the entity array "array[]" if entity a moves in the y direction
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 179 * @param a @details entity a to be checked if colliding with any entity in the array[]
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 180 * @param array[] @details an array of entities to be check if colliding with a
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 181 * @param no_of_enemies @details constant length of enemies in the array[]
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 182 * @param current_entity @details the index of the enemy to be ignored if entity a is within array[]
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 183 * @param valid_enemies[] @details the array that defines which entities in array[] exists
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 184 * @return -1 or 1 if the entity a collides with any entities in the entity array "array[]" when entity a moves in the y direction depending if a's x pos is bigger than the colliding entity's x pos or not
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 185 */
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 186 float entity_move_check_y(Entity *a, Entity *array[], int no_of_enemies, int current_entity, bool valid_enemies[]);
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 187
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 188 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 189 * @brief inflict any damage happening to any entities in the room
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 190 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 191 void check_damage();
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 192 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 193 * @brief inflict any damage happening to the player in the room
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 194 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 195 void check_damage_player();
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 196 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 197 * @brief inflict any damage happening to any enemies in the room
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 198 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 199 void check_damage_enemies();
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 200 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 201 * @brief delete any enemies that has it's health depleted
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 202 * @param number_of_enemies_killed @details increments whenever an enemy is successfully deleted
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 203 */
el17sm 47:6e31b195ce3c 204 void check_enemies_death(int &number_of_enemies_killed);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 205 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 206 * @brief undo movement of entity if the entity collides with the wall (not used in this version)
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 207 */
el17sm 41:0697508a28ba 208 void check_walls_collision();
el17sm 41:0697508a28ba 209
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 210 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 211 * @brief updates the positions of all entities
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 212 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 213 void move();
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 214 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 215 * @brief updates the positions of player based on the joystick and wall constraint
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 216 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 217 void move_player();
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 218 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 219 * @brief updates the positions of enemies based on their coded movement patterns, repulsion effect and wall constraint
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 220 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 221 void move_enemies();
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 222 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 223 * @brief updates the position of the player whenever the player has just exit the screen
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 224 * @param side @details the side the player exits the room from
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 225 */
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 226 void update_player_position(int side);
el17sm 28:98848e6a77a2 227
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 228 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 229 * @brief holds the loop and detection for when a player pauses
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 230 * @param lcd @details the screen where the paused screen is going to be displayed on
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 231 * @param gamepad @details the gamepad whose controls are being read
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 232 */
el17sm 27:a1b41626f57c 233 void pause_detection(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 234 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 235 * @brief draws the pause screen onto lcd
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 236 * @param lcd @details the screen where the paused screen is going to be displayed on
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 237 * @param paused_screen @details the char array of the frozen screen when paused
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 238 * @param pause_timer @details the loop count to check if the pause sprite should appear or not for blink effect
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 239 */
el17sm 49:3f83ed62d123 240 void draw_pause_screen(N5110 &lcd, char * paused_screen, int &pause_timer);
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 241
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 242 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 243 * @brief draws the map, the entities and map overlays in the order of descending j
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 244 * @param lcd @details the screen where all entities are being drawn on
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 245 */
el17sm 27:a1b41626f57c 246 void draw(N5110 &lcd);
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 247 /**
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 248 * @brief draws number of hp as hearts on the top left of the screen whenever the user holds button L
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 249 * @param lcd @details the screen where the hearts are being drawn on
el17sm 58:c8d90bb7404a 250 */
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 251 void draw_health(N5110 &lcd);
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 252
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 253 };
el17sm 26:abbc19edc5c1 254 #endif