
Dependents of HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

A hello world program for the HC-SR04 HC-SR04, sensor, ultrasonic
Display distance in hyper terminal
ARM mbed Bluetooth Remote Car bluetooth, DC motor, HC_SR04, hc-05, L293D
Example for Bluetooth low energy interface BLE, BlueNRG, FIP
Example for ultrasonic ranging sensor
L'équipe robotique FIP a pour but de participer à la Coupe de France de Robotique (http://www.planete-sciences.org/robot/?section=pages&pageid=79). L'équipe est composée d'étudiants de l'école d'ingénieur Télécom Bretagne en filière par partenariat. Nous … BlueNRG, Coupe, FIP, motor, robot, Robotique, step-by-step, stm32
ajout de l'imu pour nucleo
Updated Sensors Module. Added person counter. Broker, domotic, ethernet, Gus, pir, ultrasonic
MiddleWare GUS
scribe robot working with stepper motors
The servo version of SCRIBE
Ultrasonic water level meter with HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, ESP8266 WiFi module and Telnet interface to FHEM
Sonar demo with timer interrupts
Vejam ai essa merda
New with OLED Output.
Self-navigating IOT robot for ECE 4180. Before navigation code begins, wi-fi http server setup takes time (approx. 2 min, see serial output in terminal window)
ece 4180 final project master mbed code
Ultrasonic sensor(HC-SR04) test for CORE-1000 Core-1000, coreone
Sensor ultrasónico con GAP
Sonar Proximity Audio Alert for Robot
for publish
Skittles Dispenser by Benjamin Kim and Alex Zdanov
This is the main code section
ECE4180 Final Project
H-brug test op cny70
We made an instrument using buttons and a temperature/humidity sensor. Currently the sounds are mapped to the harmonic series with sine / saw / square waves mix. The humidity sensor …
ultrasonic sensors for roboticized zuca project
MQTT example using the Freescale FRDM-K64F platform without additional hardware.
APS de Sistemas Operacionais / Controle 2
This program reads the values from the sonar sensor and prints these to the screen