Dependents of SRF02

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Ultrasonic sensor project. Displays readings on LCD. Reverse parking sensor.
Distance Sensor Project using the SRF02 ultrasonic distance sensor and N5110 lcd display. N5110, SRF02
Uses the SRF02 UDS and displays distance in a variety of ways on the N5110 LCD. N5110, SRF02
A program designed to get the distance from an SRF02 distance sensor and create an audible and visual indication of that distance with data logging capabilities.
This program allows user to measure distance with SRF02 distance sensor and display the result on a Nokia LCD Display
Reverse Parking Sensor
Simple Car parking device
header file
ultrasonic distance sensor
ultrasonic distance sensor - time headerfile
a measuring device that uses ultrasonic distance sensor SRF02 to measure distance
This is the final project involving a parking distance guider and radar distance sensor, with an additional setting option involved. It was made by Nestor Isaac Garcia Rueda (SID: 200798965) … distance sensor, mbed, N5110, Nokia LCD, parking, Radar, SRF02
Program implementing various applications of the ultrasonic distance sensor SRF02 combined with other components. Five different modules to show the various possible applications of the device. A focus on linear …
Distance srnsor final code
A simple project utilizing the SRF02 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Mobile Security System - Revision 1.0
ELEC2645 Year 2 Project Arnau Segura Doncel 200867010
ELEC2645 Sensor Project Andrew Ruffley 200887845
'Sensor-Matic!' ELEC2645 Jack Berriman - 200836573 elec2645
My ELEC2645 sensor project Bader Alathri 200826344
Parking sensor project ELEC2645
code using the sonic sensor to activate motor when the distance value dips beneath 50cm, seems to be a problem compiling with the else if statement. Apparently an unclosed bracket.