Forks of SRF02

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

commands for SRF02 sensor
ELEC 2645 Dogukan Kamacioglu 200792949
Simple library for interfacing with SRF02 ultrasonic rage finder (written by C. Evans @eencae). Additions include a function for obtaining readings in inches
Slightly revised version of the SRF02 library created by Craig A. Evans SRF02
Simple library for reading distance from SRF02 Ultrasonic Sensor in I2C mode. SRF02
SRF02 sensor
Simple library for reading distance from SRF02 Ultrasonic Sensor in I2C mode. SRF02
Simple library for reading distance from SRF02 Ultrasonic Sensor in I2C mode. SRF02
Simple library for reading distance from SRF02 Ultrasonic Sensor in I2C mode. With the use of imperial readings too SRF02
Used command byte to return distance in inches.
Distance sensor- Embedded Systems Project