
Forks of N5110

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

Project C accelerometer
Library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
N5110 Library for "Racing Cars" Game
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Library for LCD
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Slightly revised version of the N5110 library created by Craig A. Evans N5110
Disabled brightness
A library to initialise a nokia N5110 LCD. Created by C.A.Evans University of Leeds
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). Created by Craig A. Evans, University of Leeds. LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
N5110 library
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
LV03_US_Grupa03_Tim07_Zadatak01 Haris Imamovic Halilbegovic Kemal
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). - koristen softverski SPI umjesto hardverskog LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Updated for mbed: Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). MD
Class used to interface with the Nokia N5110 LCD. elec2645
Library for N5110 Screen - fixed example code
Altered slightly to remove the power pin GPIO connection
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Modified N5110 library with the ability to the print strings at exact pxiel locations, not just at each bank LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Code based on the original version from http://developer.mbed.org/users/eencae
Modified N5110 Library elec2645
nokia screen library
My fork version
My version of the N5110 library
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). revised to clear a circle when required with typecirc integer LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544
Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). Edited to include additional feaatures, such as 2d array loading, multiple screen buffers, and better … LCD, N5110, Nokia, pcd8544