
Dependents of N5110

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Code for testing the ELEC1620 Application Board.
Code for testing Gamepad
Demo for STM32F103C8T6 with a Nokia 5110 LCD. Nokia, STM32F103C8T6
It use the joystick to control the copter, when the copter bumper the wall, it will death.
Implement basic functions.
Implement basic functions
Similar to the example code.
Miao Sixiang 201089108
Doxyjen of the Bird.h
Li Saiwen 201089052
Wang Lin 201090174
Solar Striker
Adam Baker 201166301
Early commits of my project
Early commits of my project
Declaration: I have read the University Regulations on Plagiarism [1] and state that the work covered by this declaration is my own and does not contain any unacknowledged work from …
Doxygen comments added
The game is finished
Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.
Program to display a ruuning pole across the screen drawLine, LCD, line, N5110, n5110 lcd, Running
201199550 Li Boyuan PlaneWar Game on K64f
Liu Liting 201199465
A complex 2D-dungeon game on LPC1768 in SWJTU-Leeds Joint School XJEL2645 project. Referenced from the framework contributed by https://os.mbed.com/users/Siriagus/code/SimplePlatformGame/ LPC1768, SWJTU, XJEL2645, YadongHu
Attached is the MBed code for my ELEC2645 Space Invaders Project
Mortal Kombat Game ELEC2645
Simple fish eat program