Initial release. Mbed library for VL53L1CB

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
BDCMotorAn abstract class for BDCMotor components
ComponentAn abstract class for Generic components
DbgMCUHelper class DbgMCU providing a default constructor which enables debugging on STM32 MCUs while using sleep modes
DevI2CHelper class DevI2C providing functions for multi-register I2C communication common for a series of I2C devices
DevSPIHelper class DevSPI providing functions for synchronous SPI communication common for a series of SPI devices
GyroSensorAn abstract class for a Gyroscope
HumiditySensorAn abstract class for Humidity sensors
LightSensorAn abstract class for ambient light sensors
MagneticSensorAn abstract class for a magnetometer
MotionSensorAn abstract class for an Accelerometer
NfcAn abstract class for Nfc components
PressureSensorAn abstract class for a Pressure Sensor
RangeSensorAn abstract class for range sensors
StepperMotorAn abstract class for StepperMotor components
Stmpe1600Class representing a whole stmpe1600 component (16 gpio)
Stmpe1600DigiInClass representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander input pin
Stmpe1600DigiOutClass representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander output pin
TempSensorAn abstract class for Temperature sensors
VL53L1_AdditionalData_tStructure for storing the Additional Data
VL53L1_CalibrationData_tStructure for storing the Calibration Data
VL53L1_DetectionConfig_tDefines parameters for User/object Detection configuration
VL53L1_DevData_tContains the Internal data of the Bare Driver
VL53L1_DeviceInfo_tDefines the parameters of the Get Device Info Functions
VL53L1_DeviceParameters_tDefines all parameters for the device
VL53L1_DistanceThreshold_tDefines parameters for Distance detection Thresholds configuration
VL53L1_MultiRangingData_tStructure for storing the set of range results for a single ROI
VL53L1_RangingMeasurementData_tSingle Range measurement data
VL53L1_RateThreshold_tDefines parameters for Signal rate detection Thresholds configuration
VL53L1_RoiConfig_tDefines ROI configuration parameters
VL53L1_TargetRangeData_tOne Range measurement data for each target
VL53L1_UserRoi_tDefines User Zone(ROI) parameters
VL53L1_Version_tDefines the parameters of the Get Version Functions
VL53L1_ZoneCalibrationData_tStructure for storing the Zone Calibration Data
VL53L1XClass representing a VL53L1 sensor component
VL53L1X_Version_tDefines SW Version