Initial release. Mbed library for VL53L1CB

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VL53L1_DeviceParameters_t Struct Reference

VL53L1_DeviceParameters_t Struct Reference
[VL53L1 Defines]

Defines all parameters for the device. More...

#include <vl53l1_def.h>

Data Fields

VL53L1_PresetModes PresetMode
VL53L1_OutputModes OutputMode
VL53L1_DistanceModes DistanceMode
uint32_t MeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds
uint8_t LimitChecksEnable [VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]
uint8_t LimitChecksStatus [VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]
FixPoint1616_t LimitChecksValue [VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]
FixPoint1616_t LimitChecksCurrent [VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]

Detailed Description

Defines all parameters for the device.

Definition at line 337 of file vl53l1_def.h.

Field Documentation

VL53L1_DistanceModes DistanceMode

Defines the operating mode to be used for the next measure

Definition at line 343 of file vl53l1_def.h.

FixPoint1616_t LimitChecksCurrent[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]

This Array stores all the Limit Check current value from latest ranging

Definition at line 355 of file vl53l1_def.h.

uint8_t LimitChecksEnable[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]

This Array store all the Limit Check enable for this device.

Definition at line 347 of file vl53l1_def.h.

uint8_t LimitChecksStatus[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]

This Array stores all the Status of the check linked to last measurement.

Definition at line 349 of file vl53l1_def.h.

FixPoint1616_t LimitChecksValue[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS]

This Array stores all the Limit Check value for this device

Definition at line 353 of file vl53l1_def.h.

Defines the allowed total time for a single measurement

Definition at line 345 of file vl53l1_def.h.

VL53L1_OutputModes OutputMode

Defines the Output mode to be used for the next measure

Definition at line 341 of file vl53l1_def.h.

VL53L1_PresetModes PresetMode

Defines the operating mode to be used for the next measure

Definition at line 339 of file vl53l1_def.h.