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VL53L1_RoiConfig_t Struct Reference

VL53L1_RoiConfig_t Struct Reference
[VL53L1 Defines]

Defines ROI configuration parameters. More...

#include <vl53l1_def.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t NumberOfRoi
VL53L1_UserRoi_t UserRois [VL53L1_MAX_USER_ZONES]

Detailed Description

Defines ROI configuration parameters.

Support up a max of 16 zones, Each Zone has the same size

Definition at line 601 of file vl53l1_def.h.

Field Documentation

uint8_t NumberOfRoi

Number of Rois defined

Definition at line 603 of file vl53l1_def.h.

VL53L1_UserRoi_t UserRois[VL53L1_MAX_USER_ZONES]

List of Rois

Definition at line 606 of file vl53l1_def.h.