Since our code is based on lab 6 code and we also used the joystick to test movement initially. So joystick still existed tough we haven't use that eventually

Fork of Joystick_skeleton by Carter Sharer

--- a/Joystick.h	Thu Oct 20 22:16:14 2016 +0000
+++ b/Joystick.h	Thu Oct 20 23:12:18 2016 +0000
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#define DEAD_ZONE 4 //size of the dead zone  ...-3,-2,-1 [-2...0...+2] 1,2,3...
+#define DEAD_ZONE 2 //where values will be set to zero. [-2,+2]
 class Joystick 
     public: //Function and variables go here
         Joystick(PinName pinA, PinName pinB); //Constructor
-        float horizontal(void);
-        float vertical(void);
-        void setScale(float min, float max);
+        float horizontal(void); //Reads horizontal value of joystick
+        float vertical(void);  //Reads vertical value of joystick
+        void setScale(float min, float max); //Set the scale of values
-        AnalogIn horiz;
-        AnalogIn vert;
+        AnalogIn horiz; //horizontal pot in joystick
+        AnalogIn vert; //Vertical pot in joystick
         float _min, _max; //Min and Max for scaling
         float rawMinH, rawMaxH, rawMinV, rawMaxV; //Max/Min raw values we have seen so far