This is a USB mouse(Device). The mouse positions can be changed with the potentiometers on the MBD

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd DebounceInterrupts USBDevice mbed

Fork of USBAbsoluteMouse by Adam Green

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  1. USB Mouse

USB Mouse


To build a USB Mouse (Host and device) using two MBEDs and test the communication between them.


This is a device part of the USB mouse Project. The USB mouse project uses two MBED boards.

There is a bubble on the LCD of the Host MBED. The position of this bubble can be controlled using the potentiometers on the device MBED.

Pin Mappings

  • Pot1 is used to control Y position of the bubble
  • Pot2 is used to control X position of the bubble
  • Right button on joystick is used to emulate the right click
  • Left button on joystick is used to emulate the left click
  • Center button of joystick is used to emulate the pressing of the wheel

Block Diagram/Connection diagram


Design Constraints

The output of the USB mouse(device) is adjusted according to the limits of the LCD on the other MBED board(the host). Due to this this mouse positions may be incorrect for any other sizes of the LCD or the Host computer.

Complete Testing(For both device and host)

Case DescriptionOutput ExpectedActual OutputStatus
ConnectionThe USB device should be properly enumerated when connected to the hostConnection recognized by the hostPASS
If the device is disconnected from the host, there should be some error messageWhen the device is disconnected, the LED4 on Host turns OFF and "Connect the USB mouse" is displayed on the LCDPass
Move Pot1 on the device and check the position of bubble on the Host.The pot should be able to control the bubble for the entire range of the LCD.Using Pot1 the Y position is controlled and the bubble moves from topmost position to bottom most positionPASS
Move Pot2 on the device and check the position of bubble on the Host.The pot should be able to control the bubble for the entire range of the LCD.Using Pot2 the X position is controlled and the bubble moves from leftmost position to the rightmost positionPASS
Press the left switch of the joystick on the deviceThe left click should be detected and the LED on the host should turn ONLED2 on the host turns ON. Thus, a left click on the device is detected by the host.PASS
Press the right switch of the joystick on the deviceThe right click should be detected and the LED on the host should turn ONLED1 on the host turns ON. Thus, a right click on the device is detected by the host.PASS
Press the center switch of the joystick on the deviceThe click of the wheel should be detected and the LED on the host should turn ONLED3 on the host turns ON. Thus, a wheel the wheel being clicked the device is detected by the host.PASS
Disconnect the host from the deviceThe LED4 on the host should turn OFFThe LED4 turns OFF along with the message on the LCD "Connect the USB mouse".PASS

Testing Device Specific

Power ConsumptionThe power consumed by the USB Device should be less than the specified valueThe power consumed by the device is approximately 700mW which satisfies the specifications.PASS
Operation when connected to the HubThe device operation should not be altered.The device works as expected even if it is connected to the host through a USB HubPASS
Compatibitity with other OSTest the device with various OSThe device is being tested on windows 8. The device works but the cursor movement is not as expected. This is because the resolution of the LCD on MBED does not match with the screen. The buttons work as expected. This error can be resolved by using the absolute mouse instead of relative.Not tested with all OS.
Working on heavy trafficLoad the USB bus with various devices.The device should be working properly.Not tested

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