E-Paper Device (EPD) based MiniNote module, powered by mbed on LPC1114FBD48. Shared in public domain with enclosure in 3D step format, hardware interface compatible with microBUS interface. Anyone can contribute on this project.

Dependencies:   mbed _24LCXXX

Keil mbed sync and share


mbed becames one of my favoriate online web services due to its easy sharing, complete C++ API, powerful libraries from other power users. That's why I decied to port my design and share my project via mbed.org.

Keil MDK

As an experienced software developer, I have used Keil in many projects, ranging from 8051 to ARM. Fortunately, mbed can export to Keil MDK uVision 4 project. That make me happy since I still need debugger to remove the software bugs.

Sorry, I need debugger anyway. I am not a fan of "printf". Because printf takes time and resources.

Sync between mbed and Keil

I usually setup a brand new project with mbed online, then I will export to Keil to development in detail. Reguarly I will upload my source code to mbed to check if it has any issues in building online and test the binary in real hardware.

Thanks to mbed, Keil and ARM. So far the project runs smoothly.

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