Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

2fcs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
2gcs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ahrs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
define.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
gps.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
i2c.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
pid.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
rc.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
setup.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
struct.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2fcs.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+char gud = 0, flag_com = 1, check_error = start;
+void Get_GPS(char *data) //F_Mode[F_Mode_num] 
+     int i;
+     char *pTemp = (char *) &gps; //Fligth Mode Data
+     for(i=0;i<GPS_num;i++) *(pTemp+i) = *(data+i); //F_Mode[F_Mode_num] 
+     gpscal();
+void Get_Mode(char *data) //F_Mode[F_Mode_num] 
+     int i;
+     char *pTemp = (char *) &FMD; //Fligth Mode Data
+     for(i=0;i<2;i++) *(pTemp+i) = *(data+i); //F_Mode[F_Mode_num] 
+     //toGCS();
+void GCS_data(char data) 
+   if(check_error == start)
+   {
+        if(data == head1) check_error = check1;
+        else check_error = start;
+   }
+   else if(check_error == check1)
+   {
+        if(data == head2) check_error = check2;        
+        else if(data == Flight_Start_bit2) check_error = check3;
+        else check_error = start;
+   }
+   else if((check_error == check2)&&(data != End_bit))
+   { 
+      GPS[data_cnt] = data;      
+      if(data_cnt<(GPS_num-1)) data_cnt++;  
+      else
+      {
+               Get_GPS(GPS);           
+               data_cnt = 0;
+               check_error = start;
+      }
+   }   
+   else if((check_error == check3)&&(data != End_bit))
+   { 
+      Mode[data_cnt] = data;      
+      if(data_cnt<(2-1)) data_cnt++;  
+      else
+      {
+               Get_Mode(Mode);           
+               data_cnt = 0;
+               check_error = start;
+      }
+   } 
+   else
+   {
+       data_cnt = 0;    
+       check_error = start;
+   }           
+void getGCS(){      
+    unsigned char data;
+    data = radio.getc();
+    //GCS_data(data);
+    radio.putc(radio.getc());
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2gcs.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#define FCC_DATA_SIZE 52  //39 Direct from IMU
+#define GPS_DATA_SIZE 20
+char lati[6], altig[6];
+float llt =  127.1234; //POSRoll;//dlat;//; =
+float lng = 37.4321; //POSPitch; //dlon;//  gps.lon; gps.lon =
+void IMUtoGCS(){ 
+    char *FtoG = (char *)&fcc, i;   //&IMU
+    radio.putc(0xFF);
+    radio.putc(0xFF);    
+    fcc.acc_y = roll_con; // llt;
+    fcc.acc_z =  pitch_con;// lng;
+    if(>0) fcc.acc_x = 1; else fcc.acc_x = 0;
+   // fcc.IR2 = (unsigned short)F_range;
+    //fcc.IR1 =  F_error;
+    llt += 0.0001;
+    if(llt > 128.00) llt = 127.1234;
+    lng += 0.0001;
+    if(lng > 38.00) lng = 37.4321;
+    for (i=0;i<FCC_DATA_SIZE;i++)  radio.putc(*FtoG++);
+    radio.putc(0x0D);
+    return;
+void GPStoGCS(){ 
+    char *FtoG = (char *)&gps, i;   //&IMU
+    radio.putc(0xFE);
+    radio.putc(0xFE);    
+    for (i=0;i<GPS_DATA_SIZE;i++)  radio.putc(*FtoG++);
+    radio.putc(0x0D);
+    return;
+void GPSASCII(){    
+    radio.printf("%f ", dlat);
+    radio.printf("%f ", dlon);
+    //radio.printf("%d ", FMD.lock);
+    radio.printf("%f ",;
+  //  radio.printf("%d\n", FMD.mode);
+   radio.printf("%f ", gps.lon);
+   /// radio.printf("%d\n", FMD.mission);
+   radio.printf("%f\n ", gps.alti);
+//radio.printf("%f ", IMU.roll);
+//radio.printf("%f ", IMU.pitch);
+//radio.printf("%f\n", IMU.yaw);
+    // radio.printf("%f", gps.dist);
+    //radio.printf(" ");
+    //radio.printf("%f", gps.bear);
+    //radio.printf("\n");  
+void toBHG(){ 
+    char *FtoG = (char *)&fcc, i;   //&IMU
+    pc.putc(0xFF);
+    pc.putc(0xFF);
+    for (i=0;i<FCC_DATA_SIZE;i++)  pc.putc(*FtoG++);
+    pc.putc(0x0D);
+void rcprint(){
+    printf("%d\t", RC.rolls);
+    printf("%d\t", RC.throttles);
+    printf("%d\t", RC.pitchs);
+    printf("%d\t", RC.yaws);
+    printf("%d\n", RC.sws);
+    return;
+void imuprint(){
+    printf("%d\t", (int)fcc.roll);
+    printf("%d\t", (int)fcc.pitch);
+    printf("%d\n", (int)fcc.yaw);
+    return;
+/*void motprint(){
+    printf("%d\t", bl_F[1]);
+    printf("%d\t", bl_B[1]);
+    printf("%d\t", bl_R[1]);
+    printf("%d\n", bl_L[1]);
+    return;
+void xmotprint(){
+    printf("%d\t", front_bl);
+    printf("%d\t", back_bl);
+    printf("%d\t", right_bl);
+    printf("%d\n", left_bl);
+    return;
+void pidprint(){
+    printf("%d\t", alti_con);
+    printf("%d\t", roll_con);
+    printf("%d\t", pitch_con);
+    printf("%d\n", yaw_con);
+    return;
+void gainprint(){
+    printf("%d\t", (int)gainRoll.p);
+    printf("%d\t", (int)gainRoll.i);
+    printf("%d\t", (int)gainRoll.d);
+    printf("%d\n", (int)gainRoll.r);                    
+    return;
+void yawprint(){
+    printf("%d\t", RC.yaws);
+    printf("%d\t", (short)fcc.yaw);
+    printf("%d\n", (short)Yaw_ref);
+    return;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ahrs.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#define Ahrs_num 42
+char checkhead[2], imu_cnt = 0, data_flag = 0, gcs_cnt = 0;
+unsigned char data_que[Ahrs_num];
+void IMU_Update(){
+    fcc.roll = IMU.roll;
+    fcc.pitch = IMU.pitch;
+    fcc.yaw = IMU.yaw;
+    fcc.g_roll = IMU.g_roll;
+    fcc.g_pitch = IMU.g_pitch;
+    fcc.g_yaw = IMU.g_yaw;
+    fcc.acc_x = IMU.acc_x;
+    fcc.acc_y = IMU.acc_y;
+    fcc.acc_z = IMU.acc_z;// + (cos((fcc.roll*3.14)/180) * cos((fcc.pitch*3.14)/180));
+    fcc.bat = (unsigned short)(bat * 12000);
+    fcc.US = (unsigned short)(alti.read_u16() * 0.06);
+    fcc.IR1 = (unsigned short)(IRb.read_u16() * 0.01) - 220;
+    fcc.IR2 = (unsigned short)(IRl.read_u16() * 0.01) - 220;
+    fcc.IR3 = (unsigned short)(IRf.read_u16() * 0.01) - 220;
+    fcc.IR4 = (unsigned short)(IRr.read_u16() * 0.01) - 220;
+    if(fcc.roll>180 || fcc.roll<-180) fcc.roll = last.roll;
+    if(fcc.pitch>90 || fcc.pitch<-90) fcc.pitch = last.pitch;
+    if(fcc.yaw>360 || fcc.yaw<0) fcc.yaw = last.yaw;
+    if(fcc.g_roll>300 || fcc.g_roll<-300) fcc.g_roll = last.g_roll;
+    if(fcc.g_pitch>300 || fcc.g_pitch<-300) fcc.g_pitch = last.g_pitch;
+    if(fcc.g_yaw>300 || fcc.g_yaw<-300) fcc.g_yaw = last.g_yaw;
+    if(fcc.acc_x>4 || fcc.acc_x<-4) fcc.acc_x = last.acc_x;
+    if(fcc.acc_y>4 || fcc.acc_y<-4) fcc.acc_y = last.acc_y;
+    if(fcc.acc_z>4 || fcc.acc_z<-4) fcc.acc_z = last.acc_z;
+    last.roll = IMU.roll;
+    last.pitch = IMU.pitch;
+    last.yaw = IMU.yaw;
+    last.g_roll = IMU.g_roll;
+    last.g_pitch = IMU.g_pitch;
+    last.g_yaw = IMU.g_yaw;
+    last.acc_x = IMU.acc_x;
+    last.acc_y = IMU.acc_y;
+    last.acc_z = IMU.acc_z;
+    if(gcs_cnt == 3){
+        //IMUtoGCS();
+        gcs_cnt = 0;
+    }
+    else toBHG();
+    gcs_cnt++;    
+void ahrs_parsing(){
+    int i = 0;
+    data.roll = (char *) &IMU.roll;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.roll[i] = data_que[i+28];
+    data.pitch = (char *) &IMU.pitch;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.pitch[i] = data_que[i+32];
+    data.yaw = (char *) &IMU.yaw;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.yaw[i] = data_que[i+36];    
+    data.g_roll = (char *) &IMU.g_roll;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.g_roll[i] = data_que[i+4];
+    data.g_pitch = (char *) &IMU.g_pitch;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.g_pitch[i] = data_que[i+8];
+    data.g_yaw = (char *) &IMU.g_yaw;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.g_yaw[i] = data_que[i+12];        
+    data.acc_x = (char *) &IMU.acc_x;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.acc_x[i] = data_que[i+16];
+    data.acc_y = (char *) &IMU.acc_y;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.acc_y[i] = data_que[i+20];
+    data.acc_z = (char *) &IMU.acc_z;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) data.acc_z[i] = data_que[i+24]; 
+    IMU_Update();
+void Checksum(){
+    char checksum = 0;
+    for(char i=1; i<40; i++) checksum = checksum ^ data_que[i];
+    if(checksum == data_que[40]) ahrs_parsing();
+void ahrs_rec(){      
+    unsigned char data;
+    data = ahrs.getc();
+    checkhead[0] = checkhead[1];
+    checkhead[1] = data;
+    if(checkhead[0] == 0xFF && checkhead[1] == 0xFF) {
+        imu_cnt = 0;
+        data_flag = 1;
+    }
+    if(data_flag == 1){
+        data_que[imu_cnt] = data;
+        imu_cnt++;
+    }
+    if(imu_cnt == 41){
+        Checksum();
+        data_flag = 2;
+    }    
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/define.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#define Roll_INDEX      0x01
+#define Pitch_INDEX     0x02
+#define Yaw_INDEX       0x03 
+#define Dis_INDEX       0x05
+#define Alt_INDEX       0x04
+#define TEMP_INDEX      0x06
+#define Gain_Start_bit1  0xFE    //Gain stick 
+#define Gain_Start_bit2  0xFE
+#define Gain_End_bit     0x0D        
+#define Flight_Start_bit1  0xFF   //Flight Mode Data 
+#define Flight_Start_bit2  0xFE
+#define Flight_End_bit     0x0D
+#define Gain_num        20       // 
+#define GPS_num     12      
+#define Mode_num       3  //14
+#define head1 0xFF
+#define head2 0xFF
+#define End_bit 0x0D
+char data_cnt = 0;
+char Gain[Gain_num]; 
+char GPS[GPS_num];    
+char Mode[Mode_num];  
+typedef enum
+     start, check1, check2, check3, check4, check5, check6, check7, check8
+} Check; 
+float latt, lont; //Target point
+float latp, lonp;  //Current point
+float d_lat, d_lon;
+float a, b, c, d, ld;
+float lats, lons;
+float dlat, dlon;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gps.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+int gpscnt = 0;
+void gpscal()
+        if(gpscnt<10){
+            lats =; //latt=37.541230;    //37.540553;
+            lons = gps.lon; // lont=127.079819;   // 127.078038; 
+            gpscnt++;
+        }
+        latt = lats; //37.5409023;//
+        lont = lons; //127.0800591;//
+        latp =;
+        lonp = gps.lon;
+        dlat = latp - latt;
+        dlon = lonp - lont;
+        //GPSASCII();
+        /*
+        //jarak ke tujuan.....
+        latp=latp*3.14/180;  //ftoa(latp, 1, dst);  putstr3(dst); putchar3('\n');
+        latt=latt*3.14/180;  //ftoa(latt, 1, dst);  putstr3(dst); putchar3('\n');
+        lonp=lonp*3.14/180;  //ftoa(lonp, 1, dst);  putstr3(dst); putchar3('\n');
+        lont=lont*3.14/180;  //ftoa(lont, 1, dst);  putstr3(dst); putchar3('\n');
+        d_lat=latp-latt;
+        d_lon=lonp-lont;
+        a=(sin(d_lat/2))*(sin(d_lat/2))+cos(latt)*cos(latp)*(sin(d_lon/2))*(sin(d_lon/2));
+        //c=2*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a));
+        //d=r*c;          
+        c=2*asin(sqrt(a));              
+        d=c*180*60*1000/3.14*1.852;     // d = distance to target  
+       // if(d > 5000 || d < -5000) d = ld;      
+        gps.dist = d;
+        //sudut hadap ke tujuan....
+        //b=atan2(sin(d_lon)*cos(latp), cos(latt)*sin(latp)-sin(latt)*cos(latp)*cos(d_lon));
+        b=(acos((sin(latt)-sin(latp)*cos(c))/(sin(c)*cos(latp))))*180/3.14;
+        if (b==360)b=0;
+        gps.bear = b;             
+        ld = d;        
+        GPSASCII();
+        */
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/i2c.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#define ON 8
+#define OFF 0
+#define ESCMax 254
+#define ESCMin 0
+const int addr = 0x50; // define the I2C Address
+char bl_FR[2], bl_BR[2], bl_BL[2], bl_FL[2], all, engine, key = 0, key_st = 0;
+short front_r = 0, back_r = 0, front_l = 0, back_l = 0;
+void securinit(){  
+    i2c.write(addr+2, 0, 2); // Send command string to Motor Left
+    i2c.write(addr+4, 0, 2); // Send command string  to Motor Back
+    i2c.write(addr+6, 0, 2); // Send command string to Motor Front
+    i2c.write(addr+8, 0, 2); // Send command string   to Motor Right
+    return;  
+void updatei2c(){
+    /*
+    bl_F[0]= all; 
+    bl_B[0]= all;
+    bl_R[0]= all;
+    bl_L[0]= all;
+    */
+    bl_FR[1]= front_r; 
+    bl_BR[1]= back_r;
+    bl_FL[1]= front_l;
+    bl_BL[1]= back_l;
+    i2c.write(addr+2, bl_FR, 2); // Send command string to Motor Left
+    i2c.write(addr+4, bl_BR, 2); // Send command string  to Motor Back
+    i2c.write(addr+6, bl_BL, 2); // Send command string to Motor Front
+    i2c.write(addr+8, bl_FL, 2); // Send command string   to Motor Right
+    return;
+void moteq(){ // motor equation
+    all = 0;
+    if(RC.throttles < 5 && RC.yaws < -200){
+        if(key_st == 0)key = !key;
+        key_st = 1;
+    }
+    else key_st = 0;
+    if(key == 1) engine = ON;
+    else engine = OFF; 
+    front_r = engine + alti_con + yaw_con - pitch_con - roll_con; 
+    if(front_r>ESCMax) front_r = ESCMax;
+    else if(front_r<ESCMin+engine) front_r = engine;
+    back_r = engine + alti_con - yaw_con + pitch_con - roll_con;
+    if(back_r>ESCMax) back_r = ESCMax;
+    else if(back_r<ESCMin+engine) back_r = engine;
+    back_l= engine + alti_con + yaw_con + pitch_con + roll_con;
+    if(back_l>ESCMax) back_l = ESCMax;
+    else if(back_l<ESCMin+engine) back_l = engine;
+    front_l = engine + alti_con - yaw_con - pitch_con + roll_con;
+    if(front_l>ESCMax) front_l = ESCMax;
+    else if(front_l<ESCMin+engine) front_l = engine;
+    if(engine == OFF) front_r = back_r = front_l = back_l = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "define.h"
+#include "setup.h"
+#include "struct.h"
+int loop_cnt = 0, init_cnt = 0;
+#include "pid.h"
+#include "i2c.h"
+#include "rc.h"
+#include "2gcs.h"
+#include "gps.h"
+#include "2fcs.h"
+#include "ahrs.h"
+void init(){
+    Yaw_ref = fcc.yaw;
+    init_cnt++;
+int main() {
+    setup();
+    securinit();     
+    rc.rise(&PPM_rise);    // attach the address of the PPM_rise function to the rising edge   
+    wait(0.5);
+    while(1) {           // wait around, interrupts will interrupt this!        
+        if(ahrs.readable())ahrs_rec();
+        if(radio.readable())radio.putc(radio.getc());//getGCS();
+        if(loop_cnt>10000){
+            getrc();
+            pid();
+            moteq();
+            updatei2c();        
+            loop_cnt = 0;   
+            //rcprint();               
+            if(bat > 0.8) myled = 1;
+            else myled = !myled;
+        }   
+        loop_cnt++;                  
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pid.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+short alti_con, roll_con, yaw_con, pitch_con;
+char yaw_state1 = 0, yaw_state2 = 0, yaw_cnt = 0;
+#define PID_max 80
+#define Int_max 100
+#define Int_min -100
+float PIDRoll, PIDPitch, PIDYaw, PIDAlti;
+float Int_Roll, Int_Pitch;
+float Roll_error, Roll_prev_error, Roll_ref = 0, Roll_int_error = 0;
+float Pitch_error, Pitch_prev_error, Pitch_ref = 0, Pitch_int_error = 0;
+float Yaw_error, Yaw_prev_error, Yaw_ref, Yaw_prev_ref;
+float Alti_error, Alti_prev_error, Z_rate_error, Alti_ref, Alti_I_error;
+void PID_Roll() {
+    gainRoll.p = 0.65;//28;  //1.05;
+    gainRoll.d = 0.5;
+    gainRoll.i = 0.035;
+    gainRoll.r = 0.175;//9;
+    //if(fcc.US < 1000){
+    //gainRoll.p = 1.05;   //1.05 Take-off Gain
+    //gainRoll.r = 0.275;   //0.275 Take-off Gain
+    //}
+    Roll_ref = (RC.rolls / 7);
+    if (Roll_ref>30) Roll_ref = 30;
+    else if (Roll_ref<-30) Roll_ref = -30;
+    Roll_error = fcc.roll -  Roll_ref;
+    Roll_int_error += Roll_error;
+    if (Roll_int_error > Int_max) Roll_int_error = Int_max;
+    else if (Roll_int_error < Int_min) Roll_int_error = Int_min;
+    Int_Roll = gainRoll.i * Roll_int_error;
+    PIDRoll = gainRoll.p * Roll_error;
+    PIDRoll += Int_Roll;
+    PIDRoll += (gainRoll.d * (Roll_error - Roll_prev_error));
+    PIDRoll += (gainRoll.r * fcc.g_roll);
+    if (PIDRoll > PID_max) PIDRoll = PID_max;
+    else if (PIDRoll < -PID_max) PIDRoll = -PID_max;
+    Roll_prev_error = Roll_error;
+    return;
+void PID_Pitch() {
+    gainPitch.p = gainRoll.p;//1.075;  //1.35    //1.05;
+    gainPitch.d = gainRoll.d;//0.9635;
+    gainPitch.i = gainRoll.i;//0.021;
+    gainPitch.r = gainRoll.r;// 0.175;  //0.29
+    //if(fcc.US < 1000){
+    // gainPitch.p = 1.05;  //1.05 Take-off Gain
+    // gainPitch.r = 0.275;  //0.275 Take-off Gain
+    //}
+    Pitch_ref = (-RC.pitchs / 6);
+    if (Pitch_ref>30) Pitch_ref = 30;
+    else if (Pitch_ref<-30) Pitch_ref = -30;
+    Pitch_error = fcc.pitch - Pitch_ref;  
+    Pitch_int_error += Pitch_error;   
+    if (Pitch_int_error > Int_max) Pitch_int_error = Int_max;
+    else if (Pitch_int_error < Int_min) Pitch_int_error = Int_min;
+    Int_Pitch = gainPitch.i * Pitch_int_error;
+    PIDPitch = (gainPitch.p * Pitch_error);
+    PIDPitch += Int_Pitch;
+    PIDPitch += (gainPitch.d * (Pitch_error - Pitch_prev_error));
+    PIDPitch += (gainPitch.r * fcc.g_pitch);
+    if (PIDPitch > PID_max) PIDPitch = PID_max;
+    else if (PIDPitch < -PID_max) PIDPitch = -PID_max;
+    Pitch_prev_error = Pitch_error;
+    return;
+void PID_Yaw() {
+    gainYaw.p = 1.35;  //1.35 Take-off Gain   //1.15;
+    //gainYaw.d = 0;
+    gainYaw.r = 0.25;  //0.35 Take-off Gain
+    if (RC.yaws>=50 || RC.yaws<=-50) yaw_state1 = 1;
+    if (yaw_state1 == 1)if (RC.yaws>50 || RC.yaws<-50) yaw_state2 = 1;
+    if (yaw_state1 == 1 && yaw_state2 == 1) yaw_cnt++;
+    if (yaw_cnt == 10) {
+        Yaw_ref = fcc.yaw;
+        yaw_state1 = yaw_state2 = yaw_cnt = 0;
+    }
+    Yaw_error = Yaw_ref - fcc.yaw;
+    if (Yaw_error>180) Yaw_error -= 360;
+    if (Yaw_error<-180) Yaw_error += 360;
+    PIDYaw = (gainYaw.p * Yaw_error);
+    //PIDYaw += (gainYaw.i * Yaw_error);
+    //PIDYaw += (gainYaw.d * (Yaw_error - Yaw_prev_error));
+    PIDYaw -= (gainYaw.r * fcc.g_yaw);
+    if (PIDYaw > PID_max) PIDYaw = PID_max;
+    if (PIDYaw < -PID_max) PIDYaw = -PID_max;
+    Yaw_prev_error = Yaw_error;
+    return;
+void pid() {
+    alti_con = RC.throttles;
+    PID_Roll();
+    roll_con = - PIDRoll; //RC.rolls * 0.14 ;//
+    PID_Pitch();
+    pitch_con =  PIDPitch; //RC.pitchs  * 0.14; //
+    PID_Yaw();
+    yaw_con = (RC.yaws * 0.3) + PIDYaw;
+    if (alti_con < 5) yaw_con = 0;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rc.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Timer tick;
+InterruptIn rc(p11);
+short buf_ppm[6];
+char i = 0, idx, cnt = 0;
+void get_PPM(){
+    switch (idx){
+        case 1:
+            RC.roll = buf_ppm[2];
+            RC.throttle = buf_ppm[3];
+            RC.pitch = buf_ppm[4];
+            RC.yaw = buf_ppm[5];
+            RC.sw = buf_ppm[0];
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            RC.roll = buf_ppm[3];
+            RC.throttle = buf_ppm[4];
+            RC.pitch = buf_ppm[5];
+            RC.yaw = buf_ppm[0];
+            RC.sw = buf_ppm[1];
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            RC.roll = buf_ppm[4];
+            RC.throttle = buf_ppm[5];
+            RC.pitch = buf_ppm[0];
+            RC.yaw = buf_ppm[1];
+            RC.sw = buf_ppm[2];
+            break;
+        case 4:           
+            RC.roll = buf_ppm[5];
+            RC.throttle = buf_ppm[0];
+            RC.pitch = buf_ppm[1];
+            RC.yaw = buf_ppm[2];
+            RC.sw = buf_ppm[3];
+            break;
+        case 5:            
+            RC.roll = buf_ppm[0];
+            RC.throttle = buf_ppm[1];
+            RC.pitch = buf_ppm[2];
+            RC.yaw = buf_ppm[3];
+            RC.sw = buf_ppm[4];
+            break;
+        case 0:            
+            RC.roll = buf_ppm[1];
+            RC.throttle = buf_ppm[2];
+            RC.pitch = buf_ppm[3];
+            RC.yaw = buf_ppm[4];
+            RC.sw = buf_ppm[5];
+            break;
+        default: break;  
+    }    
+    return;
+void getrc(){
+    RC.rolls = (RC.roll - 1518) * 0.73;
+    RC.throttles = (RC.throttle - 1105) * 0.3;
+    RC.pitchs = (RC.pitch - 1514) * 0.73;
+    RC.yaws = (RC.yaw - 1518) * 0.73;
+    RC.sws = RC.sw - 1518;
+    return;
+short rc_roll(){
+    return (short)(RC.roll);// 1518);
+short rc_throttle(){
+    return (short)(RC.throttle);// - 1105);
+short rc_pitch(){
+    return (short)(RC.pitch);// - 1514);
+short rc_yaw(){
+    return (short)(RC.yaw);// - 1518);
+short rc_sw(){
+    return (short)(RC.sw);// - 1518);
+void PPM_rise() {
+    tick.stop();                        // Stop timer
+    buf_ppm[i]=tick.read_us();          // Read timer to buffer[i] i=turns
+    tick.reset();                       // Reset timer
+    tick.start();                       // Start timer
+    i++;                                // increment i.
+    if(buf_ppm[i]>5000) idx = i;    
+    if(i==6) i = 0;       
+    get_PPM();
+    return;
+Channel 1 = Roll  
+Channel 2 = Throttle
+Channel 3 = Pitch
+Channel 4 = Yaw   
+Channel 5 = Switch 
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/setup.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Serial ahrs(p28, p27);
+Serial radio(p13, p14);
+I2C i2c(p9, p10); //sda, scl
+Ticker SendData;
+Ticker Proccess;
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+AnalogIn alti(p20);
+AnalogIn bat(p19);
+AnalogIn IRl(p18);
+AnalogIn IRb(p17);
+AnalogIn IRr(p16);
+AnalogIn IRf(p15);
+void setup(){
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    radio.baud(115200);
+    ahrs.baud(115200);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/struct.h	Tue Aug 16 05:32:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+typedef struct _fcc_data {
+    unsigned short US;  //2
+    unsigned short IR1;          //2
+    unsigned short IR2;         //2
+    unsigned short IR3;         //2
+    unsigned short IR4;         //2
+    unsigned short bat;   //2
+    char state_flag;    //1
+    float roll, pitch, yaw;    // 4, 4, 4
+    float g_roll, g_pitch, g_yaw;  //4, 4, 4
+    float acc_x, acc_y, acc_z;   //4, 4 ,4
+FCC_DATA fcc;
+typedef struct _imu{
+    char *roll, *pitch, *yaw, *g_roll, *g_pitch, *g_yaw, *acc_x, *acc_y, *acc_z;
+data_IMU data;
+typedef struct _ahrs {
+    short packet;  //2
+    unsigned char data_info;  //1
+    float g_roll, g_pitch, g_yaw;  //4, 4, 4
+    float acc_x, acc_y, acc_z;   //4, 4 ,4
+    float roll, pitch, yaw;    // 4, 4, 4
+typedef struct _gps {
+    float lat, lon, alti, dist, bear;
+GPS_DATA gps;
+typedef struct _rc {
+    short roll, throttle, pitch, yaw, sw;
+    short rolls, throttles, pitchs, yaws, sws;
+RC_DATA RC;    
+typedef struct _last{
+    float roll, pitch, yaw;    // 4, 4, 4
+    float g_roll, g_pitch, g_yaw;  //4, 4, 4
+    float acc_x, acc_y, acc_z;   //4, 4 ,4
+LAST_IMU last;
+typedef struct _gainRoll{
+    float p, i, d, r;
+GAIN_ROLL gainRoll;
+typedef struct _gainPitch{
+    float p, i, d, r;
+GAIN_PITCH gainPitch;
+typedef struct _gainYaw{
+    float p, i, d, r;
+GAIN_YAW gainYaw;
+typedef struct _gainAlti{
+    float p, i, d, r;
+GAIN_ALTI gainAlti;
+//======== PID Struct =====/
+typedef struct GAIN_GET
+     char Index, flight_mode, sensor_select; //3
+     float p_gain, i_gain, d_gain, goal; //4, 4, 4, 4
+     char dumm; //1 -dummy
+//======== F_MODE Struct =====/
+typedef struct F_MODE_GET
+     unsigned short mode;
+     ///char lock, mode, mission; //1, 1, 1
+    // unsigned short heading_ref; //2
+    // unsigned short alti_ref; //2
+   ///  unsigned short y_trim; //2
+    /// unsigned short r_trim; //2
+   ///  unsigned short p_trim; //2    
+     //char dumm; //1 -dummy 