Dependencies:   NDefLib X_NUCLEO_NFC02A1 hdc1080 mbed

Fork of HelloWorld_NFC02A1 by ST

diff -r 17208d6d9971 -r e191f376520f main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jul 12 12:35:47 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 06 11:56:09 2018 +0000
@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@
 #include "DevI2C.h"
 #include "NDefLib/NDefNfcTag.h"
 #include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordURI.h"
+#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordText.h"
+//Pin Defines for I2C Bus
+#define D_SDA                  D14 // specific for Nucleo-F303K8
+#define D_SCL                  D15 // specific for Nucleo-F303K8
+I2C hdc_i2c(D_SDA, D_SCL);
+#include "hdc1080.h"
 static volatile bool buttonPress = false; // true when the user press the message
@@ -111,7 +116,7 @@
     /* Creating the NDef message and record. */
     NDefLib::Message msg;
-    NDefLib::RecordURI rUri(NDefLib::RecordURI::HTTP_WWW,"st.com/st25");
+    NDefLib::RecordURI rUri(NDefLib::RecordURI::HTTP_WWW,"st.com/test");
     /* Writing the tag. */
@@ -143,9 +148,56 @@
   /* Each second change the led status and see if the user press the button. */
   while(1) {
     if (buttonPress) {
-      /* Writing the read message on console. */
-      read_and_print_nfc_tag(tag);
-      buttonPress=false;
+        /* Writing the read message on console. */
+        read_and_print_nfc_tag(tag);
+        buttonPress=false;
+        printf("\r\\nHDC1080 Test\r\n");
+        hdc_begin();
+        uint16_t manId = hdc_readManufactId();
+        float tempC = hdc_readTemp();     
+        float humid = hdc_readHumid();  
+        unsigned long  serNum = hdc_readSerial();
+        printf("manId=x%x, tempC=%0.3f humid=%0.3f serfNum=%ld\r\n",
+        manId, tempC, humid, serNum);
+        char temp = tempC;
+  NDefLib::NDefNfcTag& tag =nfcNucleo->get_M24LR().get_NDef_tag();
+  M24LR & mM24LRp = nfcNucleo->get_M24LR();
+  /* Enabling Energy Harvesting. */
+  mM24LRp.enable_energy_harvesting();
+  printf("System Initialization done: !\n\r");
+  /* Opening the i2c session with the nfc chip. */
+  if (tag.open_session() == true) {
+    printf("Session opened\n\r");
+    nfcNucleo->get_led1() = 1;
+    /* Creating the NDef message and record. */
+    NDefLib::Message msg;
+    NDefLib::RecordText test(&temp);
+    msg.add_record(&test);
+    /* Writing the tag. */
+    if (tag.write(msg) == true) {
+      printf("Tag written\n\r");
+      nfcNucleo->get_led2() = 1;
+    } else {
+      printf("Error writing \n\r");
+      nfcNucleo->get_led1() = 0;
+    } //if-else
+    /* Closing the i2c session. */
+    if (tag.close_session() == true) {
+      printf("Session closed\n\r");
+      nfcNucleo->get_led3() = 1;
+    } else {
+      printf("Error closing the session\n\r");
+    } //if-else
+  } else {
+    printf("Error opening the session\n\r");
+  }