Total control sjoel robot

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI TextLCD mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 20 09:06:18 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 20 13:54:54 2015 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 PwmOut servo(D3);                   // PwmOut servo
 AnalogIn emgL(A0), emgR(A1);        // Analog input of EMG, left and right
 AnalogIn potL(A2), potR(A3);        // Potential meter left and right
-AnalogIn KS(A4);                    // Killswitch
+AnalogIn KS(A5);                    // Killswitch
 HIDScope scope(6);                  // Hidscope, amount of scopes           
 Ticker EMGticker, tickerControl, tickerBreak, tickerLcd;   // Ticker for EMG, regulator and break
 // QEI Encoder(port 1, port 2, ,counts/rev
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 int maxCounts = 13000;                   // max richt motor counts Aim motor
 int breakPerc = 0;
 const double servoL = 0.001, servoR = 0.0011;    // Range servo,between servoL en servoR  (= pulsewidth pwm servo) 
-const double tControl = 0.005, tBreak = 0.1, tLcd = 1;     // tickers  
+const double tControl = 0.005, tBreak = 0.1, tLcd = 2;     // tickers  
 const double Fs = 50;                           //Sample frequency Hz
 double t = 1/ Fs;                               // time EMGticker
 double thresholdlowL= 0, thresholdmidL = 0, thresholdhighL= 0;
@@ -224,27 +224,29 @@
             case CALIBRATE_AIM: {
                 pwmM2.period(1/100000);                 // period motor 2
                 printf("Position is kalibrating\r\n");  // terminal
-                PRINT("Wait a moment,   please");       // LCD                           
+                PRINT("Wait a moment,   please");       // LCD                          
                 dirM2.write(0);                         // direction aim motor
-                pwmM2.write(0.25);                      // percentage motor power
+                pwmM2.write(0.1);                      // percentage motor power
                 bool calibrated = false;                //                       
                     pc.printf("Killswitch: %f\r\n",; // terminal
-                    if( > 0.5 && !calibrated){                // Killswitch?
+                    if( > 0.5){                // Killswitch? //2* gedaan, zodat breuk uit de if-statement is
                         pwmM2.write(0);                 // Aim motor freeze
                         enc2.reset();                   // Reset encoder 
                         PRINT("Aim calibrated");        // LCD                        
                         calibrated = true;              // 
-                        dirM2.write(0);                 // direction aim motor
-                        pwmM2.write(0.25);              // percentage motor power, turn it on                        
-                        }                    
+                        state = CALIBRATE_PEND;       // next state
+                        //dirM2.write(1);                 // direction aim motor
+                        //pwmM2.write(0.25);              // percentage motor power, turn it on                     
+                        }  
+                        /*                  
                     if(controlFlag && calibrated){       // motor regelen op GoFlag
-                        controlFlag = false;                  
+                        controlFlag = false;                    
                         if(enc1.getPulses() > maxCounts/2){  // rotate aim motor to midi position
                             pwmM2.write(0);                 // Aim motor freeze
                             state = CALIBRATE_PEND;       // next state
-                        }        
+                        }    */ 