
Dependencies of mbed_rifletool

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

Library to control serial LCDs from 4D systems based on their Goldelox processor. Ported from Adruino library but not fully tested. Color LCD, Goldelox, serial lcd
HIH6130 Humidity/Temperature Sensor library Humidity, sensor, Temperature
Library to wrapper most of the functions on the MPL3115A2 pressure and temperature sensor. Altitude, Freescale, MPL3115A2, pressure, sensor, Temperature
The MPU9150s biggest selling point was its internal Motion Processor to offload the sensor fusion from the host processor, this library uploads the firmware to generate quaternions from the sensors. … DMP, motion, MPU9150, processor
A simple yet powerful library for controlling graphical displays. Multiple display controllers are supported using inheritance. display, GFX, Graphics, GUI, LCD, OLED, UI, user interface
The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.