INSAT Mini Project
Fork of X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 by
- Committer:
- mapellil
- Date:
- 2015-11-09
- Revision:
- 31:f99c53a51917
- Parent:
- 30:75bf50276881
- Child:
- 32:ef97c377d27b
File content as of revision 31:f99c53a51917:
/** ****************************************************************************** * @file vl6180x_class.h * @author AST / EST * @version V0.0.1 * @date 9-November-2015 * @brief Header file for component VL6180X ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ #ifndef __VL6180X_CLASS_H #define __VL6180X_CLASS_H /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "RangeSensor.h" #include "LightSensor.h" #include "DevI2C.h" #include "vl6180x_api.h" #include "vl6180x_cfg.h" #include "vl6180x_def.h" #include "vl6180x_types.h" #include "vl6180x_platform.h" //#include "vl6180x_appcfg.h" #include "stmpe1600_class.h" /* data struct containing range measure, light measure and type of error provided to the user in case of invalid data range_mm=0xFFFFFFFF and lux=0xFFFFFFFF */ typedef struct MeasureData { uint32_t range_mm; uint32_t lux; uint32_t range_error; uint32_t als_error; uint32_t int_error; }MeasureData_t; /* sensor operating modes */ typedef enum { range_single_shot_polling=1, als_single_shot_polling, range_continuous_polling, als_continuous_polling, range_continuous_interrupt, als_continuous_interrupt, interleaved_mode_interrupt, range_continuous_polling_low_threshold, range_continuous_polling_high_threshold, range_continuous_polling_out_of_window, als_continuous_polling_low_threshold, als_continuous_polling_high_threshold, als_continuous_polling_out_of_window, range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold, range_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold, range_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window, als_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold, als_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold, als_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window, range_continuous_als_single_shot, range_single_shot_als_continuous, }OperatingMode; /** default device address */ #define DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS 0x29 /* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Class representing a VL6180X sensor component */ class VL6180X : public RangeSensor, public LightSensor { public: /** Constructor 1 * @param[in] &i2c device I2C to be used for communication * @param[in] &pin Mbed DigitalOut pin to be used as component GPIO_0 CE * @param[in] pin_gpio1 pin Mbed InterruptIn PinName to be used as component GPIO_1 INT * @param[in] DevAddr device address, 0x29 by default */ VL6180X(DevI2C &i2c, DigitalOut &pin, PinName pin_gpio1, uint8_t DevAddr=DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS) : RangeSensor(), LightSensor(), dev_i2c(i2c), gpio0(&pin), interrupt_measure(pin_gpio1) { MyDevice.I2cAddr=DevAddr; MyDevice.Present=0; MyDevice.Ready=0; Device=&MyDevice;; expgpio0=NULL; } /** Constructor 2 * @param[in] i2c device I2C to be used for communication * @param[in] &pin Gpio Expander STMPE1600DigiOut pin to be used as component GPIO_0 CE * @param[in] pin_gpio1 pin Mbed InterruptIn PinName to be used as component GPIO_1 INT * @param[in] device address, 0x29 by default */ VL6180X(DevI2C &i2c, STMPE1600DigiOut &pin, PinName pin_gpio1, uint8_t DevAddr=DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS) : RangeSensor(), LightSensor(), dev_i2c(i2c), expgpio0(&pin), interrupt_measure(pin_gpio1) { MyDevice.I2cAddr=DevAddr; MyDevice.Present=0; MyDevice.Ready=0; Device=&MyDevice; gpio0=NULL; } /** Destructor */ virtual ~VL6180X(){} /* warning: VL6180X class inherits from GenericSensor, RangeSensor and LightSensor, that haven`t a destructor. The warning should request to introduce a virtual destructor to make sure to delete the object */ /*** Interface Methods ***/ /** * @brief PowerOn the sensor * @return void */ /* turns on the sensor */ void VL6180x_On(void) { if(gpio0) *gpio0=1; else if(expgpio0) *expgpio0=1; } /** * @brief PowerOff the sensor * @return void */ /* turns off the sensor */ void VL6180x_Off(void) { if(gpio0) *gpio0=0; else if(expgpio0) *expgpio0=0; } /** * @brief Initialize the sensor with default values * @return 0 on Success */ int InitSensor(uint8_t NewAddr); /** * @brief Start the measure indicated by operating mode * @param[in] operating_mode specifies requested measure * @param[in] fptr specifies call back function in case of interrupt measure * @param[in] low specifies measure low threashold * @param[in] high specifies measure high threashold * @return 0 on Success */ int StartMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode, void (*fptr)(void), uint16_t low, uint16_t high); /** * @brief Get results for the measure indicated by operating mode * @param[in] operating_mode specifies requested measure results * @param[out] Data pointer to the MeasureData_t structure to read data in to * @return 0 on Success */ int GetMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data); /** * @brief Stop the currently running measure indicate by operating_mode * @param[in] operating_mode specifies requested measure to stop * @return 0 on Success */ int StopMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode); /** * @brief Attach a function to call when an interrupt is detected, i.e. measurement is ready * @param[in] fptr pointer to call back function to be called whenever an interrupt occours * @return 0 on Success */ void AttachInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ(void (*fptr)(void)) { interrupt_measure.rise(fptr); } /** * @brief Enable interrupt measure IRQ * @return 0 on Success */ void EnableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ(void) { interrupt_measure.enable_irq(); } /** * @brief Disable interrupt measure IRQ * @return 0 on Success */ void DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ(void) { interrupt_measure.disable_irq(); } /** * @brief Interrupt handling func to be called by user after an INT is occourred * @param[in] opeating_mode indicating the in progress measure * @param[out] Data pointer to the MeasureData_t structure to read data in to * @return 0 on Success */ int HandleIRQ(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data); /** * @brief Check the sensor presence * @return 1 when device is present */ unsigned Present() { return Device->Present; } /* Wrapper functions */ int WaitDeviceBooted() { return VL6180x_WaitDeviceBooted(Device); } int Init() { return VL6180x_InitData(Device); } int SetupGPIO1(uint8_t InitFunction, int ActiveHigh) { return VL6180x_SetupGPIO1(Device, InitFunction, ActiveHigh); } int Prepare() { return VL6180x_Prepare(Device); } int RangeStartContinuousMode() { return VL6180x_RangeStartContinuousMode(Device); } int RangeStartSingleShot() { return VL6180x_RangeStartSingleShot(Device); } int RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(uint8_t MaxConTime_msec) { return VL6180x_RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(Device, MaxConTime_msec); } int RangePollMeasurement(VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData) { return VL6180x_RangePollMeasurement(Device, pRangeData); } int RangeGetMeasurementIfReady(VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData) { return VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurementIfReady(Device, pRangeData); } int RangeGetMeasurement(VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData) { return VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(Device, pRangeData); } int GetRange(int32_t *piData) { return VL6180x_RangeGetResult(Device, piData); } int RangeConfigInterrupt(uint8_t ConfigGpioInt) { return VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, ConfigGpioInt); } int RangeGetInterruptStatus(uint8_t *pIntStatus) { return VL6180x_RangeGetInterruptStatus(Device, pIntStatus); } int AlsPollMeasurement(VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData) { return VL6180x_AlsPollMeasurement(Device, pAlsData); } int AlsGetMeasurement(VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData) { return VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(Device, pAlsData); } int AlsConfigInterrupt(uint8_t ConfigGpioInt) { return VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, ConfigGpioInt); } int AlsSetIntegrationPeriod(uint16_t period_ms) { return VL6180x_AlsSetIntegrationPeriod(Device, period_ms); } int AlsSetInterMeasurementPeriod(uint16_t intermeasurement_period_ms) { return VL6180x_AlsSetInterMeasurementPeriod(Device, intermeasurement_period_ms); } int AlsSetAnalogueGain(uint8_t gain) { return VL6180x_AlsSetAnalogueGain(Device, gain); } int AlsSetThresholds(uint16_t lux_threshold_low, uint16_t lux_threshold_high); int AlsGetInterruptStatus(uint8_t *pIntStatus) { return VL6180x_AlsGetInterruptStatus(Device, pIntStatus); } int StaticInit() { return VL6180x_StaticInit(Device); } int RangeWaitDeviceReady(int MaxLoop ) { return VL6180x_RangeWaitDeviceReady(Device, MaxLoop); } int RangeSetInterMeasPeriod(uint32_t InterMeasTime_msec) { return VL6180x_RangeSetInterMeasPeriod(Device, InterMeasTime_msec); } int UpscaleSetScaling(uint8_t scaling) { return VL6180x_UpscaleSetScaling(Device, scaling); } int UpscaleGetScaling() { return VL6180x_UpscaleGetScaling(Device); } uint16_t GetUpperLimit() { return VL6180x_GetUpperLimit(Device); } int RangeSetThresholds(uint16_t low, uint16_t high, int SafeHold) { return VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds(Device, low, high, SafeHold); } int RangeGetThresholds(uint16_t *low, uint16_t *high) { return VL6180x_RangeGetThresholds(Device, low, high); } int RangeSetRawThresholds(uint8_t low, uint8_t high) { return VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds(Device, low, high); } int RangeSetEceFactor(uint16_t FactorM, uint16_t FactorD) { return VL6180x_RangeSetEceFactor(Device, FactorM, FactorD); } int RangeSetEceState(int enable) { return VL6180x_RangeSetEceState(Device, enable); } int FilterSetState(int state) { return VL6180x_FilterSetState(Device, state); } int FilterGetState() { return VL6180x_FilterGetState(Device); } int DMaxSetState(int state) { return VL6180x_DMaxSetState(Device, state); } int DMaxGetState() { return VL6180x_DMaxGetState(Device); } int RangeSetSystemMode(uint8_t mode) { return VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(Device, mode); } int8_t GetOffsetCalibrationData() { return VL6180x_GetOffsetCalibrationData(Device); } void SetOffsetCalibrationData(int8_t offset) { return VL6180x_SetOffsetCalibrationData(Device, offset); } int SetXTalkCompensationRate(FixPoint97_t Rate) { return VL6180x_SetXTalkCompensationRate(Device, Rate); } int AlsWaitDeviceReady(int MaxLoop) { return VL6180x_AlsWaitDeviceReady(Device, MaxLoop); } int AlsSetSystemMode(uint8_t mode) { return VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(Device, mode); } int SetGroupParamHold(int Hold) { return VL6180x_SetGroupParamHold(Device, Hold); } int SetI2CAddress(int NewAddr) { int status; status=VL6180x_SetI2CAddress(Device, NewAddr); if(!status) Device->I2cAddr=NewAddr; return status; } int SetupGPIOx(int pin, uint8_t IntFunction, int ActiveHigh) { return VL6180x_SetupGPIOx(Device, pin, IntFunction, ActiveHigh); } int SetGPIOxPolarity(int pin, int active_high) { return VL6180x_SetGPIOxPolarity(Device, pin, active_high); } int SetGPIOxFunctionality(int pin, uint8_t functionality) { return VL6180x_SetGPIOxFunctionality(Device, pin, functionality); } int DisableGPIOxOut(int pin) { return VL6180x_DisableGPIOxOut(Device, pin); } int GetInterruptStatus(uint8_t *status) { return VL6180x_GetInterruptStatus(Device, status); } int ClearInterrupt(uint8_t IntClear) { return VL6180x_ClearInterrupt(Device, IntClear ); } int GetLight(uint32_t *piData) { return VL6180x_AlsGetLux(Device, piData); } int AlsStartContinuousMode() { return VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(Device, MODE_START_STOP|MODE_CONTINUOUS); } int AlsStartSingleShot() { return VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(Device, MODE_START_STOP|MODE_SINGLESHOT); } private: /* api.h functions */ int VL6180x_WaitDeviceBooted(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_InitData(VL6180xDev_t dev ); int VL6180x_SetupGPIO1(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t IntFunction, int ActiveHigh); int VL6180x_Prepare(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_RangeStartContinuousMode(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_RangeStartSingleShot(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t MaxConTime_msec); int VL6180x_RangePollMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData); int VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurementIfReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData); int VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData); int VL6180x_RangeGetResult(VL6180xDev_t dev, int32_t *pRange_mm); int VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t ConfigGpioInt); int VL6180x_RangeGetInterruptStatus(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t *pIntStatus); int VL6180x_AlsPollMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData); int VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData); int VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t ConfigGpioInt); int VL6180x_AlsSetIntegrationPeriod(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t period_ms); int VL6180x_AlsSetInterMeasurementPeriod(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t intermeasurement_period_ms); int VL6180x_AlsSetAnalogueGain(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t gain); int VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t low, uint16_t high); int VL6180x_AlsGetInterruptStatus(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t *pIntStatus); int VL6180x_StaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_RangeWaitDeviceReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, int MaxLoop ); int VL6180x_RangeSetInterMeasPeriod(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint32_t InterMeasTime_msec); int VL6180x_UpscaleSetScaling(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t scaling); int VL6180x_UpscaleGetScaling(VL6180xDev_t dev); uint16_t VL6180x_GetUpperLimit(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t low, uint16_t high, int SafeHold); int VL6180x_RangeGetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t *low, uint16_t *high); int VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t low, uint8_t high); int VL6180x_RangeSetEceFactor(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t FactorM, uint16_t FactorD); int VL6180x_RangeSetEceState(VL6180xDev_t dev, int enable ); int VL6180x_FilterSetState(VL6180xDev_t dev, int state); int VL6180x_FilterGetState(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_DMaxSetState(VL6180xDev_t dev, int state); int VL6180x_DMaxGetState(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t mode); int8_t VL6180x_GetOffsetCalibrationData(VL6180xDev_t dev); void VL6180x_SetOffsetCalibrationData(VL6180xDev_t dev, int8_t offset); int VL6180x_SetXTalkCompensationRate(VL6180xDev_t dev, FixPoint97_t Rate); int VL6180x_AlsWaitDeviceReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, int MaxLoop ); int VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t mode); int VL6180x_SetGroupParamHold(VL6180xDev_t dev, int Hold); int VL6180x_SetI2CAddress(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t NewAddr); int VL6180x_SetupGPIOx(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin, uint8_t IntFunction, int ActiveHigh); int VL6180x_SetGPIOxPolarity(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin, int active_high); int VL6180x_SetGPIOxFunctionality(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin, uint8_t functionality); int VL6180x_DisableGPIOxOut(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin); int VL6180x_GetInterruptStatus(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t *status); int VL6180x_ClearInterrupt(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t IntClear ); /* Other functions defined in api.c */ int VL6180x_RangeStaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_UpscaleRegInit(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_UpscaleStaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_AlsGetLux(VL6180xDev_t dev, lux_t *pLux); int _UpscaleInitPatch0(VL6180xDev_t dev); int VL6180x_RangeGetDeviceReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, int * Ready); int VL6180x_RangeSetEarlyConvergenceEestimateThreshold(VL6180xDev_t dev); int32_t _GetAveTotalTime(VL6180xDev_t dev); int32_t _filter_Start(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t m_trueRange_mm, uint16_t m_rawRange_mm, uint32_t m_rtnSignalRate, uint32_t m_rtnAmbientRate, uint16_t errorCode); int _filter_GetResult(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData); int _GetRateResult(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData); int _DMax_InitData(VL6180xDev_t dev); /* Read function of the ID device */ int ReadID(); /* Write and read functions from I2C */ int VL6180x_WrByte(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t data); int VL6180x_WrWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint16_t data); int VL6180x_WrDWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint32_t data); int VL6180x_RdByte(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data); int VL6180x_RdWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint16_t *data); int VL6180x_RdDWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint32_t *data); int VL6180x_UpdateByte(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t AndData, uint8_t OrData); int VL6180x_I2CWrite(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToWrite); int VL6180x_I2CRead(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToRead); int IsPresent() { int status; status=ReadID(); if(status) VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to read ID device. Device not present!\n\r"); return status; } int StopRangeMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode); int StopAlsMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode); int GetRangeMeas(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data); int GetAlsMeas(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data); int GetRangeAlsMeas(MeasureData_t *Data); int RangeSetLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold); int RangeSetHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold); int AlsSetLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold); int AlsSetHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold); int GetRangeError(MeasureData_t *Data, VL6180x_RangeData_t RangeData); int GetAlsError(MeasureData_t *Data, VL6180x_AlsData_t AlsData); int RangeMeasPollSingleShot(); int AlsMeasPollSingleShot(); int RangeMeasPollContinuousMode(); int AlsMeasPollContinuousMode(); int AlsGetMeasurementIfReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData); int RangeMeasIntContinuousMode(void (*fptr)(void)); int AlsMeasIntContinuousMode(void (*fptr)(void)); int InterleavedMode(void (*fptr)(void)); int StartInterleavedMode(); int AlsGetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, lux_t *low, lux_t *high); /* IO Device */ DevI2C &dev_i2c; /* Digital out pin */ DigitalOut *gpio0; /* GPIO expander */ STMPE1600DigiOut *expgpio0; /* Measure detection IRQ */ InterruptIn interrupt_measure; /* Device data */ MyVL6180Dev_t MyDevice; VL6180xDev_t Device; }; #endif // __VL6180X_CLASS_H