
Dependents of ledControl2

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

This is a one axis gimbal control program that takes roll angle from an IMU and moves the gimbal brushless motor accordingly. brushless, gimbal, IMU, LPC1768, mbed, MPU6050, Nucleo F411RE, PID, pitch, roll, TB6612FNG
Program takes accelerometer and gyroscope data from the MPU6050 registers and calibrates them for better results. Then uses this data is to obtain pitch and roll angles and writes these … ANGLE, complementary, filter, gyro, gyroscope, I2C, LPC1768, mbed, MPU6050, Nucleo F411RE, pitch, roll
Program takes the raw data from the HMC5883L digital compass sensor and calculates the heading angle. Writes the heading angle to the terminal every 1 second. compass, Digital, F411RE, HMC5883L, magnetometer, mbed, Nucleo
Program can calculate roll, pitch and yaw angles from the raw data that comes from IMU. Yaw angle is compensated for tilt. All the angles are sent to the matlab … compensation, complementary, F411RE, filter, HMC5883L, IMU, mbed, MPU6050, Nucleo, pitch, roll, tilt, yaw
test program
Prototype program for balancing robot based on various examples from other users.
tx sensor data using esp8266
MPU6050 sensor test for the CORE-1000 Core-1000, coreone
Base 6050
trying to make project work
Final project for CS335 By Maxwell Poster and Jeffrey Resnik I2C, MPU6050