Azure IoT common library

Dependents:   STM32F746_iothub_client_sample_mqtt f767zi_mqtt iothub_client_sample_amqp iothub_client_sample_http ... more

--- a/xlogging.c	Sat Oct 21 20:13:50 2017 +0000
+++ b/xlogging.c	Fri Nov 03 13:20:36 2017 -0700
@@ -67,69 +67,4 @@
-/* Print up to 16 bytes per line. */
-#define LINE_SIZE 16
-/* Return the printable char for the provided value. */
-#define PRINTABLE(c)         ((c >= ' ') && (c <= '~')) ? (char)c : '.'
-/* Convert the lower nibble of the provided byte to a hexadecimal printable char. */
-#define HEX_STR(c)           (((c) & 0xF) < 0xA) ? (char)(((c) & 0xF) + '0') : (char)(((c) & 0xF) - 0xA + 'A')
-void xlogging_dump_buffer(const void* buf, size_t size)
-    char charBuf[LINE_SIZE + 1];
-    char hexBuf[LINE_SIZE * 3 + 1];
-    size_t countbuf = 0;
-    const unsigned char* bufAsChar = (const unsigned char*)buf;
-    const unsigned char* startPos = bufAsChar;
-    /* Print the whole buffer. */
-    size_t i = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
-    {
-        /* Store the printable value of the char in the charBuf to print. */
-        charBuf[countbuf] = PRINTABLE(*bufAsChar);
-        /* Convert the high nibble to a printable hexadecimal value. */
-        hexBuf[countbuf * 3] = HEX_STR(*bufAsChar >> 4);
-        /* Convert the low nibble to a printable hexadecimal value. */
-        hexBuf[countbuf * 3 + 1] = HEX_STR(*bufAsChar);
-        hexBuf[countbuf * 3 + 2] = ' ';
-        countbuf++;
-        bufAsChar++;
-        /* If the line is full, print it to start another one. */
-        if (countbuf == LINE_SIZE)
-        {
-            charBuf[countbuf] = '\0';
-            hexBuf[countbuf * 3] = '\0';
-            LOG(AZ_LOG_TRACE, 0, "%p: %s    %s", startPos, hexBuf, charBuf);
-            countbuf = 0;
-            startPos = bufAsChar;
-        }
-    }
-    /* If the last line does not fit the line size. */
-    if (countbuf > 0)
-    {
-        /* Close the charBuf string. */
-        charBuf[countbuf] = '\0';
-        /* Fill the hexBuf with spaces to keep the charBuf alignment. */
-        while ((countbuf++) < LINE_SIZE - 1)
-        {
-            hexBuf[countbuf * 3] = ' ';
-            hexBuf[countbuf * 3 + 1] = ' ';
-            hexBuf[countbuf * 3 + 2] = ' ';
-        }
-        hexBuf[countbuf * 3] = '\0';
-        /* Print the last line. */
-        LOG(AZ_LOG_TRACE, 0, "%p: %s    %s", startPos, hexBuf, charBuf);
-    }