Satellite Observers Workbench. NOT yet complete, just published for forum posters to \"cherry pick\" pieces of code as requiered as an example.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 0a841b89d614 sgp4sdp4/sgp4sdp4.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sgp4sdp4/sgp4sdp4.h	Mon Oct 11 10:34:55 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ *  kelso.h     April 9 2001
+ *
+ *  Header file for kelso
+ */
+#ifndef KELSO_H
+#define KELSO_H 1
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+/* #include <unistd.h> */
+/* from David Kaelbling <> */
+#define select duplicate_select
+//#include <unistd.h>
+#undef select
+/** Type definitions **/
+/* Two-line-element satellite orbital data */
+typedef struct
+  double
+    epoch, xndt2o, xndd6o, bstar, 
+    xincl, xnodeo, eo, omegao, xmo, xno;
+  int
+    catnr,  /* Catalogue Number  */
+    elset,  /* Element Set       */
+    revnum; /* Revolution Number */
+  char
+    sat_name[25], /* Satellite name string    */
+    idesg[9];     /* International Designator */
+  /* values needed for squint calculations */
+  double xincl1, xnodeo1, omegao1;
+} tle_t; 
+/* Geodetic position structure */
+typedef struct
+  double
+  lat, lon, alt, theta;
+} geodetic_t;
+/* General three-dimensional vector structure */
+typedef struct
+  double
+  x, y, z, w;
+} vector_t;
+/* Common arguments between deep-space functions */
+typedef struct
+  /* Used by dpinit part of Deep() */
+  double
+    eosq,sinio,cosio,betao,aodp,theta2,sing,cosg,
+    betao2,xmdot,omgdot,xnodot,xnodp;
+  /* Used by dpsec and dpper parts of Deep() */
+  double
+    xll,omgadf,xnode,em,xinc,xn,t;
+  /* Used by thetg and Deep() */
+  double
+    ds50;
+} deep_arg_t;
+/** Table of constant values **/
+#define de2ra    1.74532925E-2   /* Degrees to Radians */
+#define pi       3.1415926535898 /* Pi */
+#define pio2     1.5707963267949 /* Pi/2 */
+#define x3pio2   4.71238898      /* 3*Pi/2 */
+#define twopi    6.2831853071796 /* 2*Pi  */
+#define e6a      1.0E-6
+#define tothrd   6.6666667E-1    /* 2/3 */
+#define xj2      1.0826158E-3    /* J2 Harmonic */
+#define xj3     -2.53881E-6      /* J3 Harmonic */   
+#define xj4     -1.65597E-6      /* J4 Harmonic */
+#define xke      7.43669161E-2
+#define xkmper   6.378135E3      /* Earth radius km */
+#define xmnpda   1.44E3          /* Minutes per day */
+#define ae       1.0
+#define ck2      5.413079E-4
+#define ck4      6.209887E-7
+#define __f      3.352779E-3
+#define ge       3.986008E5 
+#define __s__    1.012229
+#define qoms2t   1.880279E-09
+#define secday   8.6400E4        /* Seconds per day */
+#define omega_E  1.0027379
+#define omega_ER 6.3003879
+#define zns      1.19459E-5
+#define c1ss     2.9864797E-6
+#define zes      1.675E-2
+#define znl      1.5835218E-4
+#define c1l      4.7968065E-7
+#define zel      5.490E-2
+#define zcosis   9.1744867E-1
+#define zsinis   3.9785416E-1
+#define zsings  -9.8088458E-1
+#define zcosgs   1.945905E-1
+#define zcoshs   1
+#define zsinhs   0
+#define q22      1.7891679E-6
+#define q31      2.1460748E-6
+#define q33      2.2123015E-7
+#define g22      5.7686396
+#define g32      9.5240898E-1
+#define g44      1.8014998
+#define g52      1.0508330
+#define g54      4.4108898
+#define root22   1.7891679E-6
+#define root32   3.7393792E-7
+#define root44   7.3636953E-9
+#define root52   1.1428639E-7
+#define root54   2.1765803E-9
+#define thdt     4.3752691E-3
+#define rho      1.5696615E-1
+#define mfactor  7.292115E-5
+#define __sr__       6.96000E5      /*Solar radius - kilometers (IAU 76)*/
+#define SGPAU       1.49597870E8   /*Astronomical unit - kilometers (IAU 76)*/
+/* Entry points of Deep() */
+#define dpinit   1 /* Deep-space initialization code */
+#define dpsec    2 /* Deep-space secular code        */
+#define dpper    3 /* Deep-space periodic code       */
+/* Carriage return and line feed */
+#define CR  0x0A
+#define LF  0x0D
+/* Flow control flag definitions */
+#define ALL_FLAGS              -1
+#define  SGP_INITIALIZED_FLAG  0x000001
+#define SGP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG  0x000002
+#define SDP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG  0x000004
+#define SGP8_INITIALIZED_FLAG  0x000008
+#define SDP8_INITIALIZED_FLAG  0x000010
+#define SIMPLE_FLAG            0x000020
+#define DEEP_SPACE_EPHEM_FLAG  0x000040
+#define LUNAR_TERMS_DONE_FLAG  0x000080
+#define NEW_EPHEMERIS_FLAG     0x000100
+#define DO_LOOP_FLAG           0x000200
+#define RESONANCE_FLAG         0x000400
+#define SYNCHRONOUS_FLAG       0x000800
+#define EPOCH_RESTART_FLAG     0x001000
+#define VISIBLE_FLAG           0x002000
+#define SAT_ECLIPSED_FLAG      0x004000
+/** Funtion prototypes **/
+/* main.c */
+/* int     main(void); */
+/* sgp4sdp4.c */
+void    SGP4(double tsince, tle_t *tle, vector_t *pos, vector_t *vel, double* phase);
+void    SDP4(double tsince, tle_t *tle, vector_t *pos, vector_t *vel, double* phase);
+void    Deep(int ientry, tle_t *tle, deep_arg_t *deep_arg);
+int     isFlagSet(int flag);
+int     isFlagClear(int flag);
+void    SetFlag(int flag);
+void    ClearFlag(int flag);
+/* sgp_in.c */
+int     Checksum_Good(char *tle_set);
+int     Good_Elements(char *tle_set);
+void    Convert_Satellite_Data(char *tle_set, tle_t *tle);
+int     Get_Next_Tle_Set( char lines[3][80], tle_t *tle );
+void    select_ephemeris(tle_t *tle);
+/* sgp_math.c */
+int     Sign(double arg);
+double  Sqr(double arg);
+double  Cube(double arg);
+double  Radians(double arg);
+double  Degrees(double arg);
+double  ArcSin(double arg);
+double  ArcCos(double arg);
+void    SgpMagnitude(vector_t *v);
+void    Vec_Add(vector_t *v1, vector_t *v2, vector_t *v3);
+void    Vec_Sub(vector_t *v1, vector_t *v2, vector_t *v3);
+void    Scalar_Multiply(double k, vector_t *v1, vector_t *v2);
+void    Scale_Vector(double k, vector_t *v);
+double  Dot(vector_t *v1, vector_t *v2);
+double  Angle(vector_t *v1, vector_t *v2);
+void    Cross(vector_t *v1, vector_t *v2, vector_t *v3);
+void    Normalize(vector_t *v);
+double  AcTan(double sinx, double cosx);
+double  FMod2p(double x);
+double  Modulus(double arg1, double arg2);
+double  Frac(double arg);
+int     Round(double arg);
+double  Int(double arg);
+void    Convert_Sat_State(vector_t *pos, vector_t *vel);
+/* sgp_obs.c */
+void    Calculate_User_PosVel(double _time, geodetic_t *geodetic,
+                              vector_t *obs_pos, vector_t *obs_vel);
+void    Calculate_LatLonAlt(double _time, vector_t *pos, geodetic_t *geodetic);
+void    Calculate_Obs(double _time, vector_t *pos, vector_t *vel,
+                      geodetic_t *geodetic, vector_t *obs_set);
+void    Calculate_RADec(double _time, vector_t *pos, vector_t *vel,
+                        geodetic_t *geodetic, vector_t *obs_set);
+/* sgp_time.c */
+double  Julian_Date_of_Epoch(double epoch);
+double  Epoch_Time(double jd);
+int     DOY(int yr, int mo, int dy);
+double  Fraction_of_Day(int hr, int mi, int se);
+void    Calendar_Date(double jd, struct tm *cdate);
+void    Time_of_Day(double jd, struct tm *cdate);
+double  Julian_Date(struct tm *cdate);
+void    Date_Time(double jd, struct tm *cdate);
+int     Check_Date(struct tm *cdate);
+struct tm Time_to_UTC(struct tm *cdate);
+struct tm Time_from_UTC(struct tm *cdate);
+double  JD_to_UTC(double jt);
+double  JD_from_UTC(double jt);
+double  Delta_ET(double year);
+double  Julian_Date_of_Year(double year);
+double  ThetaG(double epoch, deep_arg_t *deep_arg);
+double  ThetaG_JD(double jd);
+void    UTC_Calendar_Now(struct tm *cdate);
+/* solar.c */
+void    Calculate_Solar_Position(double _time, vector_t *solar_vector);
+int     Sat_Eclipsed(vector_t *pos, vector_t *sol, double *depth);
+#ifdef __cplusplus