Satellite Observers Workbench. NOT yet complete, just published for forum posters to \"cherry pick\" pieces of code as requiered as an example.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 0a841b89d614 nexstar/nexstar.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nexstar/nexstar.c	Mon Oct 11 10:34:55 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+ *    Copyright 2010 Andy Kirkham, Stellar Technologies Ltd
+ *    
+ *    This file is part of the Satellite Observers Workbench (SOWB).
+ *
+ *    SOWB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    SOWB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *    along with SOWB.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *    $Id: main.cpp 5 2010-07-12 20:51:11Z ajk $
+ *    
+ ***************************************************************************/
+   Update: This whole module requires refactoring into something much more
+   sane. Basically, I "organically" grew the code in this module with trial
+   and error using the hardware since getting simple things done proved hard.
+   I did design (see below) what I thought reasonable system but the Nexstar
+   kept throwing up problems. So I really need to come back to this code and
+   sort it out properly.
+   Frustrations: I originally implemented an "intelligent" start-up routine
+   that sent echo requests to check the Nexstar was there, then requested 
+   isAligned and, once aligned, would finally send the Tracking Off command
+   and enter operational state. However, that's all out the window.
+   Basically, I have found that if you send anything down the serial cable 
+   while the Nexstar is powering up it goes dumb and won't responsd to 
+   anything you send it. How useless, someone needs to educate their 
+   software engineers to designing robust serial protocols that can 
+   handle battery/power failure. Really very silly because I now know
+   that my software MUST assume the end user has powered on their Nexstar
+   before I start sending serial commands! Rubbish design, I like smart
+   designs that don't rely on the end user having to do "special things",
+   they should just work!
+   Additionally, I have found that, based on documents from TheSky program
+   you cannot ask the Nexstar for it's pointing position faster than once
+   per second! WTF? Asking too fast can crash the Nexstar hand controller.
+   Doh! Since we really need the position at a higher frequency then at the
+   subsecond level, the pointing position is calculated from the last position
+   known +/- whatever variable speed rates have been sent since then.
+   For the purposes of trying to track a fast moving object (an artificial
+   satellite in this case) we end up having to do most of the work ourselves
+   and hope the Nexstar tracks it with a sub-standard pointing system.
+   Hopefully I'll get it right!
+   Means the serial protocol I develop here is more basic than I would have 
+   prefered. For example, rather than sending periodic echo requests to 
+   detect the Nexstar, I'll send just one. If no reply I'll have to prompt
+   the user to "Power on the Nexstar and press a key to continue". Doh.
+#define NEXSTAR_C
+#include "sowb.h"
+#include "nexstar.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "rit.h"
+#include "user.h"
+#include "osd.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "main.h"
+/* Module global variables. */
+int  nexstar_status;
+int  nexstar_command;
+int  nexstar_command_status;
+char rx_buffer[NEXSTAR_BUFFER_SIZE];
+int  rx_buffer_in;
+bool nexstar_aligned;
+double last_elevation;
+double last_azmith;
+double virtual_elevation;
+double virtual_azmith;
+double elevation_rate;
+double elevation_rate_coarse;
+double elevation_rate_fine;
+double elevation_rate_auto;
+double azmith_rate;
+double azmith_rate_coarse;
+double azmith_rate_fine;
+double azmith_rate_auto;
+bool nexstar_goto_in_progress;
+char nexstar_goto_elevation[5];
+char nexstar_goto_azmith[5];
+int virtual_update_counter;
+/* Local function prototypes. */
+static void Uart2_init(void);
+static inline void Uart2_putc(char c);
+static inline void Uart2_puts(char *s, int len);
+/** nexstar_process
+ *
+ * Our system _process function.
+ */
+void nexstar_process(void) {
+    if (nexstar_command_status != 0) {
+        switch (nexstar_command) {
+            case NEXSTAR_IS_ALIGNED:
+                nexstar_aligned = rx_buffer[0] == 1 ? true : false;
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_GET_AZMALT:
+                last_azmith    = virtual_azmith    = 360.0 * (((double)hex2bin(&rx_buffer[0], 4)) / 65536.0);                
+                last_elevation = virtual_elevation = 360.0 * (((double)hex2bin(&rx_buffer[5], 4)) / 65536.0);
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                virtual_update_counter = 0;    
+                if (nexstar_goto_in_progress) {
+                    if (!memcmp(&rx_buffer[0], nexstar_goto_azmith, 4) && !memcmp(&rx_buffer[5], nexstar_goto_elevation, 4)) {
+                        nexstar_goto_in_progress = false;
+                        osd_clear_line(2);
+                        osd_clear_line(3);
+                        _nexstar_set_tracking_mode(0);
+                    }
+                }            
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_GET_RADEC:
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_SET_AZMITH_RATE:
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_GOTO:
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_GOTO_AZM_FAST:
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_SET_APPROACH:
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_SET_TIME:
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;
+            case NEXSTAR_SET_LOCATION:
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;    
+            case NEXSTAR_SYNC:
+                nexstar_command = 0;
+                nexstar_command_status = 0;
+                break;    
+        }
+    }    
+/** nexstar_timeout_callback
+ *
+ * The generic timer callback handler.
+ *
+ * @param int index The timer index (handle).
+ */
+void _nexstar_timeout_callback(int index) {
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_NOT_CONN;
+void _nexstar_one_second_timer(int index) {
+    _nexstar_get_altazm();
+    //_nexstar_get_radec();
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_ONESEC_NEXSTAR, 200);
+double nexstar_get_rate_azm(void) {
+    if (nexstar_goto_in_progress) return 0.0;
+    return azmith_rate_coarse + azmith_rate_fine + azmith_rate_auto;
+double nexstar_get_rate_alt(void) {
+    if (nexstar_goto_in_progress) return 0.0;
+    return elevation_rate_coarse + elevation_rate_fine + elevation_rate_auto;
+void _nexstar_100th_timer(int index) {
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_100TH_NEXSTAR, 100);
+/** nexstar_init
+ *
+ * Used to initialise the system.
+ */
+void nexstar_init(void) {
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, 0);
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_ONESEC_NEXSTAR, 250);
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_100TH_NEXSTAR, 100);
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE;
+    nexstar_command = 0;
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    last_elevation = 0.0;
+    last_azmith = 0.0;
+    virtual_elevation = 0.0;
+    virtual_azmith = 0.0;
+    elevation_rate = elevation_rate_coarse = elevation_rate_fine = elevation_rate_auto = 0.0;
+    azmith_rate = azmith_rate_coarse = azmith_rate_fine = azmith_rate_auto = 0.0;
+    nexstar_goto_in_progress = false;
+    nexstar_aligned = false;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    virtual_update_counter = 0;
+    Uart2_init();
+/* External API functions. */
+void nexstar_get_elazm(double *el, double *azm) {
+    *(el)  = last_elevation;
+    *(azm) = last_azmith;
+/* Internal API functions. */
+int _nexstar_set_tracking_mode(int mode) {
+    if (nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+        rx_buffer_in = 0;
+        nexstar_command_status = 0;
+        nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_SET_TRACKING;
+        Uart2_putc('T');
+        Uart2_putc((char)mode);
+        rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int _nexstar_get_altazm(void) {
+    if (nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+        rx_buffer_in = 0;
+        nexstar_command_status = 0;
+        nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_GET_AZMALT;
+        Uart2_putc('Z');
+        rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int _nexstar_get_radec(void) {
+    if (nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+        rx_buffer_in = 0;
+        nexstar_command_status = 0;
+        nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_GET_RADEC;
+        Uart2_putc('E');
+        rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+void _nexstar_set_elevation_rate_coarse(double rate) {
+    elevation_rate_coarse = rate;
+    _nexstar_set_elevation_rate();
+void _nexstar_set_elevation_rate_fine(double rate) {
+    elevation_rate_fine = rate;
+    _nexstar_set_elevation_rate();
+void _nexstar_set_elevation_rate_auto(double rate) {
+    elevation_rate_auto = rate;
+    _nexstar_set_elevation_rate();
+int _nexstar_set_elevation_rate(void) {
+    char dir, high, low, cmd[32];
+    double rate;
+    rate = elevation_rate_coarse + elevation_rate_fine + elevation_rate_auto;
+    if (elevation_rate == rate) return 0;
+    if (rate != 0.0) {
+        if (nexstar_goto_in_progress || nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) return 0;
+    }
+    while (nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        if (nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_NOT_CONN) return 0;
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    //if (rate >= 0.0) osd_string_xyl(0, 14, cmd, sprintf(cmd, " ALT >> %c%.1f", '+', rate)); 
+    //else             osd_string_xyl(0, 14, cmd, sprintf(cmd, " ALT >> %+.1f", rate)); 
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_SET_ELEVATION_RATE;
+    dir = 6;
+    if (rate < 0.0) {
+        dir = 7;
+        rate *= -1;
+    }
+    high = ((int)(3600.0 * rate * 4.0) / 256) & 0xFF;
+    low  = ((int)(3600.0 * rate * 4.0) % 256) & 0xFF;            
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "P%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 3, 17, dir, high, low, 0, 0));
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+    elevation_rate = rate;
+    return 1;    
+void _nexstar_set_azmith_rate_coarse(double rate) {
+    azmith_rate_coarse = rate;
+    _nexstar_set_azmith_rate();
+void _nexstar_set_azmith_rate_fine(double rate) {
+    azmith_rate_fine = rate;
+    _nexstar_set_azmith_rate();
+void _nexstar_set_azmith_rate_auto(double rate) {
+    azmith_rate_auto = rate;
+    _nexstar_set_azmith_rate();
+int _nexstar_set_azmith_rate(void) {
+    char dir, high, low, cmd[32];
+    double rate;
+    rate = azmith_rate_coarse + azmith_rate_fine + azmith_rate_auto;
+    if (azmith_rate == rate)  return 0;
+    if (rate != 0.0) {
+        if (nexstar_goto_in_progress || nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) return 0;
+    }
+    while (nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        if (nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_NOT_CONN) return 0;
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    //if (rate >= 0.0) osd_string_xyl(14, 14, cmd, sprintf(cmd, " AZM >> %c%.1f", '+', rate)); 
+    //else             osd_string_xyl(14, 14, cmd, sprintf(cmd, " AZM >> %+.1f", rate)); 
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_SET_AZMITH_RATE;
+    dir = 6;
+    if (rate < 0.0) {
+        dir = 7;
+        rate *= -1;
+    }
+    high = ((int)(3600.0 * rate * 4.0) / 256) & 0xFF;
+    low  = ((int)(3600.0 * rate * 4.0) % 256) & 0xFF;
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "P%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 3, 16, dir, high, low, 0, 0));            
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+    azmith_rate = rate;
+    return 1;    
+int _nexstar_goto(uint32_t elevation, uint32_t azmith) {
+    char cmd[32], buf1[6], buf2[6];
+    double azm_target, azm_current;
+    if (nexstar_goto_in_progress) return 0;
+    printDouble_3_2(buf1, 360.0 * ((double)elevation / 65536));
+    osd_stringl(2, cmd, sprintf(cmd, "     GOTO > %s < ALT", buf1)); 
+    printDouble_3_2(buf2, 360.0 * ((double)azmith / 65536));
+    osd_stringl(3, cmd, sprintf(cmd, "          > %s < AZM", buf2));
+    osd_clear_line(14); 
+    /* Adjust the GOTO approach based on where we are pointing now
+       comapred to where we want to go. */
+    azm_target = 360.0 * ((double)((double)azmith / 65536.0));
+    azm_current = last_azmith - azm_target;
+    if (azm_current > 180.) _nexstar_set_azm_approach(1);        
+    else                   _nexstar_set_azm_approach(-1);            
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        if(nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_NOT_CONN) return 0;
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    nexstar_goto_in_progress = true;
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_GOTO;
+    sprintf(nexstar_goto_azmith, "%04X", azmith);
+    sprintf(nexstar_goto_elevation, "%04X", elevation);
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "B%s,%s", nexstar_goto_azmith, nexstar_goto_elevation));
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, 60000);
+    return 1;    
+int _nexstar_goto_azm_fast(uint32_t azmith) {
+    char cmd[16];
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        if(nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_NOT_CONN) return 0;
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_GOTO_AZM_FAST;
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "P%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 3, 16, 2, (azmith >> 8) & 0xFF, azmith & 0xFF, 0, 0));            
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, 60000);
+    return 1;    
+void _nexstar_set_azm_approach(int approach) {
+    char cmd[16];
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        if(nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_NOT_CONN) return;
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_SET_APPROACH;    
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "P%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 3, 16, 0xFD, approach < 0 ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, 0));
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+bool _nexstar_is_aligned(void) {
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        if(nexstar_status == NEXSTAR_STATE_NOT_CONN) return false;
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_IS_ALIGNED;    
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    Uart2_putc('J');
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+    /* This command blocks while we wait for an answer. */
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        user_wait_ms(10);
+    };
+    return nexstar_aligned;
+void _nexstar_sync(RaDec *radec) {
+    char cmd[32];
+    uint16_t ra, dec;
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    ra  = (uint16_t)((radec->ra  / 360.0) * 65536);
+    dec = (uint16_t)((radec->dec / 360.0) * 65536);
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_SYNC;    
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "S%02X,%02X", ra, dec));
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);   
+void _nexstar_set_time(GPS_TIME *t) {
+    char cmd[32];
+    GPS_TIME rt;
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    if (t == (GPS_TIME *)NULL) {
+        t = &rt;
+        gps_get_time(t);        
+    }
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_SET_TIME;    
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "H%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", t->hour, t->minute, t->second, t->month, t->day, t->year - 2000, 0, 0));
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);   
+void _nexstar_set_location(GPS_LOCATION_AVERAGE *l) {
+    char cmd[32];
+    double d, t;
+    char lat_degrees, lat_minutes, lat_seconds, lon_degrees, lon_minutes, lon_seconds;
+    while(nexstar_status != NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE) {
+        user_wait_ms(1);
+    };
+    if (l == (GPS_LOCATION_AVERAGE *)NULL) {
+        l = &rl;
+        gps_get_location_average(l);        
+    }
+    d = l->latitude;
+    lat_degrees = (char)d; t = (d - (double)lat_degrees) * 60.0;
+    lat_minutes = (char)t;
+    lat_seconds = (t - (double)lat_minutes) * 60.0;
+    d = l->longitude;
+    lon_degrees = (int)d; t = (d - (double)lon_degrees) * 60.0;
+    lon_minutes = (int)t;
+    lon_seconds = (t - (double)lon_minutes) * 60.0;
+    nexstar_command = NEXSTAR_SET_LOCATION;    
+    nexstar_command_status = 0;
+    nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_BUSY;
+    rx_buffer_in = 0;
+    Uart2_puts(cmd, sprintf(cmd, "W%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", lat_degrees, lat_minutes, lat_seconds, l->north_south == 'N' ? 0 : 1, lon_degrees, lon_minutes, lon_seconds, l->east_west == 'E' ? 0 : 1));
+    rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);   
+/** UART2_IRQHandler(void)
+ *
+ * The interrupt service routine for the UART2.
+ */
+extern "C" void UART2_IRQHandler(void) __irq {
+    volatile uint32_t iir; 
+    char c;
+    /* Get the interrupt identification register which also resets IIR. */
+    iir = LPC_UART2->IIR;
+    if (iir & 0x1) return;
+    iir = (iir >> 1) & 0x3;
+    /* Handle the incoming character. */
+    if (iir == 2) {
+        c = LPC_UART2->RBR;
+        //Uart0_putc(c);
+        rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, NEXSTAR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT);
+        rx_buffer[rx_buffer_in] = c;
+        rx_buffer_in++;
+        if (rx_buffer_in >= NEXSTAR_BUFFER_SIZE) {
+            rx_buffer_in = 0;
+        }
+        if (c == '#') {
+            rit_timer_set_counter(RIT_TIMER_NEXSTAR, 0);
+            nexstar_command_status = 1;
+            nexstar_status = NEXSTAR_STATE_IDLE;
+        }
+    }
+/** Uart2_init
+ *
+ * Initialise UART2 to our requirements for Nexstar.
+ */
+static void Uart2_init (void) {
+    volatile char c __attribute__((unused));
+    LPC_SC->PCONP       |=  (1UL << 24);
+    LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1    &= ~(3UL << 16);
+    LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1    |=  (1UL << 16);
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= ((1UL << 20) | (1UL << 22));
+    LPC_UART2->LCR       = 0x80;
+    LPC_UART2->DLM       = 0x2;  // 115200 baud, for 9600 use 0x2;
+    LPC_UART2->DLL       = 0x71; // 115200 baud, for 9600 use 0x71;
+    LPC_UART2->LCR       = 0x3;
+    LPC_UART2->FCR       = 0x1;
+    /* Ensure the FIFO is empty. */
+    while (LPC_UART2->LSR & 0x1) c = (char)LPC_UART2->RBR;
+    NVIC_SetVector(UART2_IRQn, (uint32_t)UART2_IRQHandler);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART2_IRQn);
+    /* Enable UART0 RX interrupt only. */
+    LPC_UART2->IER = 0x1; 
+static inline void Uart2_putc(char c) {
+    //Uart0_putc(c);
+    LPC_UART2->THR = (uint32_t)(c & 0xFF);
+static inline void Uart2_puts(char *s, int len) {
+    int i;
+    if (len > 0) for (i = 0; len; i++, len--) Uart2_putc(s[i]);