Testing ekf implementation for Quadro_1.

Dependencies:   mbed Eigen


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
24:e5188a2d72ca 2020-02-05 pmic Update EKF_RP 6 states to EKF_RP 8 states. default tip
23:226f18dd30a5 2020-01-30 pmic Commit before update EKF_RP 6 states to EKF_RP 8 states.
22:4148af9e3d81 2020-01-27 pmic Correct air drag coefficient for QK4.
21:aab1ac72095b 2020-01-06 pmic Commit changes in state order (correction).
20:0227c82a78c2 2019-10-28 pmic Change reset logic, so we get the same results at the beginning (reset) or arming (increase_diag_P).
19:ccb6fc8bf872 2019-10-28 pmic Add increase_diag_P function so diag(P) can be increased while arming copter.
18:f374ca9a3e75 2019-10-28 pmic Change initialization of P0 in EKF_RP and EKF_RPY.
17:1d98928f7681 2019-10-25 pmic Recursion and inversion deliver same results. Time measurements show inversion is faster (???). So EKF changes back to inversion.
16:c39e084f05ed 2019-10-24 pmic Get recursion running. Everything is fine now : - )
15:53485bd1ff28 2019-10-24 pmic Make things working. Recursive solving not solved yet.
14:c4bc8ba29c2f 2019-10-23 pmic Change size I for error.
13:2e03d9c03409 2019-10-22 pmic Implement iterative covariance update in EKF_RP and EKF_RPY. Tunestate and noise covariance.
12:180e09c4ea26 2019-10-22 pmic Copy past altb's additional instation without m0 to EKF_RPY.
11:6a7c3795d8fb 2019-10-21 pmic Make sure right branch.
10:dd5ea359fb97 2019-10-21 pmic Is there something?
9:be2e1d2f683d 2019-10-20 pmic Change parametrization, so it is close to the exciting ekf and nummerically balanced.
8:a72cd6356bab 2019-10-20 pmic Finist testing and parametrizising. -> ekf_rp (6 states), ekf_rpy (8 states)
7:bcbcc23983de 2019-10-20 pmic EKF_RPY (8 states) first time succesfully running.
6:f9569a07aff5 2019-10-20 pmic No update on Eigen!
5:676cbc33c81b 2019-10-20 pmic Commit before update Eigen.
4:e50e18eac72b 2019-10-20 pmic Commit before set double for test purposes.
3:121647a7cddf 2019-10-18 pmic Change Eigen.lib (just uncomment -huge). And get EKF_RP running.
2:756446014084 2019-10-18 pmic Commit before update Eigen.lib
1:6b803652d032 2019-10-18 pmic Test ekf in main.
0:a0e9705be9c4 2019-10-18 pmic First commit. Nothing is working.