Testing ekf implementation for Quadro_1.

Dependencies:   mbed Eigen

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Oct 18 21:49:59 2019 +0000
Commit message:
Change Eigen.lib (just uncomment -huge). And get EKF_RP running.

Changed in this revision

Eigen.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Eigen.lib	Fri Oct 18 21:17:11 2019 +0000
+++ b/Eigen.lib	Fri Oct 18 21:49:59 2019 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 18 21:17:11 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Oct 18 21:49:59 2019 +0000
@@ -18,48 +18,7 @@
 Matrix<float, 8, 8> A;
 Matrix<float, 8, 1> b;
-// Matrix<float, 8, 8> I;
-    void reset();
-    float get_est_state(uint8_t i);
-    void update(float gyro_x, float gyro_y, float accel_x, float accel_y);
-    float s1;
-    float c1;
-    float s2;
-    float c2;
-    float g;
-    float kv;
-    float Ts;
-    float rho;
-    Matrix <float, 2, 1>  var_gy;
-    Matrix <float, 6, 1>  var_fx; 
-    Matrix <float, 2, 1>  u;
-    Matrix <float, 2, 1>  y;
-    Matrix <float, 6, 1>  x;
-    Matrix <float, 6, 6>  F;
-    Matrix <float, 2, 6>  H;
-    Matrix <float, 6, 6>  Q;
-    Matrix <float, 2, 2>  R;
-    Matrix <float, 6, 6>  P;
-    Matrix <float, 6, 2>  K;
-    Matrix <float, 6, 6>  I;
-    void update_angles();
-    void update_F();
-    void update_H();
-    void initialize_R();
-    void initialize_Q();
-    void update_Q();
-    Matrix <float, 6, 1> fxd();
-    Matrix <float, 2, 1> gy();
+Matrix<float, 8, 8> I;
 int main()
@@ -108,141 +67,20 @@
     // I.setIdentity();
-    // this->Ts = Ts;
-    Ts = 0.05;
-    /* [n_gyro; n_b_g; n_v] */
-    var_fx << 1000, 1000, 20, 20, 10, 10;
-    /* [n_acc] */
-    var_gy << 40, 40;
-    rho = 5000;
-    kv = 0.5;       /* k1/m */
-    g = 9.81;
-    reset();
     while(1) {
-        Matrix<float, 8, 1> x = A.inverse() * b;
+        // Matrix<float, 8, 1> x = A.inverse() * b;
-        // ekf_rp.update(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+        ekf_rp.update(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
         dt = timer.read();
         pc.printf("%i; %.6f; %.6f; %.6f; %.6f; \r\n", counter, b(0), b(1), b(2), dt);
-        pc.printf("%i; %.6f; %.6f; %.6f;\r\n", counter, x(0), x(1), x(2));
+        // pc.printf("%i; %.6f; %.6f; %.6f; %.6f; \r\n", counter, b(0), b(1), b(2), dt);
-        wait_us(1000000);
+        // wait_us(1000000);
-void reset()
-    u.setZero();
-    y.setZero();
-    x.setZero();
-    update_F();
-    update_H();
-    initialize_Q();
-    initialize_R();
-    P = Q;
-    K.setZero();
-    I.setIdentity();
-void update(float gyro_x, float gyro_y, float accel_x, float accel_y)
-    u << gyro_x, gyro_y;
-    y << accel_x, accel_y;
-    update_F();
-    // update_H();  /* H remains constant */
-    update_Q();
-    x = fxd();
-    P = F * P * F.transpose() + Q;
-    K = P * H.transpose() * ( H * P * H.transpose() + R ).inverse();
-    x = x + K * (y - gy());
-    P = (I - K * H) * P;
-float get_est_state(uint8_t i)
-    // x = [ang; b_g; v] 
-    return x(i);
-void update_angles()
-    s1 = sin(x(0));
-    c1 = cos(x(0));
-    s2 = sin(x(1));
-    c2 = cos(x(1));   
-void update_F()
-    F << (Ts*c1*s2*(u(1) - x(3)))/c2 + 1, -(Ts*s1*(u(1) - x(3)))/(s2*s2 - 1), -Ts, -(Ts*s1*s2)/c2,         0,         0,
-                    -Ts*s1*(u(1) - x(3)),                                  1,   0,         -Ts*c1,         0,         0,
-                                       0,                                  0,   1,              0,         0,         0,
-                                       0,                                  0,   0,              1,         0,         0,
-                                       0,                            Ts*c2*g,   0,              0, 1 - Ts*kv,         0,
-                             -Ts*c1*c2*g,                         Ts*g*s1*s2,   0,              0,         0, 1 - Ts*kv;
-void update_H()
-    H << 0, 0, 0, 0, -kv,   0,
-         0, 0, 0, 0,   0, -kv;
-void initialize_R()
-    R <<  rho*var_gy(0)/Ts,                0,
-                         0, rho*var_gy(1)/Ts;
-void initialize_Q()
-    Q << Ts*(var_fx(0) + (s1*s1*s2*s2*var_fx(1))/(c2*c2)), (Ts*c1*s1*s2*var_fx(1))/c2,            0,            0,            0,            0,
-                               (Ts*c1*s1*s2*var_fx(1))/c2,         Ts*c1*c1*var_fx(1),            0,            0,            0,            0,
-                                                        0,                          0, Ts*var_fx(2),            0,            0,            0,
-                                                        0,                          0,            0, Ts*var_fx(3),            0,            0,
-                                                        0,                          0,            0,            0, Ts*var_fx(4),            0,
-                                                        0,                          0,            0,            0,            0, Ts*var_fx(5);
-void update_Q()
-    Q(0,0) = Ts*(var_fx(0) + (s1*s1*s2*s2*var_fx(1))/(c2*c2));
-    Q(0,1) = Ts*c1*s1*s2*var_fx(1)/c2;
-    Q(1,0) = Q(0,1);
-    Q(1,1) = Ts*c1*c1*var_fx(1);
-Matrix <float, 6, 1>  fxd()
-    Matrix <float, 6, 1> retval;
-    retval << x(0) + Ts*(u(0) - x(2) + (s1*s2*(u(1) - x(3)))/c2),
-                                      x(1) + Ts*c1*(u(1) - x(3)),
-                                                            x(2),
-                                                            x(3),
-                                      x(4) + Ts*(g*s2 - kv*x(4)),
-                                   x(5) - Ts*(kv*x(5) + c2*g*s1);
-    return retval;
-Matrix <float, 2, 1> gy()
-    Matrix <float, 2, 1> retval;
-    retval << -kv*x(4),
-              -kv*x(5);
-    return retval;