BLE Color Pixels based on nRF51822 and WS2812B
Dependencies: BLE_API color_pixels mbed nRF51822
Fork of BLE_LCDDemo by
Color pixels library using WS2812B and nRF51822 (16MHz)
You can get the colorful led strip from seeed:
- http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Digital-RGB-LED-FlexiStrip-60-LED-1-Meter-p-1666.html
- http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/WS2812B-Digital-RGB-LED-Waterproof-FlexiStrip-144-LEDmeter-2-meter-p-1869.html
- http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/WS2812B-RGB-LED-with-Integrated-Driver-Chip-10-PCs-pack-p-1675.html
Click this link to download the color pixels app for android. The source code of the Android app is at https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/ble_color_pixels
If the BLE device is disconnected frequently, we can improve the stability by changing the BLE parameters - Advertising Duration (main.cpp), Min Interval and Max Interval (nRF51822/projectconfig.h)
#define CFG_GAP_CONNECTION_MIN_INTERVAL_MS 20 /**< Minimum acceptable connection interval */ #define CFG_GAP_CONNECTION_MAX_INTERVAL_MS 200 /**< Maximum acceptable connection interval */