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Nucleo Firmware

Windows Upgrade instructions

  1. Ensure that the ST-LINK/V2 driver is installed first. If not, please follow this LINK for all details.
  2. Download the latest ST-LINK/V2-1 firmware upgrade.
  3. Extract the archive and run the STLinkUpgrade.exe program.
  4. Plug the Nucleo board to your PC using a standard USB cable and wait until the USB enumeration is completed.
  5. Press the Connect button.
  6. When the ST-LINK/V2 driver is correctly installed, the current ST-LINK/V2 version is displayed.
  7. Press Yes button to start the upgrade process.
  8. You should now have successfully upgraded the firmware. If you encounter problems, please ask here.

Java Upgrade instructions

Revision history


  • Fixed the MacOS Yosemite issue.
  • The package contains 2 applications:
    • STLinkUpgrade.exe for Windows ("old fashion")
    • a new GUI (java application) expected to replace the old application on all platforms.
      Some more details in "readme.txt" files inside the package.


  • Modification of flash programming algorithm for STM32F4, STM32F7 and STM32L4 microcontrollers families
  • Added check against the validity of the application, when programmed through the mass storage interface (validity algorithm based on Reset and Stack Pointer values in the vector table)
  • Set default SWCLK to 4MHz for better performance


  • Fixed the virtual comm port against a possible delay in data reception by the host (like a cache flush issue)
  • Fixed the virtual comm port against a possible communication failure during data emission by the host on some USB3 ports
  • Fixed the mass storage interface enumeration after a programming of the target application, reducing the risk to loose the VCP communication during such operation
  • Fixed the suppression of one target reset sequence during the power on sequence
  • Changed the SWD communication in order to reduce the noise generated by SWD signals


  • ST-Link firmware upgrade for correct support of Nucleo-F411RE by the MSD interface (drag&drop functionality).


  • This version contains a fix against a regression in TNRST management that does not directly impact the mbed drag&drop programming, but when the board is used from a debugger.


  • Suppressed “high speed device” notification when plugging to a non-high speed USB port or to an USB3 port
  • Keep the virtual com port session valid (if any opened), when reprogramming the application
  • Fixed potential lockup condition in SWV trace management and Virtual Com Port management


  • Fixes 8.3 filename error
  • Fixes Chrome browser support

Technical References

For more information, please refer to:

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