STMicroelectronics' implementation of an I2S driver, also including DMA support.

Dependents:   temp X_NUCLEO_CCA01M1 X_NUCLEO_CCA01M1 X_NUCLEO_CCA02M1

Platform compatibility

This driver has been designed to support a wide range of the Nucleo F4 Family of platforms and MCUs, but not all members of this family support I2S and/or some of the members might require slight modifications to the sources of this driver in order to make it work on those.

This driver has for now been tested only with the following platforms:


Wolfgang Betz

File content as of revision 31:bb4bac0874da:

#ifndef STM_I2S_API_H
#define STM_I2S_API_H

#include <stdbool.h>

#include "device.h"
#include "stm_objects.h"
#include "hal/stm_dma_api.h"
#include "hal/buffer.h"


#define I2S_EVENT_RX_ERROR         (1 << 1)                                 // 0x2
#define I2S_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE      (1 << 2)									// 0x4
#define I2S_EVENT_RX_OVERFLOW      (1 << 3)                                 // 0x8
#define I2S_EVENT_RX_HALF_COMPLETE (1 << 4)                                 // 0x10

#define I2S_EVENT_TX_ERROR         (I2S_EVENT_RX_ERROR << 8)                // 0x200
#define I2S_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE      (I2S_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE << 8)				// 0x400
#define I2S_EVENT_TX_UNDERRUN      (I2S_EVENT_RX_OVERFLOW << 8)             // 0x800
#define I2S_EVENT_TX_HALF_COMPLETE (I2S_EVENT_RX_HALF_COMPLETE << 8)        // 0x1000


#define I2S_EVENT_INTERNAL_TRANSFER_COMPLETE (1 << 30) // Internal flag to report that an event occurred

#define I2S_TX_EVENT				(0x0) // see DMA_TX
#define I2S_RX_EVENT				(0x1) // see DMA_RX

typedef enum {
} i2s_bitorder_t;

typedef enum {
} i2s_mode_t;

typedef enum {
} i2s_dma_prio_t;

/** Asynch I2S HAL structure
typedef struct {
    struct i2s_s i2s;        /**< Target specific I2S structure */
    struct dma_s dma;        /**< Target specific DMA structure */
    struct buffer_s tx_buff; /**< Tx buffer */
    struct buffer_s rx_buff; /**< Rx buffer */
} i2s_t;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * \defgroup hal_GeneralI2S I2S Configuration Functions
 * @{

/** Initialize the I2S peripheral
 * Configures the pins used by I2S, sets a default format and frequency, and enables the peripheral
 * @param[out] obj  The I2S object to initialize
 * @param[in]  data I2S data input/output pin
 * @param[in]  sclk I2S clock output pin
 * @param[in]  wsel I2S word select output pin (might be NC for PDM sources)
 * @param[in]  fdpx I2S data input pin (for full-duplex operation, default = NC)
 * @param[in]  mclk I2S master clock output pin (default = NC, enables master clock output when not NC)
 * @param[in]  mode I2S mode to be applied
    void i2s_init(i2s_t *obj, PinName data, PinName sclk, PinName wsel, PinName fdpx, PinName mclk, i2s_mode_t mode);

/** Release a I2S object
 * TODO: i2s_free is currently unimplemented
 * This will require reference counting at the C++ level to be safe
 * Return the pins owned by the I2S object to their reset state
 * Disable the I2S peripheral
 * Disable the I2S clock
 * @param[in] obj The I2S object to deinitialize
    void i2s_free(i2s_t *obj);

/** Configure the I2S format
 * Set the number of bits per frame, configure clock polarity and phase, shift order and master/slave mode
 * @param[in,out] obj   The I2S object to configure
 * @param[in]     dbits    Number of data bits per I2S frame (16, 24, or 32)
 * @param[in]     fbits    Number of bits per I2S frame (16 or 32)
 * @param[in]     polarity Clock polarity (either 0 or 1, default = 0)
    void i2s_format(i2s_t *obj, int dbits, int fbits, int polarity);

/** Configure the I2S protocol
 * @param[in,out] obj      The I2S object to configure
 * @param[in]     protocol I2S protocol to be used
    void i2s_set_protocol(i2s_t *obj, i2s_bitorder_t protocol);

/** Configure the I2S mode
 * @param[in,out] obj      The I2S object to configure
 * @param[in]     mode     I2S mode to be applied
    void i2s_set_mode(i2s_t *obj, i2s_mode_t mode);

/** Set the I2S audio frequency
 * Actual frequency may differ from the desired frequency due to available dividers and bus clock
 * Configures the I2S audio frequency
 * @param[in,out] obj The I2S object to configure
 * @param[in]     hz  The baud rate in Hz
    void i2s_audio_frequency(i2s_t *obj, uint32_t hz);

 * \defgroup SynchI2S Synchronous I2S Hardware Abstraction Layer
 * @{

/** Get the module number
 * @param[in] obj The I2S peripheral to check
 * @return The module number
    uint8_t i2s_get_module(i2s_t *obj);


 * \defgroup AsynchI2S Asynchronous I2S Hardware Abstraction Layer
 * @{

/** Begin the I2S transfer. Buffer pointers and lengths are specified in tx_buff and rx_buff
 * @param[in] obj        The I2S object that holds the transfer information
 * @param[in] tx         The transmit buffer
 * @param[in] tx_length  The number of bytes to transmit
 * @param[in] rx         The receive buffer
 * @param[in] rx_length  The number of bytes to receive
 * @param[in] circular   Enable circular buffer transfer
 * @param[in] prio       DMA priority of the transfer
 * @param[in] handler_tx I2S tx interrupt handler
 * @param[in] handler_rx I2S rx interrupt handler
 * @param[in] event      The logical OR of events to be registered
    void i2s_transfer(i2s_t *obj, void *tx, int tx_length, void *rx, int rx_length,
		      bool circular, i2s_dma_prio_t prio,
		      uint32_t handler_tx, uint32_t handler_rx, 
		      uint32_t event);

/** The asynchronous IRQ handler
 * Reads the received values out of the RX FIFO, writes values into the TX FIFO and checks for transfer termination
 * conditions, such as buffer overflows or transfer complete.
 * @param[in] obj       The I2S object that holds the transfer information
 * @param[in] direction From whom is the irq coming (RX or TX)
 * @return Event flags if a transfer termination condition was met; otherwise 0.
    uint32_t i2s_irq_handler_asynch(i2s_t *obj, uint8_t direction);

/** Attempts to determine if the I2S peripheral is already in use
 * For each assigned buffer, check
 * if the corresponding buffer position is less than the buffer length.  If buffers do not indicate activity, check if
 * there are any bytes in the FIFOs.
 * @param[in] obj The I2S object to check for activity
 * @return Non-zero if the I2S port is active or zero if it is not.
    uint8_t i2s_active(i2s_t *obj);

/** Abort an I2S transfer
 * @param obj The I2S peripheral to stop
    void i2s_abort_asynch(i2s_t *obj);

 * @brief Harmonize frequencies of two I2S devices
 * TODO: doxygen description
 *  @return Zero if the frequencies have been harmonized correctly, -1
 *          otherwise.
    int8_t i2s_harmonize(i2s_t *dev_i2s_1, uint32_t *freq_i2s_1, i2s_t *dev_i2s_2, uint32_t *freq_i2s_2);


#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus

#endif // DEVICE_I2S

#endif // STM_I2S_API_H