Dependents of libmDot-mbed5
A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

example using LOF sensor board and MEMS sensor board

example using LOF sensor board and MEMS sensor board. not using senet packet format

Demonstration for connecting Multitech mDot/mDotbox to the Telit devicewise platform.

mDot AT-Firmware for testing

An attempt to sleep an mDot

mdot multitech

Publish on embed

Example of using the mDot UDK with the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 board

Example of using backup registers on mDot

Example of using file interfaces for mDot

Code to talk to the mdot

AT terminal for the mDot using the USB debug port instead of the serial port.

Version del programa usado para la Expo IOT 2018 - Strada Hotel

La idea es comunicarse con el nodeRed y realizar una conversion de float a string

Gateway by Jorge Troncoso


test _oliver

class c

Echo example of class C devices receiving downlink and sending as next uplink

Test of importing mbed-os 5.7.7 and libmDot-mbed5 3.1.0


UGT LD100 (mDot embedded) example code


ban dot_example

test publish V2- Junio20 - 2020