A basic graphics package for the LPC4088 Display Module.

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Fork of DMBasicGUI by EmbeddedArtists AB

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00001 /*
00002  *  Copyright 2014 Embedded Artists AB
00003  *
00004  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  *  limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #ifndef SLIDESHOW_H
00018 #define SLIDESHOW_H
00020 #include "mbed.h"
00021 #include "rtos.h"
00022 #include "Image.h"
00023 #include "Renderer.h"
00025 /**
00026  * SlideShow engine.
00027  *
00028  * For information on how to use the SlideShow and some examples see
00029  * https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Embedded-Artists/wiki/LPC4088DM-Using-the-SlideShow-Engine
00030  *
00031  * @code
00032  * #include "mbed.h"
00033  * #include "SlideShow.h"
00034  * #include "Renderer.h"
00035  *
00036  * static void tRender(void const *args)
00037  * {
00038  *   Renderer* s = (Renderer*)args;
00039  *   s->render();
00040  * }
00041  * 
00042  * int main(void) {
00043  *    // initialize the display
00044  *    ...
00045  *
00046  *    // create the renderer that will handle the display
00047  *    Renderer r;
00048  *
00049  *    // create the slideshow
00050  *    SlideShow s(&r);
00051  *    
00052  *    // parse and validate the script
00053  *    SlideShow::SlideShowError err = s.prepare("/mci/myscript.txt");
00054  *    if (err != SlideShow::Ok) {
00055  *        // handle error here
00056  *    }
00057  *
00058  *    // Create the thread to handle the display
00059  *    Thread tr(tRender, &r, osPriorityHigh);
00060  *
00061  *    // Run the slideshow
00062  *    s.run();
00063  * }
00064  * @endcode
00065  */
00066 class SlideShow {
00067 public:
00069     enum SlideShowError {
00070         Ok,
00071         InvalidScript,
00072         RuntimeError,
00073         UserAbort,
00074         ScriptEnd,
00075         OutOfMemory,
00076         FileError,
00077     };
00079     /** A function that the script can call during execution
00080      *
00081      *  @param calloutId   identifier given in setCalloutHandler()
00082      *  @param ss          the slideshow instance
00083      *  @param identifier  parameter to the "callout" tag in the script
00084      *
00085      *  @returns
00086      *       Ok on success
00087      *       One of the SlideShowError error codes on failure
00088      */
00089     typedef SlideShowError (*calloutFunc)(int calloutId, SlideShow* ss, int identifier);
00091     /** Create a new slideshow
00092      *
00093      *  @param r           the renderer
00094      *  @param pathPrefix  optional path to prepend to all paths in the script file
00095      *  @param xoff        optional x coordinate to draw the slideshow at, default is 0
00096      *  @param yoff        optional y coordinate to draw the slideshow at, default is 0
00097      *  @param layer       optional z-order, higher layers are drawn on top of lower layers
00098      *  @param fileMutex   optional mutex to prevent simultaneous access of the file system
00099      */
00100     SlideShow(Renderer* r, const char* pathPrefix=NULL, int xoff=0, int yoff=0, int layer=0, Mutex* fileMutex=NULL);
00101     ~SlideShow();
00103     /** Parses the script file and prepares internal structures
00104      *
00105      *  @param scriptFile  the script with the slideshow
00106      *
00107      *  @returns
00108      *       Ok on success
00109      *       One of the SlideShowError error codes on failure
00110      */
00111     SlideShowError prepare(const char* scriptFile);
00113     /** Run the slideshow
00114      *
00115      *  This function will run until the script ends. If the script has
00116      *  an eternal loop then this function will never return.
00117      *
00118      *  @returns
00119      *       Ok on success
00120      *       One of the SlideShowError error codes on failure
00121      */
00122     SlideShowError run();
00124     /** Register a function that the script can call.
00125      *
00126      *  A callout function allows the use of the "callout" tag in a
00127      *  slideshow script to e.g. notify the system or to trigger
00128      *  something.
00129      *
00130      *  There can only be one callout function.
00131      */
00132     void setCalloutHandler(calloutFunc func, int calloutId);
00134     /** Decouples this SlideShow from the Renderer
00135      */
00136     void releaseScreen(void);
00138     /** Stops the SlideShow.
00139      *
00140      *  The SlideShow will be stopped at the next suitable time,
00141      *  typically before processing the next step in the script.
00142      *
00143      *  This function is typically called upon an external trigger
00144      *  like the user pressing a button to end the slideshow.
00145      */
00146     void stop() { abortBeforeNextStep = true; }
00148 private:
00150     typedef uint16_t* image_t;
00152     class Transition {
00153     public:
00154         typedef enum
00155         {
00156             None,
00157             LeftRight,
00158             DownUp,
00159             TopDown,
00160             Blinds,
00161             Fade,
00162             Unknown,
00163         } Type;
00165         Transition(const char* typeStr) {
00166             if (typeStr == NULL) {
00167                 t = Unknown;
00168             } else if (strcmp("none", typeStr) == 0) {
00169                 t = None;
00170             } else if (strcmp("left-right", typeStr) == 0) {
00171                 t = LeftRight;
00172             } else if (strcmp("down-up", typeStr) == 0) {
00173                 t = DownUp;
00174             } else if (strcmp("top-down", typeStr) == 0) {
00175                 t = TopDown;
00176             } else if (strcmp("blinds", typeStr) == 0) {
00177                 t = Blinds;
00178             } else if (strcmp("fade", typeStr) == 0) {
00179                 t = Fade;
00180             } else {
00181                 t = Unknown;
00182             }
00183         };
00184         ~Transition();
00185         SlideShowError execute(SlideShow* ss, Image::ImageData_t* CurrentImage, Image::ImageData_t* NewImage);
00186         Type type() { return this->t; }
00187         const char* typeString() {
00188             switch(t) {
00189                 case None: return "No";
00190                 case LeftRight: return "Left to Right";
00191                 case TopDown: return "Top to Bottom";
00192                 case Blinds: return "Blinds";
00193                 case Unknown:
00194                 default:
00195                     return "Unknown";
00196             }
00197         };
00199     private:
00200         Type t;
00202         enum Constants {
00203           LeftRight_DelayMs      = 100,
00204           LeftRight_PixelsToSkip =  20,
00205           DownUp_DelayMs         = 100,
00206           DownUp_LineSkip        =  20,
00207           TopDown_DelayMs        = 100,
00208           TopDown_LineSkip       =  20,
00209           Blinds_LinesPerBlock   =   8,
00210           Blinds_DelayMs         =  20,
00211           Blinds_BeamColor       = 0xffff,
00212           Blinds_BackColor       = 0x0000,
00213           Fade_DelayMs           =  80,
00214         };
00215     };
00217     class Command {
00218     public:
00219         typedef enum
00220         {
00221             Clear,
00222             Goto,
00223             LoadImage,
00224             Show,
00225             Wait,
00226             Callout,
00227         } Type;
00229         Command(Type cmd, int info=0, Transition* t=NULL, const char* filename=NULL, const char* prefix=NULL) {
00230             type = cmd;
00231             information = info;
00232             transition = t;
00233             if (filename == NULL) {
00234                 fname = NULL;
00235             } else {
00236                 fname = (char*)malloc(strlen(filename) + strlen(prefix) + 1); //+1 for null termination
00237                 if (fname != NULL) {
00238                     fname[0] = '\0';
00239                     strcat(fname, prefix);
00240                     strcat(fname, filename);
00241                 }
00242             }
00243         };
00244         ~Command() {
00245             if (fname != NULL) {
00246                 free(fname);
00247                 fname = NULL;
00248             }
00249         };
00250         void updateInfo(int newInfo) { information = newInfo; }
00251         int info() { return information; }
00252         void print();
00253         SlideShowError handle(SlideShow* ss, int* seqIdx, int* lastTime);
00254     private:
00255         Type        type;
00256         Transition* transition;
00257         int         information;
00258         char*       fname;
00259     };
00262     typedef enum
00263     {
00264         Bmp,
00265         Raw
00266     } FileFormat;
00268     typedef struct
00269     {
00270       const char* pLabel;
00271       int index;
00272     } LabelInfo;
00274     enum {
00275         MaxNumPreparedImages = 100,
00276     } Constants;
00278     int screenWidth;
00279     int screenHeight;
00280     int screenPixels;
00281     int screenBytes;
00282     int drawXoff;
00283     int drawYoff;
00285     image_t ImageBackBuffer;
00286     Command** Sequence;
00287     int allocatedSequenceItems;
00288     int usedSequenceItems;
00290     const char* pathPrefix;
00292     int CurrentSlot;
00293     Image::ImageData_t PreparedImages[MaxNumPreparedImages];
00295     Mutex* fileMutex;
00297     Renderer* rend;
00298     uint32_t  rendHnd;
00299     int layer;
00301     calloutFunc callout;
00302     int calloutId;
00304     bool abortBeforeNextStep;
00306     // Utilities
00307     SlideShowError loadFile(const char* path, uint8_t** pData, uint32_t* pSize);
00309     // Parsing functions
00310     int getNextLine(char* pBuf, int* pOffset, char** ppLine);
00311     int splitLine(char* pLine, char** ppPart1, char** ppPart2, char** ppPart3);
00312     int findLabel(LabelInfo* pLabels, int numLabels, const char* pLabel);
00313     void freeSequence(void);
00314     SlideShowError expandSequence();
00315     SlideShowError parseScript(char* pBuf);
00317     // Command related functions
00318     SlideShowError loadImage(const char* pFileName, int slot);
00319     void delay(int lastTime, int millis);
00320     SlideShowError runScript();
00322 };
00324 #endif