Level 2 Project Range Device

Dependencies:   N5110 SDFileSystem SRF02 TMP102 mbed

Fork of Ranger by Philip Thompson

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00001 /**
00002 @file main.h
00003 @brief Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables.
00004 @brief Ranger Project
00005 @brief Revision 1.3.
00006 @author Philip Thompson
00007 @date   05 May 2016
00009 @brief The following code has been writen for the University of Leeds ELEC264501 embedded system project and is intended to
00010 create a programe that can read a distance from an SRF02 sensor and then based aponn the reading disply the distance on the screen
00011  and increment the LEDs and buzzer according the provision of a temperature sensor is also provied as a secondary function when no
00012  object is detected with in range.
00015  @brief The Libarys N5110, TMP102,SRF02 and have been imported from the mbed libary wizard from user Craig evans are are not of my 
00016  own work.
00019  @breif The SRF02 libary has been edited by my self so as to include a function to read the distance from the imperial distance registers
00020 */
00022 #ifndef MAIN_H
00023 #define MAIN_H
00024 #include "mbed.h"
00025 #include "mbed.h"
00026 #include "SRF02.h"
00027 #include "N5110.h"
00028 #include "TMP102.h"
00029 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00031 #define LOW 0 /// No output
00032 #define HIGH 1 /// High output
00035 /// for PC debug
00036 Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);
00039 /**
00040 @namespace LEDs
00041 @brief Output for Alert LEDs
00042 */
00043 DigitalOut rr_led (PTA1);
00044 DigitalOut a_led (PTC2);
00045 DigitalOut gg_led(PTB23);
00047 /**
00048 @namespace BOARDLEDs
00049 @brief On board LEDs
00050 */
00051 DigitalOut r_led(LED_RED);
00052 DigitalOut g_led(LED_GREEN);
00053 DigitalOut b_led(LED_BLUE);
00055 /**
00056 @namespace  Buzzer
00057 @brief PWM output for Buzzer
00058 */
00059 PwmOut buzzer(PTA2);
00061 /**
00062 @namespace  Buttons
00063 @brief Button triggered Interrupts
00064 */
00065 InterruptIn sw1(PTB19);
00066 InterruptIn sw2(PTB18);
00068 /**
00069 @namespace  Timers
00070 @brief Tickers and Timeouts
00071 */
00072 Ticker ticker; // Ticker to control LED flash
00073 Ticker ticker_srf02; //Ticker to get distance reading
00074 Ticker ticker_standby; //Ticker to control standby
00075 Timeout buzzoff; //Buzzer off duratuion
00076 Timeout buzzon; // buzzer on duration
00078 // Create TMP102 object
00079 TMP102 tmp102(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL);
00081 /**
00082 @namespace  Ranger
00083 @brief Creat the Ranger object
00084 */
00085 SRF02 srf02(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL);
00087 /**
00088 @namespace  LCD
00089 @brief Creats the LCD object
00090 */
00091 N5110           lcd(PTE26,PTA0,PTC4,PTD0,PTD2,PTD1,PTC3);
00093 /// Connections to SD card holder on K64F (SPI interface)
00094 SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd"); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS
00095 FILE *fp;
00097 //FLAGS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
00099 /**
00100 @namespace  TimerFlags
00101 @brief Flags for use with timed interupts
00102 */
00103 volatile int g_timer_flag_led = 0, g_timer_flag_srf02 = 0; /** Flag rised by interupts*/
00104 volatile int g_timer_flag_standby = 0;
00105 volatile int buzz_flag = 0;
00106 /**
00107 @namespace  ButtonFlages
00108 @brief Flags for use with button interupts
00109 */
00110 volatile int g_sw1_flag = 0, g_sw2_flag = 0;
00114 //VERIABLES\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
00115 /// Upper limit of alert 1
00116 int r1 = 03;
00117 /// Upper limit of alert 2
00118 int r2 = 10;
00119 /// Upper limit of alert 3
00120 int r3 = 20;
00121 /// Upper limit of alert 4
00122 int r4 = 30;
00123 /// Upper limit of alert 5
00124 int r5 = 40;
00125 /// Upper limit of alert 6
00126 int r6 = 50;
00127 /// Upper limit of alert 7
00128 int r7 = 70;
00129 /// Veriable to hold sumation of distance readings for mean vale calculation
00130 int totaldistance;
00131 ///< veriable to hold the page being viewed with in the submenu
00132 int subpage;
00133 /// veriable to hold the page being viewed with in the menu
00134 int page;
00135 /// veriable to hold the offset and adjust the 0 Range point
00136 int offset = 0;
00137 /// veriable to hold the current alert level
00138 int alert;
00139 /// veriable to hold the distance read from the srf02 sensor
00140 int distance;
00141 /// veriable to hold the current unit type set to 1 = METRIC as default
00142 int units = 1;
00143 ///standby state 1. path clear 2. Temp 3.Temp no backlight
00144 int standby = 0;
00145 ///flag raised is there is a collision
00146 int check_flag = 0;
00147 /// Temp reading return from TMP120 sensor
00148 float Traw;
00149 /// veriable to hold the current LED backlight of the 5110 LCD
00150 float bright = 1.0;
00151 /// Temperature value retured from TMP102 sensor
00152 float T;
00153 /// Veriable to hold the distance across the screen the distance bar should go
00154 float distbar;
00155 /// Averaged Distance vale from ten previous readings
00156 float avgdistance =0;
00157 /// convertion factor from Cm to inch 1 = metric no convertion
00158 float c =1;
00159 // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14) not needed to be globle but reused frquently throuhout
00160 char buffer[14], buffer1[14], buffer2[14], buffer3[14], buffer4[14],buffer5 [14];
00163 /*!< Stucture to hold all outputs. Steady LEDs, Flashing LEDs, Tone on, Tonne off*/
00164 struct Alertlevel  {
00165     char srr_led;  /// stead RED LED state
00166     char sa_led;    /// stead AMBER LED state
00167     char sgg_led;  /// stead GREEN LED state
00168     char frr_led;///FLASHING RED LED state
00169     char fa_led; ///FLASHING AMBER LED state
00170     char fgg_led; ///FLASHING GREEN LED state
00171     float toneon; ///Tone on time
00172     float toneoff; ///Tone off time
00173 };
00174 typedef const struct Alertlevel  STyp ;
00176 /*!< Array contaning structures for diffent outputs */
00177 STyp  Alertlevel [8] = {
00178     {LOW,LOW,LOW,LOW,LOW,LOW,0,1}, // no output
00179     {LOW,LOW,LOW,LOW,LOW,HIGH,0.1,1.0}, //flash green
00180     {LOW,LOW,HIGH,LOW,LOW,LOW,0.1,0.5}, //steady green
00181     {LOW,LOW,HIGH,LOW,HIGH,LOW,0.1,0.25}, //flash amber
00182     {LOW,HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW,LOW,0.1,0.1}, //steady amber
00183     {LOW,HIGH,HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW,0.2,0.1}, //flash red
00184     {HIGH,HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW,LOW,0.1,0.05},// steady red
00185     {LOW,LOW,LOW,HIGH,HIGH,HIGH,1,0} // all flash
00186 };/*!< Array contaning structures for diffent outputs */
00191 //FUNCTIONS/////////////////////////////////////////////
00193 /**
00194 Function called to stop buzzer at end of on period and then make buzzer avilable again after off period
00195 @param buzz_flag 1 or 0
00196 @param buzzer = 0.0 buzzer off
00197 @code
00198 {
00199     buzz_flag = 1;
00200     buzzer = 0.0;
00201     buzzon.attach(&buzzflag,Alertlevel[alert].toneoff);
00202 }
00203 @endcode
00204 */
00205 void flip();
00207 /** Flag used it indicate if buzzer is avilable or on a off period
00208 @param buzz_flag zero
00209 @code
00210 {
00211     buzz_flag = 0;
00212     return;
00213 }
00214 @endcode
00215 */
00216 void buzzflag();
00218 /** Controls the LCD while not in a Menu
00220 @param i used to scale the max distaance to the width of the screen
00221 @param distance Distance read from sensor to be dispayed
00222 @param distbar used to adjust how far along the screen the bar is to go acorrding to distance
00224 @code
00225 if (alert == 0) {
00226 if (g_timer_flag_standby) {
00227             g_timer_flag_standby = 0;
00228             T = tmp102.get_temperature();
00229             standby++;
00230             if (standby >3) {
00231                 standby = 3;
00232             }
00233         }
00235         switch (standby) {
00236             case 1:
00237                 if (check_flag == 1) {
00238                     sprintf(buffer4,"COLLISIONCHECK");
00239                 }
00240                 lcd.clear();
00241                 sprintf(buffer,"**PATH CLEAR**");
00242                 lcd.printString(buffer,0,0);
00243                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,5);
00244                 lcd.refresh();
00245                 break;
00246             case 2:
00247                 if (check_flag == 1) {
00248                     sprintf(buffer4,"COLLISIONCHECK");
00249                     lcd.clear();
00250                     sprintf(buffer3,"TEMP = %.2f",T);
00251                     sprintf(buffer2,"TEMPERATER");
00252                     lcd.printString(buffer3,4,2);
00253                     lcd.printString(buffer2,12,1);
00254                     lcd.printString(buffer4,0,5);
00256                     break;
00257                 case 3:
00258                     if (check_flag == 1) {
00259                         sprintf(buffer4,"COLLISIONCHECK");
00260                         lcd.clear();
00261                         sprintf(buffer3,"TEMP = %.2f",T);
00262                         sprintf(buffer2,"TEMPERATER");
00263                         lcd.refresh();
00264                         lcd.printString(buffer3,4,2);
00265                         lcd.printString(buffer2,12,1);
00266                         lcd.printString(buffer4,0,5);
00267                         lcd.setBrightness(0);
00268                         break;
00269                     }
00270                 }
00272                 //If alert isn't 0 then the distance is to be dispayed alonng with the the distance bar
00273                 else {
00274                     lcd.setBrightness(bright);
00275                     standby =0;
00276                     lcd.clear();
00278                     if (units == 1) {
00279                         sprintf(buffer,"%0.2f Cm",avgdistance);
00280                         sprintf(buffer1,"****RANGE!****");
00281                         sprintf(buffer2,"DISTANCE");
00283                         sprintf(buffer4,"Menu");
00285                     } else {
00286                         sprintf(buffer,"%0.2f Inches",avgdistance);
00287                         sprintf(buffer1,"****RANGE!****");
00288                         sprintf(buffer2,"***DISTANCE***");
00289                         sprintf(buffer4,"Menu");
00290                     }
00291                     lcd.printString(buffer,25,2);
00292                     lcd.printString(buffer1,0,0);
00293                     lcd.printString(buffer2,16,1);
00294                     lcd.printString(buffer4,0,5);
00297                     float h = (r7/84);
00298                     float distbar = (avgdistance*h);
00299                     //drawRect(int x0,int y0,int width,int height,int fill);
00300                     lcd.drawRect(0,29,distbar,7,1); //
00301                     lcd.refresh();
00302 @endcode
00303 */
00304 void lcdoutput();
00306 /** Called to increment to brightness by 0.2 each time when at 1 resets back to 0.0
00307 @param bright 0.0-1
00308 @returns lcd.setbrightness
00309 @code
00310 if (bright == 1.0) {
00311     bright = 0;
00312 } else {
00313     bright += 0.2;
00314 }
00315 lcd.setBrightness(bright);
00316 @endcode
00317 */
00318 void backlight();
00320 /**
00321 Sets up and initalizies switches, LEDs, Tickers and serial connection
00322 @code
00323 {
00324     serial.baud(115200);  // full-speed!
00325     ticker.attach(&timer_isr_led,0.35); /// Attach the ticker for the flashig LEDs
00326     ticker_srf02.attach(&timer_isr_srf02,0.2);/// Attach the ticker for collecting a range reading
00327     ticker_standby.attach(&timer_isr_standby,5.0);
00328     sw1.rise(&sw1_isr); /// sw1_isr called when button presed on the rising edge
00329     sw2.rise(&sw2_isr); /// sw2_isr called when button presed on the rising edge
00330     r_led = 1; //Onboard leds
00331     b_led = 1; //Onboard leds
00332     g_led = 1; //Onboard leds
00333     rr_led = 0; //PCB LEDS
00334     a_led = 0; //PCB LEDS
00335     gg_led = 0; //PCB LEDS
00336     sw2.mode(PullDown); //Turns on use of the pulldown resistors for use with the PCB buttons
00337     sw1.mode(PullDown); //Turns on use of the pulldown resistors for use with the PCB buttons
00338 }
00339 @endcode
00340 */
00341 void setup();
00343 /** A fuction used to determin the alert level given a range with the use of IF statments
00344 @param distance The distance read from sensor
00345 @param alert The level that distance falls with in 0 -7
00346 @returns alert
00347 @code
00348 if (distance >= r6 && distance < r7) {  // r6 150 and r7 200
00349     alert = 1; /// alert 1 distance between preset 150Cm to 200Cm
00350 } else if (distance >= r5 && distance  < r6) {
00351     alert = 2; /// alert 2 when between preset 90Cm to 150Cm
00352 } else if (distance >= r4 && distance < r5) {
00353     alert = 3; /// alert 3 when distance between 60Cm to 90Cm
00354 } else if (distance >= r3 && distance < r4) {
00355     alert = 4; /// alert 4 when distance between 40Cm and 60Cm
00356 } else if ( distance > r2 && distance < r3) {
00357     alert = 5; ///alert 5 when distance between 20Cm and 40m
00358 } else if (distance > r1 && distance <= r2) { //r1 3 and r2 20
00359     alert = 6; ///alert 6 when distance between 1 and 20
00360 } else if (distance <=r1) {
00361     alert = 7; ///alert 7 when distance below 1Cm
00362 } else {
00363     alert = 0; /// alert 0 all else
00364 }
00365 }
00366 @endcode
00367 */
00368 void setalert();
00370 /** Function for controlling the LED outputs
00371 @para alert changes to element array and so output controlls
00372 @code
00373 {
00374     int flash = 0; ///Variable to toggle LEDs high low
00375     if (g_timer_flag_led) {
00376         g_timer_flag_led = 0;
00377         flash = !flash; // if it has, clear the flag
00378     }
00379     if(Alertlevel[alert].fa_led == HIGH) {
00380         a_led = flash;
00381     } else {
00382         a_led = Alertlevel[alert].sa_led;
00383     }
00384     if (Alertlevel[alert].frr_led == HIGH) {
00385         rr_led = flash;
00386     } else {
00387         rr_led = Alertlevel[alert].srr_led;
00388     }
00389     if(Alertlevel[alert].fgg_led == HIGH) {
00390         gg_led = flash;
00391     } else {
00392         gg_led = Alertlevel[alert].sgg_led;
00393     }
00394 }
00395 @endcode
00396 */
00397 void setleds();
00399  /**
00400  @code
00401 {
00403     control the PWM to drive the buzzer
00404     @param buzzer.period frequncy 1KHz
00405     @param buzzer duty cycle equal on/off max volume
00406     @param Alertlevel[alert].toneon controls how long the tone will last depending on alert
00408     buzzer.period (1.0/1000.0);
00409     buzzer = 0.5;
00410     buzzoff.attach(&flip, Alertlevel[alert].toneon);
00411 }
00412 @endcode
00413 */
00414 void setbuzzer ();
00417 /**
00418 Function used to call and navigate Main menu and change settings
00419 @code
00420 {
00421     while(1) {
00422         if (g_sw1_flag) {
00423             g_sw1_flag = 0;
00424             page++; // Moves page
00425             lcd.clear();
00426         }
00427         switch (page) {
00428             case 0:
00429                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00430                     g_sw2_flag = 0;  // if it has, clear the flag
00431                     backlight();
00432                     lcd.clear();
00433                 }
00434                 int lightbar = bright*84;
00435                 sprintf(buffer2,"%.0f%%",bright*100);
00436                 lcd.drawRect(0,26,lightbar,7,1);  // move bar up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00437                 lcd.printString("BACKLIGHT",0,1);
00438                 lcd.printString(buffer2,0,2);
00439                 lcd.printString("NEXT       ADJ",0,5);
00440                 lcd.refresh();
00441                 break;
00442             case 1:
00443                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00444                     g_sw2_flag = 0;  // if it has, clear the flag
00445                     if (offset == 20) {
00446                         offset = 0;
00447                         lcd.clear();
00448                     } else {
00449                         offset += 1;
00450                     }
00451                 }
00452                 sprintf(buffer2,"%i",offset);
00453                 lcd.printString("OFFSET",0,1);
00454                 sprintf(buffer4,"NEXT       ADJ");
00455                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,5);
00456                 break;
00457             case 2:
00458                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00459                     g_sw2_flag = 0;  // if it has, clear the flag
00460                     if (units == 1) {
00461                         units = 0;
00462                         c = 0.3937;
00463                     } else {
00464                         units = 1;
00465                         c = 1;
00466                         lcd.clear();
00467                     }
00468                 }
00469                 if (units == 0) {
00470                     sprintf(buffer2,"IMPERIAL");
00471                 } else {
00472                     sprintf(buffer2,"METRIC");
00473                 }
00474                 lcd.printString("NEXT       ADJ",0,5);
00475                 lcd.printString("UNITS",0,1);
00476                 break;
00477             case 3:
00478                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00479                     g_sw2_flag = 0;  // if it has, clear the flag
00480                     check_flag =0;
00481                     lcd.clear();
00482                 }
00483                 if (check_flag == 0) {
00484                     sprintf(buffer2,"COLLISION");
00485                     lcd.printString("NO",0,1);
00486                     sprintf(buffer4,"NEXT     ");
00487                 } else {
00488                     sprintf(buffer2,"COLLISION");
00489                     lcd.printString("CLEAR",0,1);
00490                     sprintf(buffer4,"NEXT     CLEAR");
00491                 }
00493                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,5);
00494                 break;
00495             case 4:
00496                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00497                     g_sw2_flag = 0;  // if it has, clear the flag
00498                     bright = 1.0;
00499                     offset = 0;
00500                     units = 1;
00501                     r1 = 03;// Upper limit of alert 1
00502                     r2 = 10;// Upper limit of alert 2
00503                     r3 = 20;// Upper limit of alert 3
00504                     r4 = 30;// Upper limit of alert 4
00505                     r5 = 50;// Upper limit of alert 5
00506                     r6 = 60;// Upper limit of alert 6
00507                     r7 = 80;// Upper limit of alert 7
00508                     lcd.clear();
00509                     lcd.printString("SETTINGS",0,1);
00510                     lcd.printString("RESET",0,2);
00511                     wait(1);
00512                     return;
00513                 }
00514                 sprintf(buffer2,"SETTINGS");
00515                 lcd.printString("RESET",0,1);
00516                 lcd.printString("NEXT     RESET",0,5);
00517                 break;
00518             case 5:
00519                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00520                     g_sw2_flag = 0;  // if it has, clear the flag
00521                     submenu();
00522                 }
00523                 sprintf(buffer2,"PARAMETERS");
00524                 lcd.printString("RANGE",0,1);
00525                 lcd.printString("EXIT       ADJ",0,5);
00526                 break;
00527             default:
00528                 lcd.clear();
00529                 save ();
00530                 lcd.printString("    SAVING    ",0,2);
00531                 lcd.printString("   SETTINGS   ",0,3);
00532                 wait (1);
00533                 return;
00534         }// switch bracket
00535         lcd.printString(buffer2,0,2);
00536         lcd.printString("*****MENU*****",0,0);
00537         lcd.refresh();
00538     }//while braket
00539 }//functon bracket
00540 @endcode
00541 */
00542 void menu();
00545 /**
00546 Function for submenu Controlling the range peramiters
00547 @code
00548 {
00549     while(1) {
00550         /// interupt used to shift page
00551         if (g_sw1_flag) {
00552             g_sw1_flag = 0;
00553             subpage++;
00554         }
00555         switch (subpage) {  ///interupt used to adjust range
00556             case 0:
00557                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00558                     g_sw2_flag = 0;           // if it has, clear the flag
00559                     if (r2 == r3) {
00560                         r2 = 3;
00561                     } else {
00562                         r2 = r2+1;
00563                     }
00564                 }
00565                 sprintf(buffer4,"1Cm to %iCm",r2);
00566                 lcd.printString("*****MENU*****",0,0);
00567                 lcd.printString("RANGE",0,1);
00568                 lcd.printString("PARAMETERS",0,2);
00569                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,3);
00570                 lcd.printString("NEXT       ADJ",0,5);
00571                 break;
00572             case 1:
00573                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00574                     g_sw2_flag = 0;           // if it has, clear the flag
00575                     if (r3 == r4) {
00576                         r3 = r2;
00577                     } else {
00578                         r3 += 1;
00579                     }
00580                 }
00581                 sprintf(buffer4,"%iCm to %iCm",r2,r3);
00582                 lcd.printString("*****MENU*****",0,0);
00583                 lcd.printString("RANGE",0,1);
00584                 lcd.printString("PARAMETERS",0,2);
00585                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,3);
00586                 lcd.printString("NEXT       ADJ",0,5);
00587                 break;
00588             case 2:
00589                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00590                     g_sw2_flag = 0;           // if it has, clear the flag
00591                     if (r4 == r5) {
00592                         r4 = r3;
00593                     } else {
00594                         r4 += 1;
00595                     }
00596                 }
00597                 sprintf(buffer4,"%iCm to %iCm",r3,r4);
00598                 lcd.printString("*****MENU*****",0,0);
00599                 lcd.printString("RANGE",0,1);
00600                 lcd.printString("PARAMETERS",0,2);
00601                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,3);
00602                 lcd.printString("NEXT       ADJ",0,5);
00603                 break;
00604             case 3:
00605                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00606                     g_sw2_flag = 0;           // if it has, clear the flag
00607                     if (r5 == r6) {
00608                         r5 = r4;
00609                     } else {
00610                         r5 += 1;
00611                     }
00612                 }
00613                 sprintf(buffer4,"%iCm to %iCm",r4,r5);
00614                 lcd.printString("*****MENU*****",0,0);
00615                 lcd.printString("RANGE",0,1);
00616                 lcd.printString("PARAMETERS",0,2);
00617                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,3);
00618                 lcd.printString("NEXT       ADJ",0,5);
00619                 break;
00620             case 4:
00621                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00622                     g_sw2_flag = 0;           // if it has, clear the flag
00623                     if (r6 == r7) {
00624                         r6 = r5;
00625                     } else {
00626                         r6 += 1;
00627                     }
00628                 }
00629                 sprintf(buffer4,"%iCm to %iCm",r5,r6);
00630                 lcd.printString("*****MENU*****",0,0);
00631                 lcd.printString("RANGE",0,1);
00632                 lcd.printString("PARAMETERS",0,2);
00633                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,3);
00634                 lcd.printString("NEXT       ADJ",0,5);
00635                 break;
00636             case 5:
00637                 if (g_sw2_flag) {
00638                     g_sw2_flag = 0;           // if it has, clear the flag
00639                     if (r7 == 300) {
00640                         r7 = r6;
00641                     } else {
00642                         r7 += 1;
00643                     }
00644                 }
00645                 sprintf(buffer4,"%iCm to %iCm",r6,r7);
00646                 lcd.printString("*****MENU*****",0,0);
00647                 lcd.printString("RANGE",0,1);
00648                 lcd.printString("PARAMETERS",0,2);
00649                 lcd.printString(buffer4,0,3);
00650                 lcd.printString("EXIT       ADJ",0,5);
00651                 break;
00652             default:
00653                 lcd.clear();
00654                 return;
00655         }//switch breaket
00656     }//while bracket
00657 }//function bracket
00658 @endcode
00659 */
00660 void submenu();
00662 /**
00663 Save function saving settings
00664 @param bright - Backlight setting
00665 @param units - Metric or Imperial settings
00666 @param offset - offest distance setting
00667 @param check_flag - Saves a collision alert
00668 @param r1 - upper limit for alert 1
00669 @param r2 - upper limit for alert 2
00670 @param r3 - upper limit for alert 3
00671 @param r4 - upper limit for alert 4
00672 @param r5 - upper limit for alert 5
00673 @param r6 - upper limit for alert 6
00674 @param r7 - upper limit for alert 7
00675 @code
00676 {
00677     fp = fopen("/sd/settings.txt", "w");
00678     if (fp == NULL) {  // if it can't open the file then print error message
00679         serial.printf("Error! Unable to open file!\n");
00680     } else {  // opened file so can write
00681         serial.printf("Writing to file....");
00682         fprintf(fp, "%f,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i",bright,units,offset,check_flag,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7); // ensure data type matches
00683         serial.printf("Done.\n");
00684         fclose(fp);  // ensure you close the file after writing
00685     }
00686 }
00687 @endcode
00688 */
00689 void save();
00691 /**
00692 Inturupt flag for button 2
00693 @code
00694 {
00695     g_sw2_flag = 1;   //set flag in ISR by button 2 @param g_sw2_flag 0 or 1
00696 }
00697 @endcode
00698 */
00699 void sw2_isr();
00701 /**
00702 Inturupt flag for button 1
00703 @code
00704 {
00705     g_sw1_flag = 1;   //set flag in ISR by button 2 @param g_sw1_flag 0 or 1
00706 }
00707 @endcode
00708 */
00709 void sw1_isr();
00711 /**
00712 Flag used with ticker for flashing of LEDs
00713 @code
00714 {
00715     g_timer_flag_led = 1;   // set flag in ISR by timer_isr_led @param g_timer_flag_led 0 or 1 
00716 }
00717 @endcode
00718 */
00719 void timer_isr_led();
00721 /**
00722 Flag used for Ticker controlling SRF02 sensor reading
00723 @code
00724 {
00725     g_timer_flag_srf02 = 1;   // set flag in ISR by ticker_srf02 @param g_timer_flag_srf02 0 or 1 
00726 }
00727 @endcode
00728 */
00729 void timer_isr_srf02();
00731 /**
00732 Flag raised for incrementing standby level
00733 @code
00734 {
00735     g_timer_flag_standby = 1; // set flag in ISR by ticker_tone @param g_timer_flag_tone 0 or 1
00736 }#
00737 @endcode
00738 */
00739 void timer_isr_standby();
00741 #endif