Library to easily communicate with XBee modules.
Dependencies: DigiLogger
Dependents: WaterLogger XbeeGateway XBee_Cooker ProjetReceiver ... more
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Configuring local and remote modules
Using the XBee mbed library you will be able to configure the parameters of local and remote devices as well as execute some other commands, for example, writing your configuration changes.
The values set on the different parameters are not persistent through subsequent resets unless you store those changes in the device.
This types of operations are blocking. This means the methods will wait until the transmit status response is received or the default timeout is reached. See Synchronous Operations Timeout
Networking parameters¶
The following methods allow an easier configuration of network parameters in XBee modules.
Method | Description | Wrapped parameter |
set_node_identifier(char * node_id) | Sets the Node Identifier so the node is easily identified in the PAN ID | NI |
get_node_identifier(const char * node_id) | Reads the Node Identifier. Parameter should point to a buffer with room for at least 21 bytes | NI |
enable_network_encryption(bool enable) | Enable or disable the network encryption | EE |
set_network_encryption_key(const uint8_t * const key, const uint16_t length) | Sets the network Trust Center link key | KY |
Method | Description | Wrapped parameter |
get_network_address(uint16_t * addr) | Reads node current network address | MY |
set_panid(uint64_t panid) | Configures the module to connect to a specific PAN ID or to the first one if set to 0 | ID |
get_configured_panid(uint64_t * panid) | Reads the configured PAN ID of the module, as set by set_panid() | ID |
get_operating_panid(uint64_t * panid) | Reads the PAN ID in which the node is operating. Useful to determine if a node has connected explicitly or because configured PAN ID is 0 | OP |
set_channel_mask(uint16_t chmask) | Configures the channel mask in which the module will scan for the PAN ID (router or end device) or start the network (coordinator). It should be set to the minimum available set of channels of all nodes in the network | SC |
get_channel_mask(uint16_t * chmask) | Reads the current channel mask | SC |
set_encryption_key(const uint8_t * const key, const uint16_t length) | Sets the network encryption key. | NK |
set_encryption_options(const uint8_t options) | Sets the network encryption options. Options can be a logic OR between XBEE_ZB_ENC_OPT_SEND_KEY_ON_JOIN and XBEE_ZB_ENC_OPT_USE_TRUST_CENTER | EO |
It is not recommended to configure the network key in your final application as this serial communication would not be encrypted and could be analyzed to obtain the key.
In routers, during development it might be useful to force a check that the network coordinator is present.
Method | Description |
check_for_coordinator_at_start(bool enable) | Enable or disable the channel verification. See "JV" parameter in module reference manual. |
Method | Description | Wrapped parameter |
get_network_address(uint16_t * addr) | Reads node current network address | MY |
set_panid(uint16_t panid) | Configures the module to connect to a specific PAN ID | ID |
get_panid(uint64_t * panid) | Reads the configured PAN ID of the module | ID |
set_channel(uint8_t channel) | Configures the channel in which the PAN ID is operating, should be the same in all nodes in the network | CH |
get_channel(uint8_t * channel) | Reads the current operating channel | CH |
set_network_address(uint16_t addr) | Sets the network address of the node | MY |
Method | Description | Wrapped parameter |
set_network_id(uint16_t network_id) | Configures the module to connect to a specific NETWORK ID | ID |
get_network_id(uint64_t * network_id) | Reads the configured NETWORK ID of the module | ID |
set_channel(uint8_t channel) | Configures the channel in which the NETWORK ID is operating, should be the same in all nodes in the network | CH |
get_channel(uint8_t * channel) | Reads the current operating channel | CH |
Get and set arbitrary parameters¶
If you want to get or set a parameter for which there is no custom method already in the library, you can use either of these two methods for getting and setting any AT parameter.
Getting a parameter from the local device¶
You can get the value of any parameter of an XBee device using the get_param() methods provided by every XBee object. There are two methods, one for generic parameters that uses a uint32_t variable to read 1, 2 and 4 bytes length parameters, and a method that takes a pointer to a uint8_t buffer of arbitrary length to get longer parameters. This later method should be used very rarely, as all the variable length parameters are get through a proper wrapper (i.e.: get_node_identifier() and get_operating_panid() methods).
XBee Class | Method | Parameters |
XBeeZB XBee802 XBeeDM | AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp get_param(const char * const param, uint32_t * const data) | param: parameter to be obtained from the local radio. data: pointer where the parameter value (up to 4 bytes) will be stored. |
AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp get_param(const char * const param, uint8_t * const data, uint16_t * const len) | param: parameter to be obtained from the local radio. data: pointer where the parameter value (len bytes) will be stored. len: pointer where the number of bytes of the parameter value will be stored. |
Example: Getting a parameter from the local XBee Device
#include "XBeeLib.h" using namespace XBeeLib; void main() { [...] XBeeZB xbee = XBeeZB(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RESET, NC, NC, 9600); xbee.init(); [...] AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp cmdresp; uint32_t val; // Read parameter BD (Baud Rate: 9600 bps [3]) cmdresp = xbee.get_param("BD", &val); // Print the value of the parameter if it was correctly read if (cmdresp == AtCmdFrame::AT_CMD_RESP_OK) printf("OK. Local BD=%d\r\n", val); else printf("FAILED with %d\r\n", (int) cmdresp); }
Setting a parameter in the local device¶
To set a parameter that does not have its own setter method, you can use the set_param() methods provided by all the XBee device classes. There are two methods, one for generic parameters that uses a uint32_t variable to write 1, 2 and 4 bytes length parameters, and a method that takes a pointer to a uint8_t buffer of arbitrary length (including 0) to set longer parameters. This later method should be used very rarely, as all the variable length parameters are get through a proper wrapper (i.e.: set_node_identifier() and set_operating_panid() methods).
XBee Class | Method | Parameters |
XBeeZB XBee802 XBeeDM | AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp set_param(const char * const param, uint32_t data) | param: parameter to be set. data: parameter value to be set. |
AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp set_param(const char * const param, const uint8_t * data, uint16_t len) | param: parameter to be set. data: parameter value byte array (len bytes) to be set. len: number of bytes of the parameter value. |
Example: Setting a parameter in the local XBee Device
#include "XBeeLib.h" using namespace XBeeLib; void main() { [...] XBeeZB xbee = XBeeZB(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RESET, NC, NC, 9600); xbee.init(); [...] AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp cmdresp; uint32_t val = 4; // Option 4 stands for 19200 bps // Set parameter BD (Baud Rate: 19200 bps [4]) cmdresp = xbee.set_param("BD", val); // Print the value of the parameter if it was correctly read if (cmdresp == AtCmdFrame::AT_CMD_RESP_OK) printf("OK. Local BD=%d\r\n", val); else printf("FAILED with %d\r\n", (int) cmdresp); }
Getting a parameter from the remote device¶
You can get a parameter from a remote device the same way you can do it with a local one. You just need to use the get_param() methods using the remote device object as an extra parameter (either RemoteXBeeZB or RemoteXBee802). There are two methods, one for generic parameters that uses a uint32_t variable to read 1, 2 and 4 bytes length parameters, and a method that takes a pointer to a uint8_t buffer of arbitrary length to get longer parameters. This later method should be used very rarely, as all the variable length parameters are get through a proper wrapper (i.e.: get_node_identifier() and get_operating_panid() methods).
XBee Class | Method | Parameters |
XBeeZB XBee802 XBeeDM | AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp get_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, uint32_t * const data) | remote: remote device. param: parameter to be obtained from the remote device. data: pointer where the parameter value (up to 4 bytes) will be stored. |
AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp get_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, uint8_t * const data, uint16_t * const len) | remote: remote device. param: parameter to be obtained from the remote device. data: pointer where the parameter value (len bytes) will be stored. len: pointer where the number of bytes of the parameter value will be stored. |
Example: Getting a parameter from the remote XBee Device
#include "XBeeLib.h" using namespace XBeeLib; #define REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_MSB ((uint32_t)0x0013A200) #define REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_LSB ((uint32_t)0xABCDEF00) void main() { [...] XBeeZB xbee = XBeeZB(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RESET, NC, NC, 9600); xbee.init(); [...] const RemoteXBeeZB remote_xbee = RemoteXBeeZB(UINT64(REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_MSB, REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_LSB)); AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp cmdresp; uint32_t val; // Read parameter BD (Baud Rate: 9600 bps [3]) cmdresp = xbee.get_param(remote_xbee, "BD", &val); // Print the value of the parameter if it was correctly read if (cmdresp == AtCmdFrame::AT_CMD_RESP_OK) printf("OK. Remote BD=%d\r\n", val); else printf("FAILED with %d\r\n", (int) cmdresp); }
Setting a parameter in the remote device¶
To set a parameter in the remote device that does not have its own setter method, you can use the set_param() methods passing the remote device object as an extra parameter as shown in the following table (either RemoteXBeeZB or RemoteXBee802). There are two methods, one for generic parameters that uses a uint32_t variable to write 1, 2 and 4 bytes length parameters, and a method that takes a pointer to a uint8_t buffer of arbitrary length (including 0) to set longer parameters. This later method should be used very rarely, as all the variable length parameters are get through a proper wrapper (i.e.: set_node_identifier() and set_operating_panid() methods).
XBee Class | Method | Parameters |
XBeeZB XBee802 XBeeDM | AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp set_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, uint32_t data) | remote: remote device. param: parameter to be set. data: parameter value (up to 4 bytes) to be set. |
AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp set_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, const uint8_t * data, uint16_t len) | remote: remote device. param: parameter to be set. data: parameter value byte array (len bytes) to be set. len: number of bytes of the parameter value. |
Example: Setting a parameter in the remote XBee Device
#include "XBeeLib.h" using namespace XBeeLib; #define REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_MSB ((uint32_t)0x0013A200) #define REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_LSB ((uint32_t)0xABCDEF00) void main() { [...] XBeeZB xbee = XBeeZB(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RESET, NC, NC, 9600); xbee.init(); [...] const RemoteXBeeZB remote_xbee = RemoteXBeeZB(UINT64(REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_MSB, REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_LSB)); AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp cmdresp; uint32_t val = 4; // Option 4 stands for 19200 bps // Set parameter BD (Baud Rate: 19200 bps [4]) cmdresp = xbee.set_param(remote_xbee, "BD", val); // Print the value of the parameter if it was correctly set if (cmdresp == AtCmdFrame::AT_CMD_RESP_OK) printf("OK. Remote BD=%d\r\n", val); else printf("FAILED with %d\r\n", (int) cmdresp); }
Write configuration changes¶
To preserve node configuration between power cycles and resets they can be saved into non-volatile memory. However, this operation should not be done too often as the modules only support a limited number of write cycles.
Method | Description | Wrapped parameter |
write_config() | Write current configuration into non-volatile memory | WR |
Return values¶
Al the configuration methods return a AtCmdResp with the following meaning:
Value | Meaning |
AtCmdRespOk | Operation Success |
AtCmdRespError | Operation Failed |
AtCmdRespInvalidCmd | Invalid Command |
AtCmdRespInvalidParam | Invalid Parameter |
AtCmdRespTxFailure | Transmission Failure |
AtCmdRespLenMismatch | Length Mismatch |
AtCmdRespInvalidAddr | RemoteXBee object has an invalid address |
AtCmdRespTimeout | Timeout to wait for response expired |
Here is a ready to use example:
For ZigBee modules:¶
Import programXBeeZB_AT_Commands
ZigBee AT Commands example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi
For 802.15.4 modules:¶
Import programXBee802_AT_Commands
802.15.4 AT Commands example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi
For DigiMesh modules:¶
Import programXBeeDM_AT_Commands
DigiMesh AT Commands example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi