Library to read and write Azoteq IQS6xx device registers via I2C.

Dependents:   IQS620_HelloWorld IQS622_HelloWorld IQS624_HelloWorld IQS621_HelloWorld ... more

Library: IQS62x

Library to read and write Azoteq IQS6xx device registers via I2C.

Supported Devices

Components / IQS620A
Ultra low power sensor for magnetic field, capacitive touch and inductive proximity. Empowers next-generation user interfaces.

Components / IQS621
Azoteq IQS621 ultra low power sensor for ambient light, magnetic field, capacitance and inductive proximity. Empowers next-generation user interfaces.

Components / IQS622
Azoteq IQS622 ultra low power sensor for ambient light, active (reflective) IR, magnetic field, capacitance and inductive proximity. Empowers next-generation user interfaces.

Components / IQS624
Ultra low power sensor for rotating magnetic field, capacitive touch, and inductive proximity. Empowers next-generation user interfaces.

Handy Table of ProxFusion Device Features

ALS = Ambient Light Sensor PIR = Passive Infrared


diff -r 2514595e2753 -r 6a2f52b5ac46 IQS62x.cpp
--- a/IQS62x.cpp	Sat May 13 10:12:37 2017 +0000
+++ b/IQS62x.cpp	Sat May 13 16:08:38 2017 +0000
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
     // writeChanges[i] is set to 1 if the register content differs from what we wrote to it
     // readChanges[i] is set to 1 if the register value differs from the previously read value
     if (IQSframes < 20) memset(readChangesEver,0,I2CBufferSize); // clear this until we have had 20 full reads
+    if (IQSframes == 1) memcpy(lastRead, I2CBuffer,I2CBufferSize); // if this is the first frame init the history buffer
     for(int i=0; i<I2CBufferSize; i++) {
         if (writeFlag[i] == 1) { // only if we previously wrote to this register we check it
             if( I2CBuffer[i] != lastWrite[i] )