Silica Sensor Node board sends custom ble advertising for the Gateway board
Dependencies: X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2_SPI3W
Fork of sensor-node-ble by
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Getting started with mbed SensorNode BLE¶
History project:
- 26/01/2017 - First Release
This project uses the Bluetooth Low Energy in order to send advertaisments every second. These payloads are read by the Visible Things Gateway board, more about it here . Every advertaisments contains sensors data read form the SensorTile and the Silica Sensor Board. For details please read the document in the MAN folder,
The application:
- reads sensors data (accelerometer, gyroscope, lux, pressure, temperature, proximity, magnetometer)
- send these data by BLE
You can compile this project in three ways:
1. Using the Online compiler.
Learn how to use the Online compiler reading https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/dev_tools/online_comp/ page.
2. Using the compiler on your PC
Learn how to use the mbed-cli reading https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/dev_tools/cli/ page.
The name of the machine is SILICA_SENSOR_NODE.
3. Exporting to 3rd party tools (IDE)
Learn how to use the mbed-cli reading https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/dev_tools/third_party/ page. We have exported the project for you, please read here
This example requires a Gateway board. If you don't have this board you can use RF Connect app from an Android phone just to see the raw data sent from the SensorNode.