Dependents of M2XStreamClient
A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

m2x-demo-all will read the temperature from the Application Board, then SEND the value to the specified M2X feed/stream, RETRIEVE the value back, UPDATE the location of the feed, and then …
data store,

M2X demo using the Freescale FRDM-KL46Z and Multitech Socketmodem MTSMS-H5

Sample code for a FRDM-KL46Z device that can read accelerometer data and then post it to the M2X platform. For use with AT&T DevLab.

Car Bon car module


M2X with Seeed Ethernet using Seeed Accelerometer demo

modified demo app to work on Nucleo STM32F302R8 with Adafruit CC3000 wifi shield and report RSSI

M2X Ethernet demo using Seeed Ethernet W5200 Shield

ACKme WiFi module + Nucleo MEMS module example. Connect and publish sensor data to M2X.

port to cellular

Working version 1.0 of Clothes-It Receiver

Attic fan controller


AT&T M2X example featuring FRDM-K64F and Seed Grove Wifi to stream the Accelerometer X, Y, Z-axis values

The Smart Home Baseboard project demonstrates successful communication using the integrated Bluetooth and RF module headers on the FRDM-K64F board as well as the serial port for UART communication to …
Purdue School of Engineering,

A simple system using LM35 DZ DZ sensor and PIR sensor

FRDM-STBC-AGM01 - Hello World Program -Stream sensor data to cloud using AT&T M2X services

Use this "Hello-World" program to stream accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensor data from FRDM-STBC-AGM01 to the cloud using AT&T M2X Data Services.

This is a simple home automation system which communicates with a Bluetooth app to control home systems such as HVAC and lighting. This was done for El-Sharkaway's ECE595 Class

ECE533 project

AT&T example LPC1768

This the the improved and updated project and program for the earlier automatic pill dispenser project. Includes and rfid, stepper, servo, led-ldr and a load sensor integrate. time stamp is …

Two HC-SR04 based security system using FRDM-K64F board.