
Dependencies of M2X_Nucleo411_Accel_ESP8266-wifi

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

ESP8266 Socket Library. AT Thinker firmware. AT command, esp socket, ESP8266, espressif, socket, wifi
A basic library for the FXOS8700Q combination accelerometer / magnetometer Freescale, magnetometer, sensor
ARM mbed M2X API Client: The ARM mbed client library is used to send/receive data to/from AT&T's M2X service from mbed LPC1768 microcontrollers. at&t, data store, m2x, time-series
JSON parsing library by Andrii Mamchur https://github.com/amamchur/jsonlite JSON
The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.