ESP8266 Socket Library. AT Thinker firmware.

Dependents:   ESP8266_MQTT_HelloWorld ESP8266_IFTTT_Test ECE_4180_Lab_4 websocketmbed ... more

Fork of ESP8266Interface by ESP8266

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This library works with the AT Thinker firmware.


This library is currently in Beta. It is not feature complete and has some bugs, proceed with caution! Fixes and patches are welcome and appreciated!

Currently the ESP8266Interface Library has the following Abilities:


  • TCP Client
  • UDP Client
  • Transparent mode (single connection of 1 type at a time)
  • Station Mode (connects to AP)

To be implemented

  • TCP Server
  • UDP Server
  • Multi Connection Mode (able to have up to 5 sockets at a time)
  • AP Mode (Make ESP Chip act like access point)
  • DNS Support (currently websites must be looked up by IP)
  • Error Recovery

Nice but not necessary

  • colorized text for ESP AT Commands in Command line (easier to differentiate from other text)


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
48:03fd9333670d 2015-06-10 sarahmarshy ESP8266 was changing ssid spaces to "$". Unecessary. Removed this feature. default tip
47:1f4dd0e91837 2015-06-08 mbedAustin turned off info print messages
46:913d07795182 2015-06-05 sarahmarshy Debug messages off
45:c180905b5b79 2015-06-03 mbedAustin merging in fixes from various members across various branches together.
44:3a7b6083210b 2015-06-03 sarahmarshy -UDP Client working ; -Interfaces with WebSocketClient; -General improvements
43:2e326d95fe2c 2015-05-07 mbedAustin added warning about sending messages > 2048 bytes
42:3f62103a4f3c 2015-05-07 mbedAustin enabled TCPConnection debug messages, made tcpconnection and socket messages more verbose (file and line number included in output)
41:264902b160ea 2015-05-07 mbedAustin cleaned up DBG printf messages, made print pretty
40:0a83315aea0a 2015-05-04 sam_grove Update so close exits transparent mode without depending on state from the application
39:89e259295728 2015-05-02 mbedAustin trying to merge a previous rev
38:86e75901efc1 2015-05-02 mbedAustin trying to merge things together...
37:6887e61cf674 2015-05-02 mbedAustin Updated UDP LIbrary sentto command to initialize endpoint flag. was lost in a previous commit on accident.
36:e1545c6c2cb3 2015-05-02 mbedAustin updated debug command prints
35:22d30e936e4c 2015-05-01 mbedAustin Schenaniganz
34:7ccda5d68a00 2015-05-01 mbedAustin safety commit
33:727aac1996b8 2015-04-30 mbedAustin Fixed problem TCP.connect() command, the return values were 0/1 when it should have been -1/0 . Tested to work with TCP Test
32:cf071dc33972 2015-04-30 mbedAustin TCP Send / Recieve Working
31:fd0eaf273b11 2015-04-30 mbedAustin safety commit
30:c035696b9397 2015-04-29 mbedAustin Safety Save
29:939372104145 2015-04-28 mbedAustin Added IP Function, made all Serials RAWSerials;
28:91e65e22e63a 2015-04-28 mbedAustin aquiring IP Address correctly, but not returning it from inner call level. Safety commit before mucking around
27:9c6cefc12f0c 2015-04-20 michaeljkoster Blocking
26:0d5bcb3903e2 2014-12-30 michaeljkoster set baud rate and remove printf from rx handler
25:8e2b04473830 2014-12-30 michaeljkoster Starting AT v0.2 support for ESP8266
24:03585a13ff3b 2014-12-11 michaeljkoster Added hardware reset
23:de9221771e96 2014-12-08 michaeljkoster Added CWMODE command to join()
22:c4360e61486a 2014-12-02 michaeljkoster Add state.cmdMode and some cleanup
21:690526f05fe6 2014-12-02 michaeljkoster Fix recieveFrom loop to have 2 stage timeout in non-blocking case, return 0 bytes
20:d764237405c2 2014-12-01 michaeljkoster cleanup
19:fb8d5bff2076 2014-12-01 michaeljkoster sync
18:60422852e99c 2014-12-01 michaeljkoster sending stuff
17:d11fa4c3ac65 2014-12-01 michaeljkoster working sort of
16:3f0efaa57a12 2014-12-01 michaeljkoster sync
15:37a7a56a424f 2014-11-30 michaeljkoster reorganize
14:4d1128f72e00 2014-11-30 michaeljkoster Add getIPAddress
13:41098c907200 2014-11-30 michaeljkoster First commit function templates for lightweight UDP client interface to ESP8266
12:c5f0eac67a8a 2014-10-08 michaeljkoster Debug
11:fc3d86645d23 2014-06-03 screamer More merges
10:131675c17372 2014-06-03 screamer Merge
9:f2439377c172 2014-04-08 screamer Documentation improvements
8:04afe20d7927 2014-04-08 screamer Merge
7:3152fcc74390 2013-11-08 lz307 Added delay to accommodate slow speed on the seeed wifi shield.
6:5176e0864078 2013-10-17 screamer Fixed @ return documentation tags
5:81e264dbbf03 2013-10-17 screamer Fixed documentation tags
4:0bcec6272784 2012-12-20 samux proper join after reboot - increase size flush
3:9aa05e19c62e 2012-12-20 samux add reboot method - reboot module for accept (tcp server)
2:8e54830d0df7 2012-11-24 samux set dns server name (now able to use "open host port")
1:fb4494783863 2012-08-24 samux first commit
0:302ec35139ec 2012-08-24 mbed_official mbed official WiflyInterface