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Matlab FIR Filter

Mbed OS 2 and Mbed OS 5

This is the handbook for Mbed OS 2. If you’re working with Mbed OS 5, please see the new handbook.

Design a simple set of filter coefficients, apply it to a test signal and visualise results

Test Signal

320 samples at 48kHz for a sum of two sinusoids (1000Hz + 15000 Hz)

sample_rate = 48000;
nsamples = 256;

F = [1 15] * 1000;
A = [1 0.5];

% Time vector - use colon operator to generate integer vector of sample
% numbers
t = (0:nsamples-1) / sample_rate;

% Test signal - use matrix notation to compose it with single expression
signal = A * sin(2*pi*F'*t);

FIR filter

Assume a lowpass filter with cutoff frequency of 6 kHz. The expectation is this should filter out the 15 kHz component from the test signal

% Choose filter cutoff frequency (6 kHz)
cutoff_hz = 6000;

% Normalize cutoff frequency (wrt Nyquist frequency)
nyq_freq = sample_rate / 2;
cutoff_norm = cutoff_hz / nyq_freq;

% FIR filter order (i.e. number of coefficients - 1)
order = 28;

% Create lowpass FIR filter through a direct approach: provide
% (normalized) cutoff frequency and filter order (assumed as known).
% fir1 takes care of designing the filter by imposing the constraints in
% the frequency domain and transforming back to time using a given window
% (the dafault used here is the Hamming window).
% For more advanced requirements see e.g. firpmord and firpm
% NOTE: fir1, firpmord and firpm all require Signal Processing Toolbox
fir_coeff = fir1(order, cutoff_norm);

% Analyse the filter using the Filter Visualization Tool
fvtool(fir_coeff, 'Fs', sample_rate)

% Filter the signal with the FIR filter
filtered_signal = filter(fir_coeff, 1, signal);


Plot the Signals

Also align filtered signal with original and discard transient samples (in this case the first order samples)

% Group delay as a scalar, in number of samples
group_delay = median(grpdelay(fir_coeff));

% Group delay in seconds
group_delay_s = group_delay / sample_rate;

% Plot the original signal...
plot(t, signal)
% ...and allow adding more plots
hold on

% Align and plot the filtered signal
% (On top of existing one)
plot(t-group_delay_s, filtered_signal, 'r-')

% Align and plot only the d6esired part of the filtered signal (discarding
% the transient)
plot(t(order:end)-group_delay_s, filtered_signal(order:end), ...
    'g', 'LineWidth', 4);

grid on
hold off


Code Generation

Diplay C-like definitions for available data as a single-line strings

function outcstr = vectorToCDefFloat32_t( ...
    cvarname, values_double)

% Fixed format parameters
typeString = 'float32_t';
valuesPerRow = 5;

% Number of values in the vector provided
nvalues = numel(values_double);

% Number of rows with numeric values in C expression
nrows = ceil(nvalues/valuesPerRow);

% Convert values to single-precision floating point
values_single = single(values_double);

% String creation, step 1 - data type, qualifier, length ...
outcstr = sprintf('const %s %s[%d] \t= {\n', ...
    typeString, cvarname, numel(values_single));

% String creation, step 2 - numeric values, row by row
for k = 1:nrows
    outcstr = [outcstr, sprintf('\t')]; %#ok<AGROW>
    for h = 1:valuesPerRow
        idx = (k-1)*valuesPerRow + h;
        if(idx <= nvalues)
            outcstr = [outcstr, sprintf('%+.10ff, ', values_single(idx))]; %#ok<AGROW>
            outcstr = [outcstr, sprintf('\b\b')]; %#ok<AGROW>
    outcstr = [outcstr, sprintf('\n')]; %#ok<AGROW>
% String creation, step 3 - end vector
outcstr = [outcstr, sprintf('};\n')];

% --- Helper function

function outstr = append(instr, extrastr)
outstr = [instr, sprintf(extrastr)];

% Use custom helper function vectorToCDefFloat32_t on filter coefficients,
% initial test signal and filtered signal, respectively
disp(vectorToCDefFloat32_t( 'fir_coeff', fir_coeff) )
disp(vectorToCDefFloat32_t( 'signal', signal) )
disp(vectorToCDefFloat32_t( 'filtered_signal', filtered_signal) )Manually export available data to C expressions

const float32_t fir_coeff[29] 	= {
	-0.0018225231f, -0.0015879293f, +0.0000000000f, +0.0036977509f, +0.0080754301f, 
	+0.0085302219f, -0.0000000000f, -0.0173976980f, -0.0341458619f, -0.0333591551f, 
	+0.0000000000f, +0.0676308423f, +0.1522061825f, +0.2229246944f, +0.2504960895f, 
	+0.2229246944f, +0.1522061825f, +0.0676308423f, +0.0000000000f, -0.0333591551f, 
	-0.0341458619f, -0.0173976980f, -0.0000000000f, +0.0085302219f, +0.0080754301f, 
	+0.0036977509f, +0.0000000000f, -0.0015879293f, -0.0018225231f

const float32_t signal[256] 	= {
	+0.0000000000f, +0.5924659371f, -0.0947343484f, +0.1913417131f, +1.0000000000f, 
	+0.4174197018f, +0.3535533845f, +1.2552931309f, +0.8660253882f, +0.4619397521f, 
	+1.3194792271f, +1.1827865839f, +0.5000000000f, +1.1827865839f, +1.3194792271f, 
	+0.4619397521f, +0.8660253882f, +1.2552931309f, +0.3535533845f, +0.4174197018f, 
	+1.0000000000f, +0.1913417131f, -0.0947343484f, +0.5924659371f, -0.0000000000f, 
	-0.5924659371f, +0.0947343484f, -0.1913417131f, -1.0000000000f, -0.4174197018f, 
	-0.3535533845f, -1.2552931309f, -0.8660253882f, -0.4619397521f, -1.3194792271f, 
	-1.1827865839f, -0.5000000000f, -1.1827865839f, -1.3194792271f, -0.4619397521f, 
	-0.8660253882f, -1.2552931309f, -0.3535533845f, -0.4174197018f, -1.0000000000f, 
	-0.1913417131f, +0.0947343484f, -0.5924659371f, +0.0000000000f, +0.5924659371f, 
	-0.0947343484f, +0.1913417131f, +1.0000000000f, +0.4174197018f, +0.3535533845f, 
	+1.2552931309f, +0.8660253882f, +0.4619397521f, +1.3194792271f, +1.1827865839f, 
	+0.5000000000f, +1.1827865839f, +1.3194792271f, +0.4619397521f, +0.8660253882f, 
	+1.2552931309f, +0.3535533845f, +0.4174197018f, +1.0000000000f, +0.1913417131f, 
	-0.0947343484f, +0.5924659371f, +0.0000000000f, -0.5924659371f, +0.0947343484f, 
	-0.1913417131f, -1.0000000000f, -0.4174197018f, -0.3535533845f, -1.2552931309f, 
	-0.8660253882f, -0.4619397521f, -1.3194792271f, -1.1827865839f, -0.5000000000f, 
	-1.1827865839f, -1.3194792271f, -0.4619397521f, -0.8660253882f, -1.2552931309f, 
	-0.3535533845f, -0.4174197018f, -1.0000000000f, -0.1913417131f, +0.0947343484f, 
	-0.5924659371f, +0.0000000000f, +0.5924659371f, -0.0947343484f, +0.1913417131f, 
	+1.0000000000f, +0.4174197018f, +0.3535533845f, +1.2552931309f, +0.8660253882f, 
	+0.4619397521f, +1.3194792271f, +1.1827865839f, +0.5000000000f, +1.1827865839f, 
	+1.3194792271f, +0.4619397521f, +0.8660253882f, +1.2552931309f, +0.3535533845f, 
	+0.4174197018f, +1.0000000000f, +0.1913417131f, -0.0947343484f, +0.5924659371f, 
	+0.0000000000f, -0.5924659371f, +0.0947343484f, -0.1913417131f, -1.0000000000f, 
	-0.4174197018f, -0.3535533845f, -1.2552931309f, -0.8660253882f, -0.4619397521f, 
	-1.3194792271f, -1.1827865839f, -0.5000000000f, -1.1827865839f, -1.3194792271f, 
	-0.4619397521f, -0.8660253882f, -1.2552931309f, -0.3535533845f, -0.4174197018f, 
	-1.0000000000f, -0.1913417131f, +0.0947343484f, -0.5924659371f, -0.0000000000f, 
	+0.5924659371f, -0.0947343484f, +0.1913417131f, +1.0000000000f, +0.4174197018f, 
	+0.3535533845f, +1.2552931309f, +0.8660253882f, +0.4619397521f, +1.3194792271f, 
	+1.1827865839f, +0.5000000000f, +1.1827865839f, +1.3194792271f, +0.4619397521f, 
	+0.8660253882f, +1.2552931309f, +0.3535533845f, +0.4174197018f, +1.0000000000f, 
	+0.1913417131f, -0.0947343484f, +0.5924659371f, -0.0000000000f, -0.5924659371f, 
	+0.0947343484f, -0.1913417131f, -1.0000000000f, -0.4174197018f, -0.3535533845f, 
	-1.2552931309f, -0.8660253882f, -0.4619397521f, -1.3194792271f, -1.1827865839f, 
	-0.5000000000f, -1.1827865839f, -1.3194792271f, -0.4619397521f, -0.8660253882f, 
	-1.2552931309f, -0.3535533845f, -0.4174197018f, -1.0000000000f, -0.1913417131f, 
	+0.0947343484f, -0.5924659371f, +0.0000000000f, +0.5924659371f, -0.0947343484f, 
	+0.1913417131f, +1.0000000000f, +0.4174197018f, +0.3535533845f, +1.2552931309f, 
	+0.8660253882f, +0.4619397521f, +1.3194792271f, +1.1827865839f, +0.5000000000f, 
	+1.1827865839f, +1.3194792271f, +0.4619397521f, +0.8660253882f, +1.2552931309f, 
	+0.3535533845f, +0.4174197018f, +1.0000000000f, +0.1913417131f, -0.0947343484f, 
	+0.5924659371f, +0.0000000000f, -0.5924659371f, +0.0947343484f, -0.1913417131f, 
	-1.0000000000f, -0.4174197018f, -0.3535533845f, -1.2552931309f, -0.8660253882f, 
	-0.4619397521f, -1.3194792271f, -1.1827865839f, -0.5000000000f, -1.1827865839f, 
	-1.3194792271f, -0.4619397521f, -0.8660253882f, -1.2552931309f, -0.3535533845f, 
	-0.4174197018f, -1.0000000000f, -0.1913417131f, +0.0947343484f, -0.5924659371f, 
	-0.0000000000f, +0.5924659371f, -0.0947343484f, +0.1913417131f, +1.0000000000f, 
	+0.4174197018f, +0.3535533845f, +1.2552931309f, +0.8660253882f, +0.4619397521f, 
	+1.3194792271f, +1.1827865839f, +0.5000000000f, +1.1827865839f, +1.3194792271f, 

const float32_t filtered_signal[256] 	= {
	+0.0000000000f, -0.0010797828f, -0.0007681386f, -0.0001982932f, +0.0000644313f, 
	+0.0020854271f, +0.0036891871f, +0.0015855941f, -0.0026280805f, -0.0075907656f, 
	-0.0119390534f, -0.0086665964f, +0.0088981204f, +0.0430539288f, +0.0974468738f, 
	+0.1740405560f, +0.2681416571f, +0.3747720122f, +0.4893362224f, +0.6024154425f, 
	+0.7058740854f, +0.7968348861f, +0.8715901971f, +0.9277881384f, +0.9682182670f, 
	+0.9934674501f, +1.0012052059f, +0.9925859571f, +0.9681538343f, +0.9257026911f, 
	+0.8679010272f, +0.7952492833f, +0.7085021734f, +0.6100062132f, +0.5012753010f, 
	+0.3834386170f, +0.2592435479f, +0.1309866309f, -0.0000000000f, -0.1309866309f, 
	-0.2592435479f, -0.3834386170f, -0.5012753010f, -0.6100062132f, -0.7085021734f, 
	-0.7952492833f, -0.8679010272f, -0.9257026911f, -0.9681538343f, -0.9936656952f, 
	-1.0019733906f, -0.9936656952f, -0.9681538343f, -0.9257026911f, -0.8679010272f, 
	-0.7952492833f, -0.7085021734f, -0.6100062132f, -0.5012753010f, -0.3834386170f, 
	-0.2592435479f, -0.1309866309f, +0.0000000000f, +0.1309866309f, +0.2592435479f, 
	+0.3834386170f, +0.5012753010f, +0.6100062132f, +0.7085021734f, +0.7952492833f, 
	+0.8679010272f, +0.9257026911f, +0.9681538343f, +0.9936656952f, +1.0019733906f, 
	+0.9936656952f, +0.9681538343f, +0.9257026911f, +0.8679010272f, +0.7952492833f, 
	+0.7085021734f, +0.6100062132f, +0.5012753010f, +0.3834386170f, +0.2592435479f, 
	+0.1309866309f, -0.0000000000f, -0.1309866309f, -0.2592435479f, -0.3834386170f, 
	-0.5012753010f, -0.6100062132f, -0.7085021734f, -0.7952492833f, -0.8679010272f, 
	-0.9257026911f, -0.9681538343f, -0.9936656952f, -1.0019733906f, -0.9936656952f, 
	-0.9681538343f, -0.9257026911f, -0.8679010272f, -0.7952492833f, -0.7085021734f, 
	-0.6100062132f, -0.5012753010f, -0.3834386170f, -0.2592435479f, -0.1309866309f, 
	+0.0000000000f, +0.1309866309f, +0.2592435479f, +0.3834386170f, +0.5012753010f, 
	+0.6100062132f, +0.7085021734f, +0.7952492833f, +0.8679010272f, +0.9257026911f, 
	+0.9681538343f, +0.9936656952f, +1.0019733906f, +0.9936656952f, +0.9681538343f, 
	+0.9257026911f, +0.8679010272f, +0.7952492833f, +0.7085021734f, +0.6100062132f, 
	+0.5012753010f, +0.3834386170f, +0.2592435479f, +0.1309866309f, +0.0000000000f, 
	-0.1309866309f, -0.2592435479f, -0.3834386170f, -0.5012753010f, -0.6100062132f, 
	-0.7085021734f, -0.7952492833f, -0.8679010272f, -0.9257026911f, -0.9681538343f, 
	-0.9936656952f, -1.0019733906f, -0.9936656952f, -0.9681538343f, -0.9257026911f, 
	-0.8679010272f, -0.7952492833f, -0.7085021734f, -0.6100062132f, -0.5012753010f, 
	-0.3834386170f, -0.2592435479f, -0.1309866309f, +0.0000000000f, +0.1309866309f, 
	+0.2592435479f, +0.3834386170f, +0.5012753010f, +0.6100062132f, +0.7085021734f, 
	+0.7952492833f, +0.8679010272f, +0.9257026911f, +0.9681538343f, +0.9936656952f, 
	+1.0019733906f, +0.9936656952f, +0.9681538343f, +0.9257026911f, +0.8679010272f, 
	+0.7952492833f, +0.7085021734f, +0.6100062132f, +0.5012753010f, +0.3834386170f, 
	+0.2592435479f, +0.1309866309f, -0.0000000000f, -0.1309866309f, -0.2592435479f, 
	-0.3834386170f, -0.5012753010f, -0.6100062132f, -0.7085021734f, -0.7952492833f, 
	-0.8679010272f, -0.9257026911f, -0.9681538343f, -0.9936656952f, -1.0019733906f, 
	-0.9936656952f, -0.9681538343f, -0.9257026911f, -0.8679010272f, -0.7952492833f, 
	-0.7085021734f, -0.6100062132f, -0.5012753010f, -0.3834386170f, -0.2592435479f, 
	-0.1309866309f, +0.0000000000f, +0.1309866309f, +0.2592435479f, +0.3834386170f, 
	+0.5012753010f, +0.6100062132f, +0.7085021734f, +0.7952492833f, +0.8679010272f, 
	+0.9257026911f, +0.9681538343f, +0.9936656952f, +1.0019733906f, +0.9936656952f, 
	+0.9681538343f, +0.9257026911f, +0.8679010272f, +0.7952492833f, +0.7085021734f, 
	+0.6100062132f, +0.5012753010f, +0.3834386170f, +0.2592435479f, +0.1309866309f, 
	+0.0000000000f, -0.1309866309f, -0.2592435479f, -0.3834386170f, -0.5012753010f, 
	-0.6100062132f, -0.7085021734f, -0.7952492833f, -0.8679010272f, -0.9257026911f, 
	-0.9681538343f, -0.9936656952f, -1.0019733906f, -0.9936656952f, -0.9681538343f, 
	-0.9257026911f, -0.8679010272f, -0.7952492833f, -0.7085021734f, -0.6100062132f, 
	-0.5012753010f, -0.3834386170f, -0.2592435479f, -0.1309866309f, -0.0000000000f, 

mbed-dsp library

Import librarymbed-dsp

CMSIS DSP library


Import program

00001 #include "arm_math.h" 
00002 #include "math_helper.h" 
00003 #include <stdio.h>
00005 #define BLOCK_SIZE          32
00006 #define NUM_BLOCKS          10
00010 #define SNR_THRESHOLD_F32   140.0f
00011 #define NUM_TAPS            29
00013 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
00014  * The input signal and reference output (computed with MATLAB)
00015  * are defined externally in arm_fir_lpf_data.c.
00016  * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00017 extern float32_t testInput_f32_1kHz_15kHz[TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES]; 
00018 extern float32_t refOutput[TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES]; 
00020 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00021  * Declare State buffer of size (numTaps + blockSize - 1)
00022  * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00023 static float32_t firStateF32[BLOCK_SIZE + NUM_TAPS - 1]; 
00025 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00026  * FIR Coefficients buffer generated using fir1() MATLAB function. 
00027  * fir1(28, 6/24)
00028  * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
00029 const float32_t firCoeffs32[NUM_TAPS] = { 
00030     -0.0018225230f, -0.0015879294f, +0.0000000000f, +0.0036977508f, +0.0080754303f,
00031     +0.0085302217f, -0.0000000000f, -0.0173976984f, -0.0341458607f, -0.0333591565f,
00032     +0.0000000000f, +0.0676308395f, +0.1522061835f, +0.2229246956f, +0.2504960933f,
00033     +0.2229246956f, +0.1522061835f, +0.0676308395f, +0.0000000000f, -0.0333591565f,
00034     -0.0341458607f, -0.0173976984f, -0.0000000000f, +0.0085302217f, +0.0080754303f,
00035     +0.0036977508f, +0.0000000000f, -0.0015879294f, -0.0018225230f
00036 };
00038 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00039  * FIR LPF Example 
00040  * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00041 int32_t main(void) { 
00042     /* Call FIR init function to initialize the instance structure. */
00043     arm_fir_instance_f32 S;
00044     arm_fir_init_f32(&S, NUM_TAPS, (float32_t *)&firCoeffs32[0], &firStateF32[0], BLOCK_SIZE); 
00046     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00047      * Call the FIR process function for every blockSize samples  
00048      * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
00049     for (uint32_t i=0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) {
00050         float32_t* signal =  testInput_f32_1kHz_15kHz + (i * BLOCK_SIZE);
00051         arm_fir_f32(&S, signal, signal, BLOCK_SIZE);
00052     } 
00054     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00055      * Compare the generated output against the reference output computed
00056      * in MATLAB.
00057      * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00058     float32_t snr = arm_snr_f32(refOutput, testInput_f32_1kHz_15kHz, TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
00059     printf("snr: %f\n\r", snr);
00060     if (snr < SNR_THRESHOLD_F32) {
00061         printf("Failed\n\r");
00062     } else {
00063         printf("Success\n\r");
00064     }
00065 } 

mbed DSP API

Import program

00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "dsp.h"
00004 #define BLOCK_SIZE              (32)
00005 #define NUM_BLOCKS              (10)
00008 #define SAMPLE_RATE             (48000)
00010 #define SNR_THRESHOLD_F32       (50.0f)
00012 float32_t expected_output[TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES];
00013 float32_t          output[TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES];
00015 /* FIR Coefficients buffer generated using fir1() MATLAB function: fir1(28, 6/24) */
00016 #define NUM_TAPS            29
00017 const float32_t firCoeffs32[NUM_TAPS] = { 
00018     -0.0018225230f, -0.0015879294f, +0.0000000000f, +0.0036977508f, +0.0080754303f,
00019     +0.0085302217f, -0.0000000000f, -0.0173976984f, -0.0341458607f, -0.0333591565f,
00020     +0.0000000000f, +0.0676308395f, +0.1522061835f, +0.2229246956f, +0.2504960933f,
00021     +0.2229246956f, +0.1522061835f, +0.0676308395f, +0.0000000000f, -0.0333591565f,
00022     -0.0341458607f, -0.0173976984f, -0.0000000000f, +0.0085302217f, +0.0080754303f,
00023     +0.0036977508f, +0.0000000000f, -0.0015879294f, -0.0018225230f
00024 };
00025 #define WARMUP    (NUM_TAPS-1)
00026 #define DELAY     (WARMUP/2)
00028 int main() {
00029     Sine_f32 sine_1KHz(  1000, SAMPLE_RATE, 1.0);
00030     Sine_f32 sine_15KHz(15000, SAMPLE_RATE, 0.5);
00031     FIR_f32<NUM_TAPS> fir(firCoeffs32);
00033     float32_t buffer_a[BLOCK_SIZE];
00034     float32_t buffer_b[BLOCK_SIZE];
00035     for (float32_t *sgn=output; sgn<(output+TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES); sgn += BLOCK_SIZE) {
00036         sine_1KHz.generate(buffer_a);           // Generate a 1KHz sine wave
00037         sine_15KHz.process(buffer_a, buffer_b); // Add a 15KHz sine wave
00038         fir.process(buffer_b, sgn);             // FIR low pass filter: 6KHz cutoff
00039     }
00041     sine_1KHz.reset();
00042     for (float32_t *sgn=expected_output; sgn<(expected_output+TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES); sgn += BLOCK_SIZE) {
00043         sine_1KHz.generate(sgn);        // Generate a 1KHz sine wave
00044     }
00046     float snr = arm_snr_f32(&expected_output[DELAY-1], &output[WARMUP-1], TEST_LENGTH_SAMPLES-WARMUP);
00047     printf("snr: %f\n\r", snr);
00048     if (snr < SNR_THRESHOLD_F32) {
00049         printf("Failed\n\r");
00050     } else {
00051         printf("Success\n\r");
00052     }
00053 }

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