Hi Simon,
I have the manual thanks, and have (for about 50%) read in detail and continue to do so :)
I was just pointing out the simple fact that while trying to setup my system for CCLK/4 it didn't work until I looked and found for myself that the blanket statement made in the forum (rather than any techincal reference I was able to find) was incorrect.
I have seen and read and, so far not added, to the forum posts regarding the open sourcing of the mbed libs. While I have considerable experience of both closed and open source, I still find Mbed libs to be "grey wanna bees" open source. I understand why they are not. But at the same time, when the libs do "unexpected" things due to lack of documentation, I am so use to providing a patch to the aurthor for consideration that I find this "reduce to bare min example and post to a forum" somewhat alien. Why? Well, for closed source I have a contact, I can describe the problem and THEY reduce to minimum and investigate. They sort the problem as I paid them for the libs. With Mbed, I really don't expect to have to reduce a problem myself and post a forum. I don't mind posting problems to a forum, but I do so with a patch fix when I do. With Mbed, I can't. As an embedded software engineer/developer, I'm reduced to being a simple end user/forum poster with a problem and no solution. I like problems, but I like solutions more :)
Forgive me but, out of the box, Mbed is a great product and well supported. I'm just not use to have to writing a ton of code that uses LPC17xx.h to figure out "what just happened" than just read the code that tells me "what is about to happen".
You have to remember, closed source libs require a) huge documentation and b) hugh support. Both require resources and thats where closed source companies provide great support, they're paid to. But here I find myself with a really good little product (the Mbed) that, like I said, out of the box is proving to be a potential winner for it's creators. I have made great progress with it. Where I have stumbled so far is lack of docs/support. Luckily I have many years of embedded systems experience and can find my way round a 600+ page manual with LPC17xx.h. But if you really want to bring in new blood then, imho (and truely my own imho) you need to open up more on the code side.
Happy to disuss more, but public forums suck at this sometimes.
thanks for the reply anyway,
I am developing some code and need to know what values are loaded into the mbed for programs compiled. I konw you have the basic 'startup' of the PLL, etc. via a linked .o file, but I cannot find any reference to what the values are.
Specifically, I need to know what cclk is, and the pclks for the timer 1 and A/D converter.