about serial

17 Nov 2010

I ask about serial tx ,rx in mbed controller

it's right to connect my controller directly to my serial port -15 volt and 15 volt or i should use IC max232

to change their level voltages

17 Nov 2010

You will need a MAX232 or similar to go to a standard serial port. The only time you don't is when interfacing to chips and modules that have "TTL level" serial RX and TX (such as many GPS modules).

18 Nov 2010

A voltage level conversion circuit or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAX232  IC is required to connect mbed to a real RS-232 serial port. The serial port on a PC uses RS-232 voltage levels +/-3 to +/-15V (i.e., not TTL 0-5V logic levels). This one from http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=449  comes with the conversion circuit on a breakout board with the typical DB9 serial connector. It also has LEDs that indicate serial data flow.  You have to solder header pins on it. See last section of http://mbed.org/cookbook/Serial-Interrupts for more info.