Im trying to use the LCD example with another demo board. I have changed the I/O pines as follows:
#include "mbed.h"
#include "MobileLCD.h"
//MobileLCD lcd(p5, p6, p7, p8, p9);
MobileLCD lcd(P0_8, P0_9, P0_7, P0_6, p9); // Pins on the Keil demo board. ( http://www.keil.com/mcb1700/mcb1700-schematics.pdf )
DigitalOut Led1(P1_28); // For thesting
int main() {
Led1 = 0;
lcd.printf("Hello World!");
There is nothing on the LCD and the Led1 doesn’t turn off!
If I only run the Led1 test, it turns off fine.
Also, if I use the original pin settings (p5, p6, p7, p8, p9), the Led1 turns off but of curse there is nothing on the LCD screen.
Please advice.
Best regards.
I have an IAR demo board LPC1766K-SK that also has the Nokia LCD. Im trying to convert the code to work on that board instead of building one from scratch.
My problem is that I need also to use P3.25 and some other pines.
So: is there a way to directly call a pin instead of using p21 declaration?
im trying to do something like this:
MobileLCD lcd(P1.23, p6, P1.20, P3.25, P3.26);
Schematics for download (PDF) - http://www.iar.com/website1/
Best regards.