IAR Demo board

21 Nov 2009


I have an IAR demo board LPC1766K-SK that also has the Nokia LCD. Im trying to convert the code to work on that board instead of building one from scratch.

My problem is that I need also to use P3.25 and some other pines.

So: is there a way to directly call a pin instead of using p21 declaration?

im trying to do something like this:

MobileLCD lcd(P1.23, p6, P1.20, P3.25, P3.26);

Schematics for download (PDF) - http://www.iar.com/website1/

Best regards.

22 Nov 2009 . Edited: 22 Nov 2009


Gidi mizrahi wrote:
My problem is that I need also to use P3.25 and some other pines. So: is there a way to directly call a pin instead of using p21 declaration? im trying to do something like this: MobileLCD lcd(P1.23, p6, P1.20, P3.25, P3.26);

Almost there! Try P1_23 instead :)


24 Nov 2009

Hi Simon.

It compiles!

Where can I find the answers for all this little things? With a local compilere you can look in the .h files and find this.

Also, is there a way to see the source code of the lib that are in the compiler or the cookbook? How can I write my own lib? etc.

Best regards.

24 Nov 2009

Hi Gidi,

These pin definitions are in http://mbed.org/projects/libraries/svn/mbed/trunk/PinNames.h

For the cookbook, all the src is just in the SVN repository (http://mbed.org/projects/cookbook/svn), but i'd advise looking in the wiki to guide you!


27 Nov 2009 . Edited: 27 Nov 2009


Im trying to use the LCD example with another demo board. I have changed the I/O pines as follows:

#include "mbed.h"

#include "MobileLCD.h"

//MobileLCD lcd(p5, p6, p7, p8, p9);

MobileLCD lcd(P0_8, P0_9, P0_7, P0_6, p9); // Pins on the Keil demo board. ( http://www.keil.com/mcb1700/mcb1700-schematics.pdf )

DigitalOut Led1(P1_28);  // For thesting

int main() {

    Led1 = 0;

    lcd.printf("Hello World!");



There is nothing on the LCD and the Led1 doesn’t turn off!

If I only run the Led1 test, it turns off fine.

Also, if I use the original pin settings (p5, p6, p7, p8, p9), the Led1 turns off but of curse there is nothing on the LCD screen.

Please advice.

Best regards.

20 Jul 2012

Here is what I think is an updated link for the NXP LPC1768-SK Evaluation Kit PDFs.


Note the kit price I found is 307.00 USD