Second Week Update
Reminder: My project is meant to be the comparison between the EM406A GPS module by GlobalSat and the UltimateGPS v3 from Adafruit Industries. The former was part of the giveaway and is happily sitting on a Sparkfun Arduino shield, and the latter I wanted to connect to some other serial connection.
The problem that wasn't one: A week ago I stumbled in the dark as how to define what's known as SoftSerial in the Arduino world. Turns out that one can define almost all digital pins as tx/rx in mbed, irrespective whether they're 'hardware' or emulated serial.
The problems that were:
1/ There are a few digital pins that per manufacturer cannot be used for the purpose of serial communication, the P0_6 and P0_8 (corresponding Arduino 2+3) on my test LPC800-MAX are such. As I was just learning about the mbed libraries when I encountered these problems, I spent quite some time before I figured that out... Now that's not a problem per se. However, it means that the Components page for the Sparkfun Shield should emphasise that only the 'UART' but not the 'DLINE' setting can be used with the LPC800-MAX. I don't have headers for my KL25Z, so can't say for sure if that would play nice.
2/ Power. The Sparkfun GPS Shield retail package came with the EM406A GPS module. That must be driven with 5V. There's a separate module (EM408?) that's happy with just 3.3V, but it requires an additional adapter to fit on the shield. Anyway. Initially I intended to do a test between the Adafruit and Sparkfun GPS modules with the LPC800-MAX being driven with a LiquidWare Lithium Backpack. Again, what I missed right at the top of the LPC800-MAX handbook page, is that the board should be powered with 5V, but only supplies 3V unless connected to USB. That was a big downer because it ruined my experimental setup. It also mean unless you want to connect your GPS rig to a computer or USB juice pack, the Sparkfun GPS Shield retail package and the LPC800-MAX don't play nicely together.
The compromise:

In the end I mounted my test setup on the dashboard and took my laptop for a ride.
Questions for the community / admins:
1/ I had to make a few tweaks to Simon Ford's GPS library to get more info out of the modules and also to accommodate the different serial speeds the GlobalSat and Adafruit modules are using. What's the appropriate way to share that code?
2/ I'm happy to set up a component page for the parts I used. What's the legal situation regarding photographs of the components? Nobody makes better pictures of their products than Sparkfun and Adafruit...
This will be a place for the recipients of the Component Database: Shield Giveaway to introduce their planned work, progress and ask questions about creating Components on Let the fun begin!!