This is the expected (but perhaps unexpected!) behaviour. Here is the explanation.
When you call plain printf(...), you are basically calling fprintf(stdout,...), where stdout is a default filehandle for general output (others are stdin, and stderr). We map stdout to the UART0 which you see the result of on the mbed USB Serial port.
By default, the stdio libraries buffer stdout, which is why you don't see the results immediately; the buffer will only get flushed if it gets full enough, you force it to be flushed, or as Igor says, you send a new line character which by convention also forces a flush.
For example, the following code would not actually produce any output on a terminal:
#include "mbed.h"
int main() {
fputc('h', stdout);
fputc('i', stdout);
Because the buffer doesn't get full enough, and there is no newline, nothing ever gets output!
Adding a newline character will cause it to happen, but often that is not appropriate. But you can force it to happen. So for example, you can use fflush() to tell the library to flush the buffer:
#include "mbed.h"
int main() {
fputc('h', stdout);
fputc('i', stdout);
fflush(stdout); // flush this filehandle
or you could tell the library not to buffer it in the first place, using setbuf():
#include "mbed.h"
int main() {
setbuf(stdout, NULL); // no buffering for this filehandle
fputc('h', stdout);
fputc('i', stdout);
Both of these code examples would give you the results you were after.
Alternatively, the Stream based mbed objects such as Serial do set buffering to off by default, as this is more expected behaviour. So, as Andy says, if you use the following code:
#include "mbed.h"
Serial out(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
int main() {
You'll also get the right result.
The main thing is conventions here. Using plain printf() is commonly used for printing a diagnostic line of text to a terminal, for debugging for example. If the serial output is actually part of your application, you are better off declaring it explicitly with a proper Serial object. This also allows you to easily redirect it to another serial port if you wanted to.
It does however make me think perhaps I should force buffering off by default for stdout too, assuming that wouldn't adversely impact anyone. I suspect it is the more expected behaviour, so seems more appropriate.
Hope this makes things clear!
Hi, I have been noticing in the past few days that every program that I compile/recompile, the serial output is delayed; it appears to be buffering and then simply dumping a batch. The following is a simple test code that should print test at every loop (2 seconds), the led does go on and off properly, although the serial output does not follow one printf per 2 seconds. To make sure that it's not the terminal software I was using, I tried this using putty under windows, and screen under OSX.
Anybody has any ideas of hwhat's going on? A change in labrary, or compiler, or my code is missing something?