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1 /*************************************************************************************************/
2 /*!
3  * \file
4  *
5  * \brief BLE Baseband interface file.
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
8  *
9  * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
10  *
11  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
14  *
15  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
16  *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21  * limitations under the License.
22  */
23 /*************************************************************************************************/
25 #ifndef PAL_BB_BLE_H
26 #define PAL_BB_BLE_H
28 #include "pal_bb.h"
29 #include "pal_crypto.h"
31 #ifdef __cplusplus
32 extern "C" {
33 #endif
35 /**************************************************************************************************
36  Macros
37 **************************************************************************************************/
40 #define LL_ENABLE_TESTER 0 /*!< Enable LL tester extensions. */
41 #endif
43 /**************************************************************************************************
44  Data Types
45 **************************************************************************************************/
47 /*! \brief Nonce modes. */
48 enum
49 {
50  PAL_BB_NONCE_MODE_PKT_CNTR, /*!< Packet counter mode (default). */
51  PAL_BB_NONCE_MODE_EXT16_CNTR, /*!< 16-bit counter mode, PalCryptoEnc_t::pEventCounter must be non-NULL. */
52  PAL_BB_NONCE_MODE_EXT64_CNTR /*!< 64-bit counter mode, PalCryptoEnc_t::pTxPktCounter/pRxPktCounter must be non-NULL. */
53 };
55 /*! \brief Connection type. */
56 enum
57 {
58  PAL_BB_TYPE_ACL, /*!< ACL. */
59  PAL_BB_TYPE_CIS, /*!< CIS. */
60  PAL_BB_TYPE_BIS /*!< BIS. */
61 };
63 /*! \addtogroup PAL_BB_BLE_CHAN
64  * \{ */
66 /*! \brief BLE channelization parameters. */
67 typedef struct
68 {
69  uint8_t opType; /*!< Operation type. */
70  uint8_t chanIdx; /*!< Channel index. */
71  int8_t txPower; /*!< Active transmit power, unit is dBm. */
72  uint32_t accAddr; /*!< Access address. */
73  uint32_t crcInit; /*!< CRC initialization value. */
74  uint8_t txPhy; /*!< Transmitter PHY. */
75  uint8_t rxPhy; /*!< Receiver PHY. */
76  uint8_t initTxPhyOptions; /*!< Initial Tx PHY options. */
77  uint8_t tifsTxPhyOptions; /*!< TIFS Tx PHY options. */
78  bool_t peerTxStableModIdx; /*!< Peer uses stable modulation index on transmitter. */
79  bool_t peerRxStableModIdx; /*!< Peer uses stable modulation index on receiver. */
80  PalCryptoEnc_t enc; /*!< Encryption parameters (NULL if disabled). */
83  uint32_t accAddrRx; /*!< Access address override for receptions. */
84  uint32_t accAddrTx; /*!< Access address override for transmissions. */
85  uint32_t crcInitRx; /*!< CRC initialization override for receptions. */
86  uint32_t crcInitTx; /*!< CRC initialization override for transmissions. */
87  int8_t txPwrOffset; /*!< override offset for txPower. */
88 #endif
91 /*! \} */ /* PAL_BB_BLE_CHAN */
93 /*! \addtogroup PAL_BB_BLE_DATA
94  * \{
95  * This section contains driver routines used for packet transmission.
96  */
98 /*! \brief Transmit complete ISR callback signature. */
99 typedef void (*PalBbBleTxIsr_t)(uint8_t status);
101 /*! \brief Receive complete ISR callback signature. */
102 typedef void (*PalBbBleRxIsr_t)(uint8_t status, int8_t rssi, uint32_t crc, uint32_t timestamp, uint8_t rxPhyOptions);
104 /*! \brief IFS modes. */
105 typedef enum
106 {
107  PAL_BB_IFS_MODE_CLR, /*!< Clear IFS (last packet). */
108  PAL_BB_IFS_MODE_TOGGLE_TIFS, /*!< Toggle operation with TIFS timing. */
109  PAL_BB_IFS_MODE_SAME_ABS /*!< Same operation with absolute timing. */
112 /*! \brief BLE data transfer parameters. */
113 typedef struct
114 {
115  PalBbBleTxIsr_t txCback; /*!< Transmit completion callback. */
116  PalBbBleRxIsr_t rxCback; /*!< Receive completion callback. */
118  uint32_t dueUsec; /*!< Due time of the first packet in microseconds. */
119  uint32_t rxTimeoutUsec; /*!< Receive timeout in microseconds. */
122 /*! \brief Operation parameters. */
123 typedef struct
124 {
125  PalBbIfsMode_t ifsMode:8; /*!< IFS mode for next operation. */
126  uint32_t ifsTime; /*!< Absolute time of next PDU. */
127  PalBbBleChan_t *pIfsChan; /*!< Channel of next PDU, NULL for no change. */
130 /*! \brief Transmit buffer descriptor. */
131 typedef struct
132 {
133  uint16_t len; /*!< Length of buffer. */
134  uint8_t *pBuf; /*!< Pointer to buffer. */
137 /*! \} */ /* PAL_BB_BLE_DATA */
139 /**************************************************************************************************
140  Function Declarations
141 **************************************************************************************************/
143 /*! \addtogroup PAL_BB_BLE_INIT
144  * \{
145  * This section contains driver routines which initialize as well as enable the BLE mode of the
146  * BB hardware.
147  */
149 /*************************************************************************************************/
150 /*!
151  * \brief Initialize the BLE baseband driver.
152  *
153  * One-time initialization of BLE baseband driver.
154  */
155 /*************************************************************************************************/
156 void PalBbBleInit(void);
158 /*************************************************************************************************/
159 /*!
160  * \brief Enable the BB hardware.
161  *
162  * Wake the BB hardware out of sleep and enable for operation. All BB functionality is
163  * available when this routine completes. BB clock is set to zero and started.
164  */
165 /*************************************************************************************************/
166 void PalBbBleEnable(void);
168 /*************************************************************************************************/
169 /*!
170  * \brief Disable the BB hardware.
171  *
172  * Disable the baseband and put radio hardware to sleep. Must be called from an idle state.
173  * A radio operation cannot be in progress.
174  */
175 /*************************************************************************************************/
176 void PalBbBleDisable(void);
178 /*! \} */ /* PAL_BB_BLE_INIT */
180 /*! \addtogroup PAL_BB_BLE_CHAN
181  * \{
182  * This section contains the driver routine used to set the chanelization parameters.
183  */
185 /*************************************************************************************************/
186 /*!
187  * \brief Set channelization parameters.
188  *
189  * \param pChan Channelization parameters.
190  *
191  * Calling this routine will set parameters for all future transmit and receive operations
192  * until this routine is called again providing new parameters.
193  *
194  * The setting of channelization parameters influence the operations of the following listed
195  * routines. Therefore, this routine is called to set the channel characteristics before
196  * the use of data routines described in \a PAL_BB_BLE_DATA.
197  *
198  * \note The \a pParam contents are not guaranteed to be static and is only valid in the
199  * context of the call to this routine. Therefore parameters requiring persistence
200  * should be copied.
201  */
202 /*************************************************************************************************/
205 /*! \} */ /* PAL_BB_BLE_CHAN */
207 /*! \addtogroup PAL_BB_BLE_DATA
208  * \{
209  * This section contains driver routines used for packet transmission.
210  */
212 /*************************************************************************************************/
213 /*!
214  * \brief Set the data packet exchange parameters.
215  *
216  * \param pParam Data exchange parameters.
217  *
218  * Calling this routine will set parameters for all future transmit and receive operations
219  * until this routine is called again providing new parameters.
220  */
221 /*************************************************************************************************/
222 void PalBbBleSetDataParams(const PalBbBleDataParam_t *pParam);
224 /*************************************************************************************************/
225 /*!
226  * \brief Set the operation parameters.
227  *
228  * \param pOpParam Operations parameters.
229  *
230  * Calling this routine will set parameters for the next transmit or receive operations.
231  */
232 /*************************************************************************************************/
233 void PalBbBleSetOpParams(const PalBbBleOpParam_t *pOpParam);
235 /*************************************************************************************************/
236 /*!
237  * \brief Transmit a packet.
238  *
239  * \param descs Array of transmit buffer descriptors.
240  * \param cnt Number of descriptors.
241  *
242  * Set the first data buffer for the first packet of an alternating Tx-Rx data exchange cycle.
243  */
244 /*************************************************************************************************/
245 void PalBbBleTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt);
247 /*************************************************************************************************/
248 /*!
249  * \brief Transmit packet at TIFS after the last packet received.
250  *
251  * \param descs Array of transmit buffer descriptor.
252  * \param cnt Number of descriptors.
253  *
254  * If possible, the transmit will occur at the TIFS timing. If not possible, the callback status
255  * will indicate this.
256  */
257 /*************************************************************************************************/
258 void PalBbBleTxTifsData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt);
260 /*************************************************************************************************/
261 /*!
262  * \brief Receive packet.
263  *
264  * \param pBuf Receive data buffer.
265  * \param len Length of data buffer.
266  *
267  * Set the first data buffer for the first packet of an alternating Rx-Tx data exchange cycle.
268  */
269 /*************************************************************************************************/
270 void PalBbBleRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len);
272 /*************************************************************************************************/
273 /*!
274  * \brief Receive packet at TIFS after the last packet transmitted.
275  *
276  * \param pBuf Receive data buffer.
277  * \param len Length of data buffer.
278  *
279  * If possible, the receive will occur on the TIFS timing. If not possible, the callback status
280  * will indicate this.
281  */
282 /*************************************************************************************************/
283 void PalBbBleRxTifsData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len);
285 /*************************************************************************************************/
286 /*!
287  * \brief Cancel TIFS timer.
288  *
289  * This stops any active TIFS timer operation. This routine is always called in the callback
290  * (i.e. ISR) context.
291  */
292 /*************************************************************************************************/
293 void PalBbBleCancelTifs(void);
295 /*************************************************************************************************/
296 /*!
297  * \brief Cancel a pending transmit or receive.
298  *
299  * This stops any active radio operation. This routine is never called in the callback
300  * (i.e. ISR) context.
301  */
302 /*************************************************************************************************/
303 void PalBbBleCancelData(void);
305 /*! \} */ /* PAL_BB_BLE_DATA */
307 /*! \addtogroup PAL_BB_BLE_TEST
308  * \{
309  * This section contains driver routines used for test modes.
310  */
312 /*************************************************************************************************/
313 /*!
314  * \brief Enable or disable data whitening.
315  *
316  * \param enable Flag to indicate data whitening.
317  *
318  * Sets an internal variable that indicates if data whitening is enabled or not.
319  */
320 /*************************************************************************************************/
321 void PalBbBleEnableDataWhitening(bool_t enable);
323 /*************************************************************************************************/
324 /*!
325  * \brief Enable or disable PRBS15.
326  *
327  * \param enable Flag to indicate PRBS15.
328  *
329  * Immediately enable or disable continuous PRBS15 bitstream. Setting the channelization
330  * parameters with \a PalBbBleSetChannelParam() must precede enabling PRBS15.
331  *
332  * Use of \a PAL_BB_BLE_DATA routines is not allowed while PRBS15 is enabled.
333  */
334 /*************************************************************************************************/
335 void PalBbBleEnablePrbs15(bool_t enable);
337 /*************************************************************************************************/
338 /*!
339  * \brief Set inline encryption/decryption direction bit.
340  *
341  * \param dir 0=slave, non-zero=master
342  *
343  */
344 /*************************************************************************************************/
347 /*************************************************************************************************/
348 /*!
349  * \brief Set the inline encryption packet count for transmit.
350  *
351  * \param count Packet counter value, a 39-bit value
352  *
353  */
354 /*************************************************************************************************/
355 void PalBbBleInlineEncryptSetPacketCount(uint64_t count);
357 /*************************************************************************************************/
358 /*!
359  * \brief Low power operation.
360  *
361  * \note Called by upper baseband code.
362  */
363 /*************************************************************************************************/
364 void PalBbBleLowPower(void);
366 /*! \} */ /* PAL_BB_BLE_TEST */
368 #ifdef __cplusplus
369 };
370 #endif
372 #endif /* PAL_BB_BLE_H */
void PalBbBleTxTifsData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt)
Transmit packet at TIFS after the last packet received.
void PalBbBleSetDataParams(const PalBbBleDataParam_t *pParam)
Set the data packet exchange parameters.
uint8_t initTxPhyOptions
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:76
int8_t txPower
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:71
void PalBbBleEnableDataWhitening(uint8_t enable)
Enable or disable data whitening.
uint8_t peerTxStableModIdx
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:78
Encryption data.
Definition: pal_crypto.h:73
uint32_t ifsTime
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:126
uint32_t crcInit
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:73
void(* PalBbBleTxIsr_t)(uint8_t status)
Transmit complete ISR callback signature.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:99
uint8_t opType
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:69
void PalBbBleEnable(void)
Enable the BB hardware.
Crypto driver definition.
void PalBbBleInlineEncryptDecryptSetDirection(uint8_t dir)
Set inline encryption/decryption direction bit.
void PalBbBleTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt)
Transmit a packet.
uint32_t rxTimeoutUsec
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:119
void PalBbBleRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len)
Receive packet.
uint8_t rxPhy
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:75
uint8_t txPhy
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:74
Operation parameters.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:123
PalBbBleRxIsr_t rxCback
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:116
void PalBbBleInlineEncryptSetPacketCount(uint64_t count)
Set the inline encryption packet count for transmit.
void PalBbBleLowPower(void)
Low power operation.
void PalBbBleRxTifsData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len)
Receive packet at TIFS after the last packet transmitted.
PalBbBleTxIsr_t txCback
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:115
void PalBbBleEnablePrbs15(uint8_t enable)
Enable or disable PRBS15.
PalCryptoEnc_t enc
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:80
uint8_t peerRxStableModIdx
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:79
void PalBbBleSetChannelParam(PalBbBleChan_t *pChan)
Set channelization parameters.
void(* PalBbBleRxIsr_t)(uint8_t status, int8_t rssi, uint32_t crc, uint32_t timestamp, uint8_t rxPhyOptions)
Receive complete ISR callback signature.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:102
BLE channelization parameters.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:67
void PalBbBleSetOpParams(const PalBbBleOpParam_t *pOpParam)
Set the operation parameters.
uint32_t accAddr
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:72
uint8_t chanIdx
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:70
void PalBbBleInit(void)
Initialize the BLE baseband driver.
PalBbBleChan_t * pIfsChan
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:127
void PalBbBleCancelTifs(void)
Cancel TIFS timer.
uint8_t tifsTxPhyOptions
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:77
BLE data transfer parameters.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:113
Baseband interface file.
void PalBbBleCancelData(void)
Cancel a pending transmit or receive.
Transmit buffer descriptor.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:131
void PalBbBleDisable(void)
Disable the BB hardware.
IFS modes.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:105
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