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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
17 #ifndef EVENT_H
18 #define EVENT_H
20 #include <utility>
21 #include "events/EventQueue.h"
22 #include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
23 #include "platform/mbed_error.h"
25 namespace events {
26 /** \defgroup events-public-api Events
27  * \ingroup mbed-os-public
28  * @{
29  */
31 static constexpr std::chrono::duration<int, std::milli> non_periodic{-1};
33 /** Event
34  *
35  * Representation of an event for fine-grain dispatch control
36  */
37 template <typename F>
38 class Event;
40 /**
41  * \defgroup events_Event Event<void()> class
42  * @{
43  */
45 /** Event
46  *
47  * Representation of an event for fine-grain dispatch control
48  */
49 template <typename... ArgTs>
50 class Event<void(ArgTs...)> {
51 public:
52  using duration = std::chrono::duration<int, std::milli>;
54  /** Create an event
55  *
56  * Constructs an event bound to the specified event queue. The specified
57  * callback acts as the target for the event and is executed in the
58  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
59  *
60  * @param q Event queue to dispatch on
61  * @param f Function to execute when the event is dispatched
62  */
63  template <typename F>
64  Event(EventQueue *q, F f)
65  {
66  _event = static_cast<struct event *>(
67  equeue_alloc(&q->_equeue, sizeof(struct event) + sizeof(F)));
69  if (_event) {
70  _event->equeue = &q->_equeue;
71  _event->id = 0;
72  _event->delay = duration(0);
73  _event->period = non_periodic;
75  _event->post = &Event::event_post<F>;
76  _event->dtor = &Event::event_dtor<F>;
78  new (_event + 1) F(std::move(f));
80  _event->ref = 1;
81  }
82  }
84  /** Copy constructor for events
85  */
86  Event(const Event &e)
87  {
88  _event = 0;
89  if (e._event) {
90  _event = e._event;
91  _event->ref += 1;
92  }
93  }
95  /** Assignment operator for events
96  */
97  Event &operator=(const Event &that)
98  {
99  if (this != &that) {
100  this->~Event();
101  new (this) Event(that);
102  }
104  return *this;
105  }
107  /** Destructor for events
108  */
110  {
111  if (_event) {
112  _event->ref -= 1;
113  if (_event->ref == 0) {
114  _event->dtor(_event);
115  equeue_dealloc(_event->equeue, _event);
116  }
117  }
118  }
120  /** Configure the delay of an event
121  *
122  * @param d Delay (in milliseconds) before dispatching the event, expressed as a Chrono duration.
123  * E.g. delay(50ms)
124  */
125  void delay(duration d)
126  {
127  if (_event) {
128  _event->delay = d;
129  }
130  }
132  /** Configure the delay of an event
133  * @deprecated Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.
134  *
135  * @param d Millisecond delay before dispatching the event
136  */
137  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.0.0", "Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.")
138  void delay(int d)
139  {
140  delay(duration(d));
141  }
143  /** Configure the period of an event
144  *
145  * @param p Period (in milliseconds) for repeatedly dispatching an event, expressed as a Chrono
146  * duration. Period must be either non_periodic or > 0ms. If an invalid period is supplied
147  * then a default non_periodic value is used.
148  * E.g. period(200ms)
149  */
150  void period(duration p)
151  {
152  if (_event) {
153  if (p > duration(0)) {
154  _event->period = p;
156  } else {
157  if (p != non_periodic) {
159  "Invalid period specified, defaulting to non_periodic.");
160  }
161  _event->period = non_periodic;
162  }
163  }
164  }
166  /** Configure the period of an event
167  * @deprecated Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.
168  *
169  * @param p Millisecond period for repeatedly dispatching an event
170  */
171  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.0.0", "Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.")
172  void period(int p)
173  {
174  period(duration(p));
175  }
177  /** Posts an event onto the underlying event queue
178  *
179  * The event is posted to the underlying queue and is executed in the
180  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop.
181  *
182  * The post function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
183  * events out of IRQ contexts.
184  *
185  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
186  * @return A unique id that represents the posted event and can
187  * be passed to EventQueue::cancel, or an id of 0 if
188  * there is not enough memory to allocate the event.
189  */
190  int post(ArgTs... args) const
191  {
192  if (!_event) {
193  return 0;
194  }
196  _event->id = _event->post(_event, args...);
197  return _event->id;
198  }
200  /** Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void
201  *
202  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
203  */
204  void call(ArgTs... args) const
205  {
206  MBED_UNUSED int id = post(args...);
207  MBED_ASSERT(id);
208  }
210  /** Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void
211  *
212  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
213  */
214  void operator()(ArgTs... args) const
215  {
216  return call(args...);
217  }
219  /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
220  *
221  * @param func Event to call passed as a void pointer
222  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
223  */
224  static void thunk(void *func, ArgTs... args)
225  {
226  return static_cast<Event *>(func)->call(args...);
227  }
229  /** Cancels the most recently posted event
230  *
231  * Attempts to cancel the most recently posted event. It is safe to call
232  * cancel after an event has already been dispatched.
233  *
234  * The cancel function is IRQ safe.
235  *
236  * If called while the event queue's dispatch loop is active, the cancel
237  * function does not guarantee that the event will not execute after it
238  * returns, as the event may have already begun executing.
239  */
240  void cancel() const
241  {
242  if (_event) {
243  equeue_cancel(_event->equeue, _event->id);
244  }
245  }
247 private:
248  struct event {
249  unsigned ref;
250  equeue_t *equeue;
251  int id;
253  duration delay;
254  duration period;
256  int (*post)(struct event *, ArgTs... args);
257  void (*dtor)(struct event *);
259  // F follows
260  } *_event;
262  // Event attributes
263  template <typename F>
264  static int event_post(struct event *e, ArgTs... args)
265  {
266  typedef EventQueue::context<F, ArgTs...> C;
267  void *p = equeue_alloc(e->equeue, sizeof(C));
268  if (!p) {
269  return 0;
270  }
272  new (p) C(*(F *)(e + 1), args...);
273  equeue_event_delay(p, e->delay.count());
274  equeue_event_period(p, e->period.count());
275  equeue_event_dtor(p, &EventQueue::function_dtor<C>);
276  return equeue_post(e->equeue, &EventQueue::function_call<C>, p);
277  }
279  template <typename F>
280  static void event_dtor(struct event *e)
281  {
282  ((F *)(e + 1))->~F();
283  }
285 public:
286  /** Create an event
287  * @param q Event queue to dispatch on
288  * @param f Function to execute when the event is dispatched
289  * @param context_args Arguments to bind to the callback, these arguments are
290  * allocated on an IRQ-safe allocator from the event queue's
291  * memory pool. Must be type-compatible with bound_args, the
292  * arguments to the underlying callback.
293  */
294  template <typename F, typename... ContextArgTs>
295  Event(EventQueue *q, F f, ContextArgTs... context_args) :
296  Event(q, EventQueue::context<F, ContextArgTs...>(f, context_args...)) { }
298  /** Create an event
299  * @see Event::Event
300  */
301  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
302  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...), B0 b0) :
303  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
305  /** Create an event
306  * @see Event::Event
307  */
308  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
309  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0) :
310  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
312  /** Create an event
313  * @see Event::Event
314  */
315  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
316  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0) :
317  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
319  /** Create an event
320  * @see Event::Event
321  */
322  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
323  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0) :
324  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
326  /** Create an event
327  * @see Event::Event
328  */
329  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
330  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1) :
331  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
333  /** Create an event
334  * @see Event::Event
335  */
336  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
337  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1) :
338  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
340  /** Create an event
341  * @see Event::Event
342  */
343  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
344  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1) :
345  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
347  /** Create an event
348  * @see Event::Event
349  */
350  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
351  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1) :
352  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
354  /** Create an event
355  * @see Event::Event
356  */
357  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
358  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
359  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
361  /** Create an event
362  * @see Event::Event
363  */
364  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
365  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
366  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
368  /** Create an event
369  * @see Event::Event
370  */
371  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
372  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
373  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
375  /** Create an event
376  * @see Event::Event
377  */
378  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
379  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
380  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
382  /** Create an event
383  * @see Event::Event
384  */
385  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
386  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
387  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
389  /** Create an event
390  * @see Event::Event
391  */
392  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
393  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
394  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
396  /** Create an event
397  * @see Event::Event
398  */
399  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
400  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
401  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
403  /** Create an event
404  * @see Event::Event
405  */
406  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
407  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
408  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
410  /** Create an event
411  * @see Event::Event
412  */
413  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
414  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
415  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
417  /** Create an event
418  * @see Event::Event
419  */
420  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
421  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
422  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
424  /** Create an event
425  * @see Event::Event
426  */
427  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
428  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
429  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
431  /** Create an event
432  * @see Event::Event
433  */
434  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
435  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
436  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
437 };
439 /** @}*/
442 // Convenience functions declared here to avoid cyclic
443 // dependency between Event and EventQueue
444 template <typename R, typename... ArgTs>
445 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(ArgTs...))
446 {
447  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func);
448 }
450 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
451 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...))
452 {
453  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
454 }
456 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
457 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const)
458 {
459  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
460 }
462 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
463 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) volatile)
464 {
465  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
466 }
468 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
469 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const volatile)
470 {
471  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
472 }
474 template <typename R, typename... ArgTs>
475 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(ArgTs...)> cb)
476 {
477  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb);
478 }
480 template <typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
481 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, ArgTs...), C0 c0)
482 {
483  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0);
484 }
486 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
487 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...), C0 c0)
488 {
489  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
490 }
492 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
493 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0)
494 {
495  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
496 }
498 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
499 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0)
500 {
501  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
502 }
504 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
505 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0)
506 {
507  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
508 }
510 template <typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
511 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0)
512 {
513  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0);
514 }
516 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
517 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1)
518 {
519  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1);
520 }
522 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
523 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1)
524 {
525  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
526 }
528 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
529 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1)
530 {
531  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
532 }
534 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
535 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1)
536 {
537  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
538 }
540 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
541 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1)
542 {
543  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
544 }
546 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
547 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1)
548 {
549  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1);
550 }
552 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
553 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
554 {
555  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1, c2);
556 }
558 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
559 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
560 {
561  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
562 }
564 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
565 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
566 {
567  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
568 }
570 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
571 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
572 {
573  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
574 }
576 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
577 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
578 {
579  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
580 }
582 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
583 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
584 {
585  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1, c2);
586 }
588 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
589 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
590 {
591  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1, c2, c3);
592 }
594 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
595 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
596 {
597  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
598 }
600 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
601 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
602 {
603  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
604 }
606 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
607 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
608 {
609  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
610 }
612 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
613 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
614 {
615  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
616 }
618 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
619 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
620 {
621  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1, c2, c3);
622 }
624 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
625 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
626 {
627  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
628 }
630 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
631 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
632 {
633  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
634 }
636 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
637 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
638 {
639  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
640 }
642 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
643 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
644 {
645  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
646 }
648 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
649 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
650 {
651  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
652 }
654 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
655 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
656 {
657  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
658 }
660 /** @}*/
661 }
662 #endif
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:351
int post(ArgTs...args) const
Posts an event onto the underlying event queue.
Definition: Event.h:190
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:400
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:393
void cancel() const
Cancels the most recently posted event.
Definition: Event.h:240
Definition: EventQueue.h:62
Definition: Event.h:38
Event & operator=(const Event &that)
Assignment operator for events.
Definition: Event.h:97
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:414
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:421
Event(const Event &e)
Copy constructor for events.
Definition: Event.h:86
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:386
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:330
void period(duration p)
Configure the period of an event.
Definition: Event.h:150
Callback< R(ArgTs...)> callback(R(*func)(ArgTs...)=nullptr) noexcept
Create a callback class with type inferred from the arguments.
Definition: Callback.h:678
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:323
static void thunk(void *func, ArgTs...args)
Static thunk for passing as C-style function.
Definition: Event.h:224
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:379
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:309
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:435
Event(EventQueue *q, F f)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:64
#define MBED_ASSERT(expr)
MBED_ASSERT Declare runtime assertions: results in runtime error if condition is false.
Definition: mbed_assert.h:66
void call(ArgTs...args) const
Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void.
Definition: Event.h:204
Definition: equeue.h:61
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...), B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:302
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:428
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:358
void delay(duration d)
Configure the delay of an event.
Definition: Event.h:125
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:344
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:337
Event(EventQueue *q, F f, ContextArgTs...context_args)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:295
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:372
void operator()(ArgTs...args) const
Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void.
Definition: Event.h:214
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:365
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:407
Event< void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(BoundArgTs..., ArgTs...), ContextArgTs...context_args)
Creates an event bound to the event queue.
Callback class based on template specialization.
Definition: Callback.h:53
Definition: ATHandler.h:46
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:316
MBED_UNUSED Declare a function argument to be unused, suppressing compiler warnings.
MBED_DEPRECATED("message string") Mark a function declaration as deprecated, if it used then a warnin...
Destructor for events.
Definition: Event.h:109
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